- CDC in Thoughtworks Tech Radar (listed more than three times as a technique to embrace/adopt in projects using micro services): https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar/techniques/consumer-driven-contract-testing
- Extensive reading, detailing main concepts behind CDC: https://martinfowler.com/articles/consumerDrivenContracts.html
- Official Pact documentation (CDC most used framework): https://docs.pact.io/
- Official Pact channel to questions and suggestions: https://gitter.im/realestate-com-au/pact
- An approach/tool to share and save pacts between consumers and providers (Pact Broker): https://docs.pact.io/documentation/sharings_pacts.html and https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker
- Great person to contact in case of questions regarding Pact and CDC (follow her tweets!): https://twitter.com/bethesque
- Pact Foundation twitter (lots of ideas): https://twitter.com/pact_up
- Spring Cloud Contract Verifier (Spring solutions to help to implement CDC): https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/
- Recording behaviour with Ruby (create a test double/record & play): https://github.com/vcr/vcr
- Creating test doubles with Mountebank (platform agnostic): http://www.mbtest.org/
- Integration Contract Test (making sure test doubles are updated): https://martinfowler.com/bliki/IntegrationContractTest.html