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Last active January 26, 2020 23:23
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my solutions to pchiusano's amazing gist
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
-- | from
-- 1. Sum up a `[Int]`, using explicit recursion. (nuts and bolts)
sum' :: [Int] -> Int
sum' [] = 0
sum' (i:is) = i + (sum' is)
-- 2. Write a function to reverse a list, including its signature.
-- If possible, use one of the fold combinators, rather than explicit recursion. (nuts and bolts)
rev :: [a] -> [a]
rev = foldl (\b a -> (a:b)) []
-- 3. Implement `filter` for lists. (nuts and bolts)
filter' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter' cond [] = []
filter' cond (x:xs) = if cond x then x:rest else rest
where rest = (filter' cond xs)
-- 4. Implement `filter` and `takeWhile` using `foldr`. (nuts and bolts)
filter'' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter'' cond (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> if cond x then x:xs else xs) [] (x:xs)
takeWhile' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
takeWhile' cond (x:xs) = foldr (\x xs -> if cond x then x:xs else []) [] (x:xs)
-- 5. Implement functions with the following types: (reasoning about types)
-- * `forall a . a -> a`
-- * `forall a . a -> (a, a)`
-- * `forall a b . (a -> b) -> a -> b`
-- * `forall a b c . (a -> b -> c) -> (a,b) -> c`
one :: a -> a
one = id
two :: a -> (a, a)
two = \x -> (t x, t x)
where t = one
three :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
three f a0 = f $ a0
-- *Main> three (\x -> show x) 8
-- "8"
-- *Main> three (\x -> show x) "p"
-- "\"p\""
-- *Main> three (\x -> show x) 'p'
-- "'p'"
four :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a,b) -> c
four f t = (f $ (fst t) ) (snd t)
-- *Main> four (\x y -> show x ++ show y) ("p",True)
-- "\"p\"True"
-- 7. Give the `Monad` instance for `Maybe`. Explain the meaning of `liftM2` for `Maybe`. (knowledge of functional structures)
data Maybe' a = Nothing' | Just' a deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Functor Maybe' where
fmap f Nothing' = Nothing'
fmap f (Just' a) = Just' (f a)
instance Applicative Maybe' where
pure = Just'
Nothing' <*> _ = Nothing'
(Just' f) <*> something = fmap f something
instance Monad Maybe' where
(Just' a) >>= amb = amb a
-- *Main> Just' 5
-- Just' 5
-- *Main> fmap (+ 1) (Just' 5)
-- Just' 6
-- *Main> (Just' 4) <*> (Just' 1)
-- *Main> (Just' (\x -> show (x + 1))) <*> (Just' 5)
-- Just' "6"
-- *Main> (Just' 5) >>= (\x -> Just' (x + 1))
-- Just' 6
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