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mkcd() { | |
dir="$*" | |
mkdir -p "$dir" && cd "$dir" | |
} | |
cpwd() { | |
pwd | pbcopy | |
} | |
alias gcne='git commit --amend --no-edit' | |
# Git delete all merged branches | |
alias gdmb='git branch --merged main | grep -v main | xargs -I % sh -c "git branch -d %; git push -d origin %;"' | |
alias gap='git add -p' | |
alias ap='gap' | |
unalias gcm | |
gcm() { | |
local has_main=$(git branch --list main) | |
if [[ -z ${has_main} ]]; then | |
git checkout master | |
else | |
git checkout main | |
fi | |
} | |
# Git Sync with Master: from master branch, pull, and delete all merged branches locally and remotely | |
alias gsm='gcm;gl;gdmb;git remote prune origin;' | |
alias sm='gsm' | |
alias st='git status' | |
p() { | |
if [[ $(git checkout) ]]; then | |
gp | |
else | |
git push --set-upstream origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) | |
fi | |
} | |
alias gpu='git push --set-upstream origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)' | |
alias gpuo='gpu;go' | |
alias gpff='git push --force' | |
alias gpf='git push --force-with-lease' | |
alias pf='gpf' | |
alias gpsm='git push staging master' | |
alias go='git open' | |
alias o='git open' | |
# Git stage all deleted | |
alias gsd='git rm $(git ls-files --deleted)' | |
# Git fetch upstream and merge to master | |
gfu() { | |
git fetch upstream | |
git merge upstream/master | |
} | |
alias gt='git checkout --track' | |
alias gphm='git push heroku master' | |
alias glp='git log -p' | |
alias gln='git log --name-only' | |
alias gc='git clone' | |
gcamp() { | |
git add . | |
str="$*" | |
gcam "$str" | |
gp | |
} | |
alias a.='ga .' | |
alias a='ga' | |
alias ©='gcamp' | |
†() { | |
str="$*" | |
gcamp "$str" | |
} | |
alias grm='git rebase master' | |
alias grc='git rebase --continue' | |
alias gra='git rebase --abort' | |
alias grao='git remote add origin' | |
alias uc='git commit -m "Update Changelog"' | |
alias ucp='uc;gp' | |
alias gucp='guc;gp' | |
# Remove all local branches except master | |
alias remove_all_local_branches_except_master='git branch | grep -v "master\|main" | xargs git branch -D ' | |
b() { | |
if [ $# -eq 0 ] | |
then | |
git branch | |
else | |
gco -b $* | |
fi | |
} | |
# git commit -m | |
c() { | |
if [ $# -eq 0 ] | |
then | |
git commit | |
else | |
str="$*" | |
git commit -m "$str" | |
fi | |
} | |
# Grep for string in list of branches and git checkout a find | |
ggc() { | |
gco $(gb | grep $1) | |
} | |
gto() { | |
branch="$*" | |
git checkout --track origin/"$branch" | |
} | |
# Copy current branch name to clipboard | |
ccb() { | |
git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2 | pbcopy | |
} | |
# Go to branch via fzf | |
fb() { | |
git branch | fzf | xargs git checkout | |
} | |
alias pc='gh pr create' | |
alias opr='hub pr show' | |
alias pro='hub pr show' | |
alias h='heroku' | |
alias ho='heroku open' | |
# NPM | |
alias ns='npm start' | |
alias ni='npm i' | |
alias nis='npm i --save' | |
alias nt='npm test' | |
alias nta='npm run test-all' | |
# Yarn | |
alias y='yarn' | |
alias yi='yarn install' | |
alias ys='yarn start' | |
alias yd='yarn dev' | |
alias ya='yi;ys' | |
alias yo='yarn outdated' | |
alias u='yvm use' | |
alias ytw='yarn test --watch' | |
alias tw='yarn test --watch' | |
alias ytd='yarn test:debug:watch' | |
alias cc='yarn check:code' | |
alias ytu='yarn test -u' | |
alias yad='yarn add --dev' | |
alias yl='yarn lint' | |
alias yv='yarn validate' | |
alias e2er='y test:e2e:run' | |
# Jest | |
alias j='jest' | |
# Rspec and notify done | |
nrspec() { | |
path="$*" | |
rspec "$path" && notify_done; | |
} | |
# alias rs='rails server -b' | |
alias fs='foreman start' | |
# Run Rubocop on non-deleted, .rb files that are different in your branch from master | |
alias rcf='git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --name-only head origin/master | xargs ls -1 2>/dev/null | grep '\.rb$' | xargs rubocop' | |
# Run Rubocop on non-deleted, .rb files that are different in your branch from master | |
alias scf='git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --name-only head origin/master | xargs ls -1 2>/dev/null | grep '\.rb$' | xargs rspec' | |
alias rspec='bundle exec rspec' | |
# Ksdiff recipes | |
alias ksde='ksdiff ~/code/open-source/elixir/source ~/code/open-source/elixir/clone' | |
# Vim | |
alias v='vim' | |
alias vv='vim .' | |
alias virc='vim ~/.vimrc' | |
alias vpi='v +PlugInstall' | |
alias vpu='v +PlugUpdate' | |
alias vpc='v +PlugClean' | |
# Ip | |
alias ip="dig +short" | |
alias localip="ipconfig getifaddr en0" | |
# oh-my-zsh config | |
z() { | |
vim ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/gusaiani/gusaiani.plugin.zsh | |
} | |
li() { | |
if [ -f firebase.json ]; then | |
yarn lint:js;yarn lint:deps | |
else | |
yarn lint | |
fi | |
} | |
t() { | |
if [ -f mix.exs ]; then | |
mix test "$@" | |
elif [ -f Gemfile.lock ]; then | |
rspec "$@" | |
elif [ -d __pycache__ ]; then | |
pytest "$@" | |
else | |
yarn test "$@" | |
fi | |
} | |
s() { | |
blacktab | |
# metabase | |
if [ -f webpack.static-viz.config.js ]; then | |
NODE_OPTIONS="--max-old-space-size=8096" yarn dev-ee | |
elif [ -f ]; then | | runserver | |
elif [ -f mix.exs ]; then | |
iex -S mix phx.server | |
elif [ -f elm-package.json ]; then | |
elm-live --port=3000 --output=elm.js src/Main.elm --pushstate --open --debug | |
elif [ -f Gemfile.lock ]; then | |
foreman start | |
elif [ -f default.hbs ]; then | |
yarn watch | |
elif [ -d .next ]; then | |
yarn dev | |
elif [ -f firestore.indexes.json ]; then | |
firebase serve --only functions | |
elif [ -f Cargo.toml ]; then | |
cargo run | |
else | |
yarn start | |
fi | |
} | |
td() { | |
t; | |
OUT=$? | |
if [ $OUT -eq 0 ]; then | |
say "Tests passed" | |
else | |
say "Failure in tests" | |
fi | |
} | |
# Cypress | |
co() { | |
if [ -f webpack.static-viz.config.js ]; then | |
yarn test-cypress-open | |
else | |
npx cypress open | |
fi | |
} | |
alias cr='npx cypress run' | |
alias cdee='cd ~/code/estudo/elixir' | |
alias cdos='cd ~/code/open-source' | |
alias es='cd ~/code/open-source/elixir/source' | |
alias ec='cd ~/code/open-source/elixir/clone' | |
alias e='cd ~/code/open-source/elixir/' | |
alias cdce='cd ~/code/estudo/elixir/cracking-interview-elixir' | |
alias cdcj='cd ~/code/estudo/js/js-cracking-coding-interview' | |
alias q='cd ~/code/estudo/quantum' | |
alias re='cd ~/code/open-source/react' | |
alias res='cd ~/code/open-source/react/source' | |
alias rec='cd ~/code/open-source/react/clone' | |
alias hr='cd ~/code/estudo/js/hacker-rank' | |
alias hre='cd ~/code/estudo/elixir/hacker_rank' | |
alias hrr='cd ~/code/estudo/ruby/hacker_rank' | |
alias hrp='cd ~/code/estudo/python/hacker_rank' | |
alias lc='cd ~/code/estudo/js/leetcode' | |
alias egg='cd ~/code/estudo/elixir/pragstudio/getaways/backend' | |
alias di='cd ~/Documents/Gustavo\ Saiani/.j;vim "+ normal G $"' | |
alias ac='cd ~/Documents/acoes-bovespa && vim +1 empresas.txt' | |
alias san='cd ~/code/security-analysis-graham-dodd && vim "+ normal G $"' | |
alias gsw='cd ~/code/' | |
alias gsbl='cd ~/code/' | |
alias bs='bin/setup -v' | |
alias bu='bundle update' | |
alias bi='bundle install' | |
alias mted='MIX_ENV=test mix ecto.drop' | |
alias hism='heroku run "POOL_SIZE=2 iex -S mix"' | |
alias er='~/code/estudo/js/kent-dodds/epic-react/testing-react-apps' | |
alias in='~/code/index/index-assessment' | |
ti() { | |
cd ~/code/travels-in-italy | |
vim -c 'windo execute "norm! G" | winc h' -O | |
} | |
lp() { | |
cd ~/code/little-prince | |
vim -c 'windo execute "norm! G" | winc h' -O | |
} | |
pp() { | |
cd ~/code/pragmatic-programmer-russian | |
vim -c 'windo execute "norm! G" | winc h' -O | |
} | |
# Gist | |
# uzg - Update Zsh Gist | |
alias uzg='gist -u 70736c970c2b2d4020006eb7dd31bc40 /Users/gustavosaiani/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/gusaiani/gusaiani.plugin.zsh' | |
alias uvg='gist -u 82efd3fab81e416c6830782a408b5514 ~/.vimrc' | |
alias uzrg='gist -u 96b2f5ae47dcc003e60b52b5be9dcbe5 ~/.zshrc' | |
alias gistup='uzg;uvg;uzrg' | |
# Update Keyboard Maestro Repository | |
uk() { | |
cd ~/.keyboard-maestro-macros | |
gcamp "…More" | |
- | |
} | |
tabcolor() { | |
echo -e -n "\033]6;1;bg;red;brightness;$1\a" | |
echo -e -n "\033]6;1;bg;green;brightness;$2\a" | |
echo -e -n "\033]6;1;bg;blue;brightness;$3\a" | |
} | |
alias p3='python3' | |
blacktab() { | |
tabcolor 0 0 0 | |
} | |
# Formatted, syntax-highlighted cat | |
# brew install bat | |
# | |
alias cat='bat' | |
# Nicer looking ls | |
# | |
alias l='k -A -h' | |
alias n='node' | |
alias ag='ag --path-to-ignore ~/.agignore' | |
alias mb='cd ~/code/metabase/metabase' | |
alias mbh='cd ~/code/metabase/handbook' | |
alias mif='cd ~/code/metabase/infra-frontend' | |
jdk() { | |
version=$1 | |
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v"$version"); | |
java -version | |
} | |
# alias j12="export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 12`; java -version" | |
# alias j11="export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 11`; java -version" | |
# alias j10="export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 10`; java -version" | |
# alias j9="export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 9`; java -version" | |
# alias j8="export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`; java -version" | |
# alias j7="export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7`; java -version" |
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