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Last active January 4, 2021 04:41
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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# This script will quickly set you up with Github Pages and jrnl to get you up and running journaling online for
# whatever your purpose is.
# How to run: `source && bootstrap_github_journal_page`
# A few things to note:
# 1. Currently only supports MacOS
# 2. It uses the current directory to create the new repo.
# Cronjob:
# Adding the following in your crontab file can automatically publish posts daily if desired.
# ```
# PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
# 0 0 * * * cd ~/Workspace && source && publish_to_github_pages
# ```
GITHUB_USER_NAME=`cat ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml | sed -n "/user/p" | sed "s/.*user: \(.*\)/\1/"`
function publish_to_github_pages() {
echo "Publishing local journal updates to Github Pages...\n"
jrnl --format md > $GH_PAGE_REPO/
git add -A
git commit -m "Update journal entries"
git push --force --set-upstream origin master
echo "\nDone! The newest updates should be up shortly.\n"
function bootstrap_github_journal_page() {
echo "Installing journal program...\n"
brew install jrnl
echo "\nInstalling Github CLI program... Please follow its authentication instructions carefully.\n"
brew install gh
gh auth login
echo "Creating repository for Github Pages..."
gh repo create -y $GITHUB_REPO_NAME
echo "theme: minima" > _config.yml
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