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Last active March 26, 2021 10:10
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Generic Tuple functions
// Based on
// Warning: This script has long compile times
// but as from F# 4.1 will work fine
// due to this fix: in the compiler
open System
type Infinite<'a> = Infinite of 'a
module TupleInternalValues =
type Uncons = Uncons with
static member ($) (Uncons, Infinite x1 ) = (x1, Infinite x1)
static member ($) (Uncons, x1:Tuple<_> ) = (x1.Item1, ())
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2) ) = (x1, Tuple x2)
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2,x3) ) = (x1, (x2,x3))
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2,x3,x4) ) = (x1, (x2,x3,x4))
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) ) = (x1, (x2,x3,x4,x5))
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) ) = (x1, (x2,x3,x4,x5,x6))
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7) ) = (x1, (x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7))
static member ($) (Uncons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8)) = (x1, (x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8))
type Cons = Cons with
static member ($) (Cons, () ) = fun x -> Tuple x
static member ($) (Cons, x1:Tuple<_> ) = fun x -> (x,x1.Item1)
static member ($) (Cons, (x1,x2) ) = fun x -> (x,x1,x2)
static member ($) (Cons, (x1,x2,x3) ) = fun x -> (x,x1,x2,x3)
static member ($) (Cons, (x1,x2,x3,x4) ) = fun x -> (x,x1,x2,x3,x4)
static member ($) (Cons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) ) = fun x -> (x,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)
static member ($) (Cons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) ) = fun x -> (x,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6)
static member ($) (Cons, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7)) = fun x -> (x,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7)
let inline (|Cons|) tuple = Uncons $ tuple
let inline cons (head,tail) = Cons $ tail <| head
type GMap = GMap with
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, ()) = ()
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, x1:Tuple<_>) = Tuple(f $ x1.Item1)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2,x3)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2,f $ x3)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2,x3,x4)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2,f $ x3,f $ x4)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2,f $ x3,f $ x4,f $ x5)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2,f $ x3,f $ x4,f $ x5,f $ x6)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2,f $ x3,f $ x4,f $ x5,f $ x6,f $ x7)
static member inline (?<-) (GMap, f, (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8)) = (f $ x1,f $ x2,f $ x3,f $ x4,f $ x5,f $ x6,f $ x7,f $ x8)
type Rev = Rev with
static member inline ($) (Rev, Cons(h,t)) = fun ac -> ($) Rev t (cons(h, ac))
static member ($) (Rev, () ) = id
type Map = Map with
static member inline ($) (Map, Cons(h,t)) = fun fn -> cons(fn h, ($) Map t fn)
static member ($) (Map, () ) = ignore
type Ap = Ap with
static member inline ($) (Ap, Cons(hf,tf)) = fun (Cons(hx,tx)) -> cons(hf hx, ($) Ap tf tx)
static member ($) (Ap, () ) = ignore
type Fold = Fold with
static member inline ($) (Fold, Cons(h,t)) = fun fn z -> ($) Fold t fn (fn z h)
static member ($) (Fold, () ) = fun fn z -> z
type THead = THead with static member inline ($) (i:THead, tuple) = ($) Uncons tuple |> fst
type TTail = TTail with static member inline ($) (i:TTail, tuple) = ($) Uncons tuple |> snd
let inline mapHead x = (?<-) GMap THead x
let inline mapTail x = (?<-) GMap TTail x
type Transpose = Transpose with
static member inline ($) (Transpose, matHead: ^a when ^a : not struct) =
fun (mat, acc) ->
let matRest = mapTail mat
let matFirst = mapHead mat
let nextAcc = ($) Cons acc matFirst
let headMatRest, _ = Uncons $ matRest
($) Transpose headMatRest (matRest, nextAcc)
static member inline ($) (Transpose, ()) = fun (_, acc) -> acc
open TupleInternalValues
module Tuple =
let inline head tuple = ($) Uncons tuple |> fst
let inline tail tuple = ($) Uncons tuple |> snd
let inline uncons tuple = ($) Uncons tuple
let inline rev tuple = ($) Rev tuple ()
let inline append tuple1 tuple2 = ($) Rev (rev tuple1) tuple2
let inline map fn tuple = ($) Map tuple fn
let inline fold fn z tuple = ($) Fold tuple fn z
let inline transpose mat = (mat, ()) |> (Transpose $ head mat) |> rev
let inline cons head tail = ($) Cons tail head
let inline gmap f x = (?<-) GMap f x
let inline applySingle f1f2f3_fn x = ($) Ap f1f2f3_fn (Infinite x)
// derive some common functions
let inline fst tuple = head tuple
let inline snd tuple = tail tuple |> fst
let inline trd tuple = tail tuple |> snd
let inline vectorFunction f1f2f3_fn x = map ((|>) x) f1f2f3_fn
let inline (<*>) fnTuple tuple = ($) Ap fnTuple tuple
// Examples
// map a function to a tupled values of the same type
let m1 = string (Tuple 5) // val m1 : Tuple<string> = ("5")
let m2 = string (5, 10) // val m2 : string * string = ("5", "10")
let m3 = ((+)1) (5, 10) // val m3 : int * int * int = (6, 11)
// apply tupled values pairwise to a tuple of functions
let a1 = (string, String.length) <*> (4, "world") // val a1 : string * int = ("4", 5)
let inline fa2 x = (string, (+) 10) <*> x // val inline fa2 : ^a -> string * int ...
let a2 = fa2 (true, 1) // val a2 : string * int = ("True", 11)
// apply a single value to each element of a tuple of functions
let v1 = Tuple.applySingle (Tuple ((+) 1)) 20 // val v1 : Tuple<int> = (21)
let v2 = Tuple.applySingle (string, (+) 1) 15 // val v2 : string * int = ("15", 16)
// fold tupled values of the same type
let f1 = Tuple.fold (+) 0 (Tuple 5) // val f1 : int = 5
let f2 = Tuple.fold (+) 0 (5, 10) // val f2 : int = 15
let f3 = Tuple.fold (+) "" ("hello ", "world") // val f3 : string = "hello world"
// transpose a tuple
let t3x2 = Tuple.transpose ((true, '2'), (3, 4.), (5u, "six"))
// val t3x2 : (bool * int * uint32) * (char * float * string) = ((true, 3, 5u), ('2', 4.0, "six"))
// map a 'function-as-type' to a tuple
type ToString = ToString with static member inline ($) (ToString, x) = string x
let t2 = Tuple.gmap ToString (1, true) // val t2 : string * string = ("1", "True")
// reverse a tuple
let r2 = Tuple.rev (true, "2") // val r2 : string * bool = ("2", true)
let r3 = Tuple.rev (true, "2", 3) // val r3 : int * string * bool = (3, "2", true)
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Is there any way to extend Cons to work with arity >8 / nested tuples?

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gusty commented Mar 26, 2021

Not really, actually there is a way to make it work but without "calculating" the resulting type. This means that the client code has to supply the type like this:

let x:(int *int *int *int) = cons (1,2) (3,4)

(this case has less that 8 just to make it more readable).

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Thanks. That's what I thought. I was hoping there exists a member that was an inverse of 'Rest' that merged nested tuples while maintaining type.

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gusty commented Mar 26, 2021

Here you can get more details about why this is currently not possible dotnet/fsharp#9586 (comment)

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