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Last active June 4, 2021 11:55
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#eslint #prettier

1. Install EsLint

  • npm i -D eslint
  • npx eslint --init

2. Config

  • .eslintrc.js = config file created during init

2.1. Inheriting config

  • ESLint will automatically look for config files until the root of the filesystem
  • unless root: true is specified in a .eslintrc.* file

3. Run

  • display errors/warnings = npx eslint script.js
  • fix = npx eslint --fix script.js

4. Watch

  • npm i -D eslint-watch
  • npx esw -w --fix --color script.js

5. Eslint plugins

5.1. eslint-plugin-es

  • NOTE: prototypes rules aren't yet in any release
    • here
    • they must be enabled with 'aggressive' option
  • .eslintrc.cjs:
    "plugins": [ "es" ],
    "parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2018 },
    "extends": [ "plugin:es/restrict-to-es2018" ],
    "rules": {
        "es/no-regexp-lookbehind-assertions": "error",

6. Install Prettier

  • npm i -D prettier

7. Run

  • output to terminal = npx prettier script.js
  • fix = npx prettier -w script.js

8. Config

  • .prettierrc.js:
module.exports = {
  singleQuote: true,

9. EsLint & Prettier Integration

9.1. Disable conflicting rules

  • npm i -D eslint-plugin-prettier
    • reports prettier rules as eslint rules
  • npm i -D eslint-config-prettier
    • turn off rules that conflict with Prettier
  • .eslintrc.js:
  // ...
  "plugins": ["prettier"],
  "rules": {
    "prettier/prettier": "error"
  "extends": [

9.2. Run prettier and then eslint --fix

  • format code with prettier and then passes result to eslint --fix
  • npm i -D prettier-eslint prettier-eslint-cli
  • use = npx prettier-eslint --write $PWD/script.js

10. Install StyleLint

  • npm i -D stylelint stylelint-config-standard
  • .stylelintrc.json:
  "extends": "stylelint-config-standard"

11. Run

  • npx stylelint --fix style.css

12. Stylelint plugin

  • npm i -D stylelint-order
  • .stylelintrc.json:
  "plugins": [
	"rules": {
    "order/properties-alphabetical-order": true

13. Stylelint sass plugin

  • introduces rules specific to SCSS syntax, IT'S NOT a style guide
  • npm i -D stylelint-scss
  • .stylelintrc.json:
  "plugins": [
	"rules": {
		"scss/double-slash-comment-empty-line-before": "always"

14. Stylelint & Prettier integration

  • NOTE: method 1 is recommended

14.1. Disable conflicting rules

  • npm i -D stylelint-prettier
    • reports prettier as a stylelint rule
  • npm i -D stylelint-config-prettier
    • disable rules that conflict with prettier
  • .stylelintrc.json:
  "extends": [
		"stylelint-config-prettier" // NOTE: must be the last
  "plugins": [
	"rules": {
		"prettier/prettier": true

14.2. Run prettier and then stylelint --fix

  • NOTE: deprecated
  • npm i -D prettier-stylelint
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