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Databricks clusters VMs used memory percentage KQL
let VMs = Heartbeat
| where OSType == 'Linux'
and Category != 'Azure Monitor Agent'
and ResourceId != ''
| project Computer, TimeGenerated, ClusterId = substring(Computer, 0, 20), VM = tostring(split(ResourceId, "/")[-1])
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer;
let Clusters = DatabricksClusters
| where ActionName in ('create', 'startResult')
| extend ResponseTxt = parse_json(Response)
| where ResponseTxt.statusCode == 200
| extend ResponseResultTxt = parse_json(tostring(ResponseTxt.result))
| extend RequestParamsTxt = parse_json(RequestParams)
| project ClusterId = tostring(case(ActionName == 'create', ResponseResultTxt.cluster_id, RequestParamsTxt.clusterId)),
ClusterName = tostring(case(ActionName == 'create', RequestParamsTxt.cluster_name, RequestParamsTxt.clusterName))
| distinct ClusterId, ClusterName
| order by ClusterId asc;
| where ObjectName == 'Memory'
and CounterName == '% Used Memory'
| join kind=inner (VMs)
on Computer
| join kind=leftouter (Clusters)
on ClusterId
| project ClusterVM = strcat(ClusterName, " (", VM, ")"), TimeGenerated, UsedMemoryPercentage = CounterValue
| sort by ClusterVM asc, TimeGenerated asc
| render timechart with (ymax = 100)
wget \
&& echo '<source>
type oms_omi
object_name "Physical Disk"
instance_regex ".*"
counter_name_regex ".*"
interval 5m
type oms_omi
object_name "Logical Disk"
instance_regex ".*"
counter_name_regex ".*"
interval 5m
type oms_omi
object_name "Processor"
instance_regex ".*"
counter_name_regex ".*"
interval 30s
type oms_omi
object_name "Memory"
instance_regex ".*"
counter_name_regex ".*"
interval 30s
</source>' > /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID/conf/omsagent.d/oms_omi.conf \
&& chown omsagent:omiusers /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID/conf/omsagent.d/oms_omi.conf \
&& ls -la /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID/conf/omsagent.d \
&& cat /etc/opt/microsoft/omsagent/$LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_ID/conf/omsagent.d/oms_omi.conf
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