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Created March 10, 2017 04:37
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Supersonic flow oblique shock solver, for 2D wedge and 3D cone (using Taylor-Maccoll relations) in Python
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
def temp_to_sos(T):
# Speed of sound in dry air given temperature in K
return 20.05 * T**0.5
def taylor_maccoll(y, theta, gamma=1.4):
# Taylor-Maccoll function
# Source:
v_r, v_theta = y
dydt = [
(v_theta ** 2 * v_r - (gamma - 1) / 2 * (1 - v_r ** 2 - v_theta ** 2) * (2 * v_r + v_theta / np.tan(theta))) / ((gamma - 1) / 2 * (1 - v_r ** 2 - v_theta ** 2) - v_theta ** 2)
return dydt
def oblique_shock(theta, Ma, T, p, rho, gamma=1.4):
Computes the weak oblique shock resulting from supersonic
flow impinging on a wedge in 2 dimensional flow.
- theta is the angle of the wedge in radians.
- Ma, T, p, and rho are the Mach number, temperature (K),
pressure (Pa), and density (kg/m^3) of the flow.
- gamma is the ratio of specific heats. Defaults
to air's typical value of 1.4.
- shock angle in radians
- resultant flow direction in radians
- respectively, Mach number, temperature, pressure, density,
and velocity components downstream of shock.
x = np.tan(theta)
for B in np.arange(1, 500) * np.pi/1000:
r = 2 / np.tan(B) * (Ma**2 * np.sin(B)**2 - 1) / (Ma**2 * (gamma + np.cos(2 * B)) + 2)
if r > x:
cot_a = np.tan(B) * ((gamma + 1) * Ma ** 2 / (2 * (Ma ** 2 * np.sin(B) ** 2 - 1)) - 1)
a = np.arctan(1 / cot_a)
Ma2 = 1 / np.sin(B - theta) * np.sqrt((1 + (gamma - 1)/2 * Ma**2 * np.sin(B)**2) / (gamma * Ma**2 * np.sin(B)**2 - (gamma - 1)/2))
h = Ma ** 2 * np.sin(B) ** 2
T2 = T * (2 * gamma * h - (gamma - 1)) * ((gamma - 1) * h + 2) / ((gamma + 1) ** 2 * h)
p2 = p * (2 * gamma * h - (gamma - 1)) / (gamma + 1)
rho2 = rho * ((gamma + 1) * h) / ((gamma - 1) * h + 2)
v2 = Ma2 * temp_to_sos(T2)
v_x = v2 * np.cos(a)
v_y = v2 * np.sin(a)
return B, a, Ma2, T2, p2, rho2, v_x, v_y
def cone_shock(cone_angle, Ma, T, p, rho):
Computes properties of the conical oblique shock resulting
from supersonic flow impinging on a cone in 3 dimensional flow.
- cone_angle is the half-angle of the 3D cone in radians.
- Ma, T, p, and rho are the Mach number, temperature (K),
pressure (Pa), and density (kg/m^3) of the flow.
- shock angle in radians
- flow redirection amount in radians
- respectively, Mach number, temperature, pressure, density,
and velocity components downstream of shock.
wedge_angles = np.linspace(cone_angle, 0, 300)
for wedge_angle in wedge_angles:
B, a, Ma2, T2, p2, rho2, v_x, v_y = oblique_shock(wedge_angle, Ma, T, p, rho)
v_theta = v_y * np.cos(B) - v_x * np.sin(B)
v_r = v_y * np.sin(B) + v_x * np.cos(B)
y0 = [v_r, v_theta]
thetas = np.linspace(B, cone_angle, 2000)
sol = odeint(taylor_maccoll, y0, thetas)
if sol[-1, 1] < 0:
return B, a, Ma2, T2, p2, rho2, v_x, v_y
# Example of a wedge with half-angle of 10 degrees in Mach 2.1 flow:
result = oblique_shock(10 * np.pi / 180, 2.1, 280, 10000, 0.1)
print('Wedge, shock angle in degrees', result[0] * 180/np.pi)
print('Wedge, downstream Mach number', result[2])
# Returns 37 degrees and Mach 1.73
# Example of a cone with half-angle of 10 degrees in Mach 2.1 flow:
result = cone_shock(10 * np.pi / 180, 2.1, 280, 10000, 0.1)
print('Cone, shock angle in degrees', result[0] * 180/np.pi)
print('Cone, downstream Mach number', result[2])
# Returns 32 degrees and Mach 1.95
# Note the 3D case is weaker, because the airflow has an extra dimension to move in
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Thanks! Very useful!

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