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Last active November 19, 2020 23:31
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-- Starting Out
-- Ready, set, go!
-- Baby's first functions
doubleMe x = x + x
doubleUs x y = x*2 + y*2
doubleUs' x y = doubleMe x + doubleMe y
doubleSmallNumber x = if x > 100
then x
else x*2
doubleSmallNumber' x = (if x > 100 then x else x*2) + 1
-- An intro to lists
a = 'A': "SMALL CAT"
b = 5:[1,2,3,4,5]
c = "Steve Buscemi" !! 6
d = [3,2,1] > [2,1,0]
e = [3,2,1] > [2,10,100]
f = [3,4,2] > [3,4]
g = [3,4,2] > [2,4]
h = [3,4,2] == [3,4,2]
i = head [5,4,3,2,1]
j = tail [5,4,3,2,1]
k = last [5,4,3,2,1]
l = init [5,4,3,2,1]
m = length [5,4,3,2,1]
n = null [1,2,3]
o = null []
p = reverse [5,4,3,2,1]
q = take 3 [5,4,3,2,1]
r = take 1 [3,9,3]
s = take 5 [1,2]
t = take 0 [6,6,6]
u = drop 3 [8,4,2,1,5,6]
v = drop 0 [1,2,3,4]
w = drop 100 [1,2,3,4]
y = minimum [8,4,2,1,5,6]
z = maximum [1,9,2,3,4]
a' = sum [5,2,1,6,3,2,5,7]
b' = product [6,2,1,2]
c' = product [1,2,5,6,7,9,2,0]
d' = 4 `elem` [3,4,5,6]
e' = 10 `elem` [3,4,5,6]
-- Texas ranges
f' = [1..20]
g' = ['a' .. 'z']
h' = [2,4..20]
i' = [3,6..20]
j' = take 10 (cycle [1,2,3])
k' = take 12 (cycle "LOL ")
l' = take 10 (repeat 5)
m' = take 10 (repeat 5)
-- I'm a list comprehension
n' = [x*2 | x <- [1..10]]
o' = [x*2 | x <- [1..10], x*2 >= 12]
p' = [ x | x <- [50 .. 100], x `mod` 7 == 3]
boomBangs xs = [ if x < 10 then "BOOM!" else "BANG" | x <- xs, odd x]
q' = boomBangs [7 .. 13]
r' = [x | x <- [10..20], x /= 13, x /=15, x /= 19]
s' = [ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11]]
t' = [ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11], x*y > 50]
nouns = ["hobo", "frog", "pope"]
adjectives = ["lazy", "grouchy", "scheming"]
u' = [adjective ++ " " ++ noun | adjective <- adjectives, noun <- nouns]
length' xs = sum [1 | _ <- xs]
removeNonUppercase st = [c | c <- st, c `elem` ['A'..'Z']]
v' = removeNonUppercase "Hahaha! Ahahaha!"
w' = removeNonUppercase "IdontLIKEFROGS"
xxs = [
y' = [ [x | x <- xs, even x] | xs <- xxs]
-- Tuples
z' = fst (8, 11)
a1 = fst ("Wow", False)
b1 = snd (8, 11)
c1 = snd ("Wow", False)
d1 = zip [1,2,3,4,5] [5,5,5,5,5]
e1 = zip [1..5] ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
f1 = zip [5,3,2,6,2,7,2,5,4,6,6] ["im", "a", "turtle"]
g1 = zip [1..] ["apple", "orange", "cherry", "mango"]
triangles = [ (a, b, c) | c <- [1..10], b <- [1..10], a <- [1..10] ]
rightTriangles = [
(a, b, c) |
c <- [1..10],
b <- [1..c],
a <- [1..b],
a^2 + b^2 == c^2
rightTriangles' = [
(a, b, c) |
c <- [1..10],
b <- [1..c],
a <- [1..b],
a^2 + b^2 == c^2,
a + b + c == 24
-- Starting Out
-- Ready, set, go!
-- Baby's first functions
doubleMe x = x + x
doubleUs x y = x*2 + y*2
doubleUs' x y = doubleMe x + doubleMe y
doubleSmallNumber x = if x > 100
then x
else x*2
doubleSmallNumber' x = (if x > 100 then x else x*2) + 1
-- An intro to lists
a = 'A': "SMALL CAT"
b = 5:[1,2,3,4,5]
c = "Steve Buscemi" !! 6
d = [3,2,1] > [2,1,0]
e = [3,2,1] > [2,10,100]
f = [3,4,2] > [3,4]
g = [3,4,2] > [2,4]
h = [3,4,2] == [3,4,2]
i = head [5,4,3,2,1]
j = tail [5,4,3,2,1]
k = last [5,4,3,2,1]
l = init [5,4,3,2,1]
m = length [5,4,3,2,1]
n = null [1,2,3]
o = null []
p = reverse [5,4,3,2,1]
q = take 3 [5,4,3,2,1]
r = take 1 [3,9,3]
s = take 5 [1,2]
t = take 0 [6,6,6]
u = drop 3 [8,4,2,1,5,6]
v = drop 0 [1,2,3,4]
w = drop 100 [1,2,3,4]
y = minimum [8,4,2,1,5,6]
z = maximum [1,9,2,3,4]
a' = sum [5,2,1,6,3,2,5,7]
b' = product [6,2,1,2]
c' = product [1,2,5,6,7,9,2,0]
d' = 4 `elem` [3,4,5,6]
e' = 10 `elem` [3,4,5,6]
-- Texas ranges
f' = [1..20]
g' = ['a' .. 'z']
h' = [2,4..20]
i' = [3,6..20]
j' = take 10 (cycle [1,2,3])
k' = take 12 (cycle "LOL ")
l' = take 10 (repeat 5)
m' = take 10 (repeat 5)
-- I'm a list comprehension
n' = [x*2 | x <- [1..10]]
o' = [x*2 | x <- [1..10], x*2 >= 12]
p' = [ x | x <- [50 .. 100], x `mod` 7 == 3]
boomBangs xs = [ if x < 10 then "BOOM!" else "BANG" | x <- xs, odd x]
q' = boomBangs [7 .. 13]
r' = [x | x <- [10..20], x /= 13, x /=15, x /= 19]
s' = [ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11]]
t' = [ x*y | x <- [2,5,10], y <- [8,10,11], x*y > 50]
nouns = ["hobo", "frog", "pope"]
adjectives = ["lazy", "grouchy", "scheming"]
u' = [adjective ++ " " ++ noun | adjective <- adjectives, noun <- nouns]
length' xs = sum [1 | _ <- xs]
removeNonUppercase st = [c | c <- st, c `elem` ['A'..'Z']]
v' = removeNonUppercase "Hahaha! Ahahaha!"
w' = removeNonUppercase "IdontLIKEFROGS"
xxs = [
y' = [ [x | x <- xs, even x] | xs <- xxs]
-- Tuples
z' = fst (8, 11)
a1 = fst ("Wow", False)
b1 = snd (8, 11)
c1 = snd ("Wow", False)
d1 = zip [1,2,3,4,5] [5,5,5,5,5]
e1 = zip [1..5] ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]
f1 = zip [5,3,2,6,2,7,2,5,4,6,6] ["im", "a", "turtle"]
g1 = zip [1..] ["apple", "orange", "cherry", "mango"]
triangles = [ (a, b, c) | c <- [1..10], b <- [1..10], a <- [1..10] ]
rightTriangles = [
(a, b, c) |
c <- [1..10],
b <- [1..c],
a <- [1..b],
a^2 + b^2 == c^2
rightTriangles' = [
(a, b, c) |
c <- [1..10],
b <- [1..c],
a <- [1..b],
a^2 + b^2 == c^2,
a + b + c == 24
data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
singleton :: a -> Tree a
singleton x = Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree
treeInsert :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
treeInsert x EmptyTree = singleton x
treeInsert x (Node a left right)
| x == a = Node x left right
| x < a = Node a (treeInsert x left) right
| x > a = Node a left (treeInsert x right)
treeElem :: (Ord a) => a -> Tree a -> Bool
treeElem x EmptyTree = False
treeElem x (Node a left right)
| x == a = True
| x < a = treeElem x left
| x > a = treeElem x right
-- *Main> let nums = [8, 6, 4, 1, 7, 3, 5]
-- *Main> let numTree = foldr treeInsert EmptyTree nums
-- *Main> numTree
-- Node 5 (Node 3 (Node 1 EmptyTree EmptyTree) (Node 4 EmptyTree EmptyTree)) (Node 7 (Node 6 EmptyTree EmptyTree) (Node 8 EmptyTree EmptyTree))
-- *Main> 8 `treeElem` numTree
-- True
-- *Main> 100 `treeElem` numTree
-- False
-- *Main> 1 `treeElem` numTree
-- True
-- *Main> 10 `treeElem` numTree
-- False
-- *Main>
main = putStrLn "hello, world"
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ ghc --make helloworld
-- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( helloworld.hs, helloworld.o )
-- Linking helloworld ...
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ ./helloworld
-- hello, world
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ ^C
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, what's your name?"
name <- getLine
putStrLn ("Hey " ++ name ++ ", you rock!")
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ runhaskell nameguess.hs
-- Hello, what's your name?
-- asfd asdf
-- Hey asfd asdf, you rock!
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$
import Data.Char
main = do
putStrLn "What's your first name?"
firstName <- getLine
putStrLn "What's your last name?"
lastName <- getLine
let bigFirstName = map toUpper firstName
bigLastName = map toUpper lastName
putStrLn $ "hey " ++ bigFirstName ++ " " ++ bigLastName ++ ", how are you?"
main = do
line <- getLine
if null line
then return ()
else do
putStrLn $ reverseWords line
reverseWords :: String -> String
reverseWords = unwords . map reverse . words
-- Using return doesn't cause the I/O
-- do block to end in execution or
-- anything like that.
-- For instance, this program will
-- quite happily carry out all the
-- way to the last line:
main = do
return ()
return "HAHAHA"
line <- getLine
return 4
putStrLn line
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
main = forever $ do
putStr "Give me some input: "
l <- getLine
putStrLn $ map toUpper l
-- $ ghc --make 06-capslocker.hs
-- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( 06-capslocker.hs, 06-capslocker.o )
-- Linking 06-capslocker ...
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ cat haiku.txt | ./06-capslocker
-- Give me some input: I'M A LIL' TEAPOT
-- Give me some input: WHAT'S WITH THAT AIRPLANE FOOD, HUH?
-- Give me some input: IT'S SO SMALL, TASTELESS
-- Give me some input: 06-capslocker: <stdin>: hGetLine: end of file
import Data.Char
main = do
contents <- getContents
putStrLn (map toUpper contents)
-- $ ghc --make 07-get-contents.hs
-- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( 07-get-contents.hs, 07-get-contents.o )
-- Linking 07-get-contents ...
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ cat haiku.txt | ./07-get-contents
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ ./07-get-contents
-- hi
-- HI
-- how are you
import Data.Char
-- Let's make program that takes some input and prints out only those lines that are shorter than 10 characters. Observe:
main = do
contents <- getContents
putStr (shortLinesOnly contents)
shortLinesOnly :: String -> String
shortLinesOnly input =
let allLines = lines input
shortLines = filter (\line -> length line < 10) allLines
result = unlines shortLines
in result
-- $ ghc --make 08-shortlinesonly.hs
-- [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( 08-shortlinesonly.hs, 08-shortlinesonly.o )
-- Linking 08-shortlinesonly ...
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ cat shortlines.txt | ./08-shortlinesonly
-- so am i
-- short
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ cat haiku.txt | ./08-shortlinesonly
-- gustavo@yasiyatere:~/workspace/haskel-stuff/src/Ch09$ ^C
import Data.Char
-- -- first version
-- main = do
-- contents <- getContents
-- putStr (shortLinesOnly contents)
-- interact takes a function of type String -> String as a parameter
-- and returns an I/O action that will take some input,
-- run that function on it and then print out the function's result.
main = interact shortLinesOnly
-- main = interact $ unlines . filter ((<10) . length) . lines
shortLinesOnly :: String -> String
shortLinesOnly input =
let allLines = lines input
shortLines = filter (\line -> length line < 10) allLines
result = unlines shortLines
in result
main = interact respondPalindromes'
respondPalindromes contents =
unlines (map (\xs -> if isPalindrome xs then "palindrome" else "not a palindrome") (lines contents))
where isPalindrome xs = xs == reverse xs
respondPalindromes' =
unlines . map (\xs -> if isPalindrome xs then "palindrome" else "not a palindrome") . lines
where isPalindrome xs = xs == reverse xs
-- $ runhaskell 10-palindrome.hs
-- palindrome
-- anitalavalatina
-- palindrome
-- hallo how are you
-- not a palindrome
import System.IO
import Data.Char
main0 = do
handle <- openFile "girlfriend.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
putStr contents
hClose handle
main1 = do
withFile "girlfriend.txt" ReadMode (\handle -> do
contents <- hGetContents handle
putStr contents)
withFile' :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withFile' path mode f = do
handle <- openFile path mode
result <- f handle
hClose handle
return result
main2 = do
contents <- readFile "girlfriend.txt"
putStr contents
main = do
contents <- readFile "girlfriend.txt"
writeFile "girlfriendcaps.txt" (map toUpper contents)
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Data.List
main0 = do
todoItem <- getLine
appendFile "todo.txt" (todoItem ++ "\n")
main = do
handle <- openFile "todo.txt" ReadMode
(tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "temp"
contents <- hGetContents handle
let todoTasks = lines contents
numberedTasks = zipWith (\n line -> show n ++ " - " ++ line) [0..] todoTasks
putStrLn "These are your TO-DO items:"
putStr $ unlines numberedTasks
putStrLn "Which one do you want to delete?"
numberString <- getLine
let number = read numberString
newTodoItems = delete (todoTasks !! number) todoTasks
hPutStr tempHandle $ unlines newTodoItems
hClose handle
hClose tempHandle
removeFile "todo.txt"
renameFile tempName "todo.txt"
import System.Environment
import Data.List
main = do
args <- getArgs
progName <- getProgName
putStrLn "The arguments are:"
mapM putStrLn args
putStrLn "the program name is:"
putStrLn progName
-- $ ./arg-test first second w00t "multi word arg"
-- The arguments are:
-- first
-- second
-- w00t
-- multi word arg
-- The program name is:
-- arg-test
-- import System.Environment
-- import System.Directory
-- import System.IO
-- import Data.List
-- add :: [String] -> IO ()
-- add [fileName, todoItem] = appendFile fileName (todoItem ++ "\n")
-- view :: [String] -> IO ()
-- view [fileName] = do
-- contents <- readFile fileName
-- let todoTasks = lines contents
-- numberedTasks = zipWith (\n line -> show n ++ " - " ++ line) [0..] todoTasks
-- putStr $ unlines numberedTasks
-- remove :: [String] -> IO ()
-- remove [fileName, numberString] = do
-- handle <- openFile fileName ReadMode
-- (tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "temp"
-- contents <- hGetContents handle
-- let number = read numberString
-- todoTasks = lines contents
-- newTodoItems = delete (todoTasks !! number) todoTasks
-- hPutStr tempHandle $ unlines newTodoItems
-- hClose handle
-- hClose tempHandle
-- removeFile fileName
-- renameFile tempName fileName
-- dispatch :: [(String, [String] -> IO ())]
-- dispatch = [ ("add", add)
-- , ("view", view)
-- , ("remove", remove)
-- ]
-- main = do
-- (command:args) <- getArgs
-- let (Just action) = lookup command dispatch
-- action args
import System.Environment
import System.Directory
import System.IO
import Data.List
dispatch :: [(String, [String] -> IO ())]
dispatch = [ ("add", add)
, ("view", view)
, ("remove", remove)
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
let (Just action) = lookup command dispatch
action args
add :: [String] -> IO ()
add [fileName, todoItem] = appendFile fileName (todoItem ++ "\n")
view :: [String] -> IO ()
view [fileName] = do
contents <- readFile fileName
let todoTasks = lines contents
numberedTasks = zipWith (\n line -> show n ++ " - " ++ line) [0..] todoTasks
putStr $ unlines numberedTasks
remove :: [String] -> IO ()
remove [fileName, numberString] = do
handle <- openFile fileName ReadMode
(tempName, tempHandle) <- openTempFile "." "temp"
contents <- hGetContents handle
let number = read numberString
todoTasks = lines contents
newTodoItems = delete (todoTasks !! number) todoTasks
hPutStr tempHandle $ unlines newTodoItems
hClose handle
hClose tempHandle
removeFile fileName
renameFile tempName fileName
import System.Random
import Data.List
import Control.Monad(when)
a = random(mkStdGen 100) :: (Int, StdGen)
b = random(mkStdGen 100) :: (Int, StdGen)
c = random(mkStdGen 100) :: (Int, StdGen)
d = random(mkStdGen 949494) :: (Int, StdGen)
e = random(mkStdGen 949488) :: (Float, StdGen)
f = random(mkStdGen 949488) :: (Bool, StdGen)
g = random(mkStdGen 949488) :: (Integer, StdGen)
threeCoins :: StdGen -> (Bool, Bool, Bool)
threeCoins gen =
let (firstCoin, newGen) = random gen
(secondCoin, newGen') = random newGen
(thirdCoin, newGen'') = random newGen'
in (firstCoin, secondCoin, thirdCoin)
h = threeCoins (mkStdGen 21)
i = threeCoins (mkStdGen 22)
j = threeCoins (mkStdGen 943)
k = threeCoins (mkStdGen 944)
l = take 5 $ randoms (mkStdGen 11) :: [Int]
m = take 5 $ randoms (mkStdGen 11) :: [Bool]
n = take 5 $ randoms (mkStdGen 11) :: [Float]
randoms' :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => g -> [a]
randoms' gen = let (value, newGen) = random gen in value:randoms' newGen
-- We could make a function that generates a finite stream of numbers and a new generator like this:
finiteRandoms :: (RandomGen g, Random a, Num n, Eq n) => n -> g -> ([a], g)
finiteRandoms 0 gen = ([], gen)
finiteRandoms n gen =
let (value, newGen) = random gen
(restOfList, finalGen) = finiteRandoms (n-1) newGen
in (value:restOfList, finalGen)
-- o = randomR (1, 6) (mkStdGen 359353)
-- p = randomR (1, 6) (mkStdGen 35935335)
-- r = take 10 $ randomR ('a', 'z') (mkStdGen 3) :: [Char]
main0 = do
gen <- getStdGen
putStr $ take 20 (randomRs ('a', 'z') gen)
main1 = do
gen <- getStdGen
putStrLn $ take 20 (randomRs ('a', 'z') gen)
gen2 <- getStdGen
putStr $ take 20 (randomRs ('a', 'z') gen2)
main2 = do
gen <- getStdGen
let randomChars = randomRs ('a', 'z') gen
(first20, rest) = splitAt 20 randomChars
(second20, _) = splitAt 20 rest
putStrLn first20
putStrLn second20
main3 = do
gen <- getStdGen
putStrLn $ take 20 (randomRs ('a', 'z') gen)
gen' <- newStdGen
putStr $ take 20 (randomRs ('a', 'z') gen)
main4 = do
gen <- getStdGen
askForNumber gen
askForNumber :: StdGen -> IO ()
askForNumber gen = do
let (randNumber, newGen) = randomR (1,10) gen :: (Int, StdGen)
putStr "Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of?"
numberString <- getLine
when (not $ null numberString) $ do
let number = read numberString
if randNumber == number
then putStrLn "You are correct!"
else putStrLn $ "Sorry, it was " ++ show randNumber
askForNumber newGen
-- $ runhaskell guess_the_number.hs
-- Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of? 4
-- Sorry, it was 3
-- Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of? 10
-- You are correct!
-- Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of? 2
-- Sorry, it was 4
-- Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of? 5
-- Sorry, it was 10
-- Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of?
main5 = do
gen <- getStdGen
let (randNumber, _) = randomR (1,10) gen :: (Int, StdGen)
putStr "Which number in the range from 1 to 10 am I thinking of?"
numberString <- getLine
when (not $ null numberString) $ do
let number = read numberString
if randNumber == number
then putStrLn "You are correct!"
else putStrLn $ "Sorry, it was " ++ show randNumber
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
a = B.pack [99,97,110]
b = B.pack [98..120]
c = B.fromChunks [
S.pack [40,41,42],
S.pack [43,44,45],
S.pack [46,47,48]
d = B.cons 85 $ B.pack [80,81,82,84]
e = B.cons' 85 $ B.pack [80,81,82,84]
f = foldr B.cons B.empty [50..60]
g = foldr B.cons' B.empty [50..60]
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
main = do
(fileName1:fileName2:_) <- getArgs
copyFile fileName1 fileName2
copyFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFile source dest = do
contents <- B.readFile source
B.writeFile dest contents
import System.Environment
import System.IO
main = do (fileName:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile fileName
putStrLn $ "The file has " ++ show (length (lines contents)) ++ " lines!"
-- $ runhaskell 18-exceptions.hs shortlines.txt
-- The file has 7 lines!
-- $ runhaskell 18-exceptions.hs shortlines.txtaaa
-- 18-exceptions.hs: shortlines.txtaaa: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.Directory
main = do (fileName:_) <- getArgs
fileExists <- doesFileExist fileName
if fileExists
then do contents <- readFile fileName
putStrLn $ "The file has " ++ show (length (lines contents)) ++ " lines!"
else do putStrLn "The file doesn't exist!"
-- runhaskell 19-exceptions.hs shortlines.txt
-- The file has 7 lines!
-- $ runhaskell 19-exceptions.hs shortlines.txtaaa
-- The file doesn't exist!
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
main = toTry `catchIOError` handler
toTry :: IO ()
toTry = do (fileName:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile fileName
putStrLn $ "The file has " ++ show (length (lines contents)) ++ " lines!"
handler :: IOError -> IO ()
handler e = putStrLn "Whoops, had some trouble!"
-- $ runhaskell 20-exceptions.hs shortlines.txt
-- The file has 7 lines!
-- $ runhaskell 20-exceptions.hs shortlines.txtaaa
-- Whoops, had some trouble!
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
main = toTry `catchIOError` handler
toTry :: IO ()
toTry = do (fileName:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile fileName
putStrLn $ "The file has " ++ show (length (lines contents)) ++ " lines!"
handler :: IOError -> IO ()
handler e
| isDoesNotExistError e = putStrLn "Whoops, had some trouble!"
| otherwise = ioError e
-- $ runhaskell 21-exceptions.hs shortlines.txt
-- The file has 7 lines!
-- $ runhaskell 21-exceptions.hs shortlines.txtaaa
-- Whoops, had some trouble!
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
main = toTry `catchIOError` handler
toTry :: IO ()
toTry = do (fileName:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile fileName
putStrLn $ "The file has " ++ show (length (lines contents)) ++ " lines!"
handler :: IOError -> IO ()
handler e
| isDoesNotExistError e =
case ioeGetFileName e of Just path -> putStrLn $ "Whoops, File does not exist at: " ++ path
Nothing -> putStrLn $ "Whoops, File does not exist unknown location!"
| otherwise = ioError e
-- $ runhaskell 22-exceptions.hs shortlines.txt
-- The file has 7 lines!
-- $ runhaskell 22-exceptions.hs shortlines.txtaaa
-- Whoops, File does not exist at: shortlines.txtaaa
option :: Maybe Int
option = do
a <- Just 5
b <- Just 1
return (a + b)
none :: Maybe Int
none = do
a <- Nothing
b <- Just 1
return (a + b)
rights :: Either String Int
rights = do
a <- Right 5
b <- Right 1
return (a + b)
left :: Either String Int
left = do
a <- Left "uh oh ... error"
b <- Right 1
return (a + b)
cons :: [Int]
cons = do
a <- [1..3]
b <- [4..6]
return (a + b)
nil :: [Int]
nil = do
a <- []
b <- [4..6]
return (a + b)
a :: Num b => Maybe b
a = Just (+3) <*> Just 9
b :: Num b => Maybe b
b = pure (+3) <*> Just 10
c :: Num b => Maybe b
c = pure (+3) <*> Just 9
d :: Maybe [Char]
d = Just (++"hahah") <*> Nothing
e :: Maybe [Char]
e = Nothing <*> Just "woot"
f :: Num b => Maybe b
f = pure (+) <*> Just 3 <*> Just 5
g :: Num b => Maybe b
g = pure (+) <*> Just 3 <*> Nothing
h :: Num b => Maybe b
h = pure (+) <*> Nothing <*> Just 5
i :: Maybe [Char]
i = (++) <$> Just "johntra" <*> Just "volta"
j :: [Char]
j = (++) "johntra" "volta"
k :: [String]
k = pure "Hey"
l :: Maybe String
l = pure "Hey"
import Data.List (break)
-- Zippers
-- Taking a walk
data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show)
freeTree :: Tree Char
freeTree =
Node 'P'
(Node 'O'
(Node 'L'
(Node 'N' Empty Empty)
(Node 'T' Empty Empty)
(Node 'Y'
(Node 'S' Empty Empty)
(Node 'A' Empty Empty)
(Node 'L'
(Node 'W'
(Node 'C' Empty Empty)
(Node 'R' Empty Empty)
(Node 'A'
(Node 'A' Empty Empty)
(Node 'C' Empty Empty)
changeToP0 :: Tree Char -> Tree Char
changeToP0 (Node x l (Node y (Node _ m n) r)) = Node x l (Node y (Node 'P' m n) r)
data Direction = L | R deriving (Show)
type Directions = [Direction]
changeToP :: Directions -> Tree Char -> Tree Char
changeToP (L:ds) (Node x l r) = Node x (changeToP ds l) r
changeToP (R:ds) (Node x l r) = Node x l (changeToP ds r)
changeToP [] (Node _ l r) = Node 'P' l r
elemAt :: Directions -> Tree a -> a
elemAt (L:ds) (Node _ l _) = elemAt ds l
elemAt (R:ds) (Node _ _ r) = elemAt ds r
elemAt [] (Node x _ _) = x
newTree = changeToP [R,L] freeTree
asdf = elemAt [R,L] newTree
-- A trail of breadcrumbs
type Breadcrumbs0 = [Direction]
goLeft0 :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs0) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs0)
goLeft0 (Node _ l _, bs) = (l, L:bs)
goRight0 :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs0) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs0)
goRight0 (Node _ _ r, bs) = (r, R:bs)
test1 = goLeft0 (goRight0 (freeTree, []))
(-:) :: t1 -> (t1 -> t) -> t
x -: f = f x
test2 = (freeTree, []) -: goRight0 -: goLeft0
-- Going back up
data Crumb a = LeftCrumb a (Tree a) | RightCrumb a (Tree a) deriving (Show)
type Breadcrumbs a = [Crumb a]
goLeft :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
goLeft (Node x l r, bs) = (l, LeftCrumb x r:bs)
goRight :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
goRight (Node x l r, bs) = (r, RightCrumb x l:bs)
goUp :: (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a) -> (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
goUp (t, LeftCrumb x r:bs) = (Node x t r, bs)
goUp (t, RightCrumb x l:bs) = (Node x l t, bs)
type Zipper a = (Tree a, Breadcrumbs a)
-- Manipulating trees under focus
modify :: (a -> a) -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
modify f (Node x l r, bs) = (Node (f x) l r, bs)
modify f (Empty, bs) = (Empty, bs)
newFocus0 = modify (\_ -> 'P') (goRight (goLeft (freeTree, [])))
newFocus = (freeTree, []) -: goLeft -: goRight -: modify (\_ -> 'P')
newFocus2 = modify (\_ -> 'X') (goUp newFocus)
newFocus2' = newFocus -: goUp -: modify (\_ -> 'X')
attach :: Tree a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
attach t (_, bs) = (t, bs)
farLeft = (freeTree, []) -: goLeft -: goLeft -: goLeft -: goLeft
newFocus1 = farLeft -: attach (Node 'Z' Empty Empty)
-- I'm going straight to the top, oh yeah, up where the air is fresh and clean!
topMost :: Zipper a -> Zipper a
topMost (t, []) = (t, [])
topMost z = topMost (goUp z)
-- Focusing on lists
data List a = LEmpty | Cons a (List a) deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
type ListZipper a = ([a], [a])
goForward :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goForward (x:xs, bs) = (xs, x:bs)
goBack :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
goBack (xs, b:bs) = (b:xs, bs)
xs = [1,2,3,4]
xsgf = goForward (xs, [])
xsgfgf = goForward xsgf
xsgfgfgf = goForward xsgfgf
xsgfgfgfgb = goBack xsgfgfgf
-- A very simple file system
type Name = String
type Data = String
data FSItem = File Name Data | Folder Name [FSItem] deriving (Show)
myDisk :: FSItem
myDisk =
Folder "root"
[ File "goat_yelling_like_man.wmv" "baaaaaa"
, File "pope_time.avi" "god bless"
, Folder "pics"
[ File "ape_throwing_up.jpg" "bleargh"
, File "watermelon_smash.gif" "smash!!"
, File "skull_man(scary).bmp" "Yikes!"
, File "dijon_poupon.doc" "best mustard"
, Folder "programs"
[ File "fartwizard.exe" "10gotofart"
, File "owl_bandit.dmg" "mov eax, h00t"
, File "not_a_virus.exe" "really not a virus"
, Folder "source code"
[ File "best_hs_prog.hs" "main = print (fix error)"
, File "random.hs" "main = print 4"
-- A zipper for our file system
data FSCrumb = FSCrumb Name [FSItem] [FSItem] deriving (Show)
type FSZipper = (FSItem, [FSCrumb])
fsUp :: FSZipper -> FSZipper
fsUp (item, FSCrumb name ls rs:bs) = (Folder name (ls ++ [item] ++ rs), bs)
fsTo :: Name -> FSZipper -> FSZipper
fsTo name (Folder folderName items, bs) =
let (ls, item:rs) = break (nameIs name) items
in (item, FSCrumb folderName ls rs:bs)
nameIs :: Name -> FSItem -> Bool
nameIs name (Folder folderName _) = name == folderName
nameIs name (File fileName _) = name == fileName
newFocus3 = (myDisk, []) -: fsTo "pics" -: fsTo "skull_man(scary).bmp"
test3 = fst newFocus3
newFocus4 = newFocus3 -: fsUp -: fsTo "watermelon_splash.gif"
test4 = fst newFocus4 -- TODO: seems to fail?
-- Manipulating our file system
fsRename :: Name -> FSZipper -> FSZipper
fsRename newName (Folder name items, bs) = (Folder newName items, bs)
fsRename newName (File name dat, bs) = (File newName dat, bs)
newFocus5 = (myDisk, []) -: fsTo "pics" -: fsRename "cspi" -: fsUp
fsNewFile :: FSItem -> FSZipper -> FSZipper
fsNewFile item (Folder folderName items, bs) = (Folder folderName (item:items), bs)
newFocus6 = (myDisk, []) -: fsTo "pics" -: fsNewFile (File "heh.jpg" "lol") -: fsUp
-- Watch your step
safeGoLeft :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
safeGoLeft (Node x l r, bs) = Just (l, LeftCrumb x r:bs)
safeGoLeft (Empty, _) = Nothing
safeGoRight :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
safeGoRight (Node x l r, bs) = Just (r, RightCrumb x l:bs)
safeGoRight (Empty, _) = Nothing
test5 = safeGoLeft (Empty, [])
test6 = safeGoLeft (Node 'A' Empty Empty, [])
safeGoUp :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a)
safeGoUp (t, LeftCrumb x r:bs) = Just (Node x t r, bs)
safeGoUp (t, RightCrumb x l:bs) = Just (Node x l t, bs)
safeGoUp (_, []) = Nothing
newFocus7 = (freeTree,[]) -: goLeft -: goRight
coolTree = Node 1 Empty (Node 3 Empty Empty)
test7 = return (coolTree,[]) >>= safeGoRight
-- -- Just (Node 3 Empty Empty,[RightCrumb 1 Empty])
test8 = return (coolTree,[]) >>= safeGoRight >>= safeGoRight
-- -- Just (Empty,[RightCrumb 3 Empty,RightCrumb 1 Empty])
test9 = return (coolTree,[]) >>= safeGoRight >>= safeGoRight >>= safeGoRight
-- -- Nothing
module Geometry.Cube
( volume
, area
) where
import qualified Geometry.Cuboid as Cuboid
volume :: Float -> Float
volume side = Cuboid.volume side side side
area :: Float -> Float
area side = Cuboid.area side side side
module Geometry.Cuboid
( volume
, area
) where
volume :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
volume a b c = rectangleArea a b * c
area :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
area a b c = rectangleArea a b * 2 + rectangleArea a c * 2 + rectangleArea c b * 2
rectangleArea :: Float -> Float -> Float
rectangleArea a b = a * b
-- module Ch07
-- Making our own modules
module Geometry
( sphereVolume
, sphereArea
, cubeVolume
, cubeArea
, cuboidArea
, cuboidVolume
) where
sphereVolume :: Float -> Float
sphereVolume radius = (4.0 / 3.0) * pi * (radius ^ 3)
sphereArea :: Float -> Float
sphereArea radius = 4 * pi * (radius ^ 2)
cubeVolume :: Float -> Float
cubeVolume side = cuboidVolume side side side
cubeArea :: Float -> Float
cubeArea side = cuboidArea side side side
cuboidArea :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
cuboidArea a b c = rectangleArea a b * 2 + rectangleArea a c * 2 + rectangleArea c b * 2
cuboidVolume :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
cuboidVolume a b c = rectangleArea a b * c
rectangleArea :: Float -> Float -> Float
rectangleArea a b = a * b
-- Ok, modules loaded: Geometry.
-- *Geometry> import Geometry
-- *Geometry Geometry> sphereArea 4
-- 201.06194
-- *Geometry Geometry> cuboidVolume 3 4 5
-- 60.0
-- Ok, modules loaded: Geometry.
-- *Geometry> :m + Geometry
-- *Geometry Geometry> cuboidVolume 3 4 5
-- 60.0
module Geometry.Sphere
( volume
, area
) where
volume :: Float -> Float
volume radius = (4.0 / 3.0) * pi (radius ^ 3)
area :: Float -> Float
area radius = 4 * pi * (radius ^ 2)
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