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Created April 9, 2014 18:00
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F# version of using FsControl
#r @"C:\packages\FsControl.1.0.8\lib\net40\FsControl.Core.dll"
type Eval = Eval of int
let eval (Eval x) = x
// To define a Type Method we need to add at least 2 instances
type Eval' = Eval' of int
let eval' (Eval' x) = x
module ExpAlg =
type Lit = Lit with
static member instance (Lit,_:Eval ) = fun x -> Eval x
static member instance (Lit,_:Eval') = fun x -> Eval' x
type Add = Add with
static member instance (Add,e1,_:Eval ) = fun e2 -> Eval (eval e1 + eval e2)
static member instance (Add,e1,_:Eval') = fun e2 -> Eval' (eval' e1 + eval' e2)
let inline lit (x:int) = Inline.instance ExpAlg.Lit x
let inline add (e1:'a) (e2:'a) :'a = Inline.instance (ExpAlg.Add, e1) e2
// Evolution 1: Adding subtraction
module SubExpAlg =
type Sub = Sub with
static member instance (Sub,e1,_:Eval ) = fun e2 -> Eval (eval e1 - eval e2)
static member instance (Sub,e1,_:Eval') = fun e2 -> Eval' (eval' e1 - eval' e2)
let inline sub e1 e2 = Inline.instance (SubExpAlg.Sub, e1) e2
// Evolution 2: Adding pretty printing
type Print = Print of string
let print (Print x) = x
type Print with
static member instance (ExpAlg.Lit , _:Print) = Print << string
static member instance (ExpAlg.Add , e1, _:Print) = fun e2 -> Print (print e1 + " + " + print e2)
static member instance (SubExpAlg.Sub, e1, _:Print) = fun e2 -> Print (print e1 + " - " + print e2)
// Test
// Note: there are (almost) no generic constants in F#
// so a generic constant is coded as a function: unit -> 'a
let inline exp1() = add (lit 3) (lit 4)
let inline exp2() = sub (exp1()) (lit 4)
let (ev:Eval) = exp1()
let r1 = "Evaluation of exp1 \"" + print (exp1()) + "\" is: " + string (eval ev)
let r2 = "Evaluation of exp1 \"" + print (exp2()) + "\" is: " + string (eval (exp2()))
// TODO add instances for Show (In fsControl is ToString)
// let r3 = "Evaluation of exp1 \"" + (exp1()) + "\" is: " + (exp2())
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