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Last active April 28, 2021 17:19
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Polyvariadic Memoization
open System.Collections.Concurrent
type T = T with static member getOrAdd (cd:ConcurrentDictionary<_,'t>) (f:_ -> _) k = cd.GetOrAdd (k, f)
let inline memoize (f:'``(T1 -> T2 -> ... -> Tn)``): '``(T1 -> T2 -> ... -> Tn)`` = (T $ Unchecked.defaultof<'``(T1 -> T2 -> ... -> Tn)``>) f
type T with
static member ($) (_:obj, _: 'a -> 'b) = T.getOrAdd (ConcurrentDictionary ())
static member inline ($) (T, _:'t -> 'a -> 'b) = T.getOrAdd (ConcurrentDictionary ()) << (<<) memoize
// TESTS //
let effs = ResizeArray ()
let f x = printfn "calculating"; effs.Add "f"; string x
let g x (y:string) z : uint32 = printfn "calculating"; effs.Add "g"; uint32 (x * int y + int z)
let h x y z = printfn "calculating"; effs.Add "h"; new System.DateTime (x, y, z)
let sum2 (a:int) = printfn "calculating"; effs.Add "sum2"; (+) a
let sum3 a (b:int) c = printfn "calculating"; effs.Add "sum3"; a + b + c
let sum4 a b c d : int = printfn "calculating"; effs.Add "sum4"; a + b + c + d
// memoize them
let msum2 = memoize sum2
let msum3 = memoize sum3
let msum4 = memoize sum4
let mf = memoize f
let mg = memoize g
let mh = memoize h
// check memoization really happens
let v1 = msum2 1 1
let v2 = msum2 1 1
let v3 = msum2 2 1
let v4 = msum3 1 2 3
let v5 = msum3 1 2 3
let v6 = msum4 3 1 2 3
let v7 = msum4 3 1 2 3
let v8 = msum4 3 5 2 3
let v9 = mf 3M
let v10 = mf 3M
let v11 = mg 4 "2" 3M
let v12 = mg 4 "2" 3M
let v13 = mh 2010 1 1
let v14 = mh 2010 1 1
if effs.ToArray() <> [|"sum2"; "sum2"; "sum3"; "sum4"; "sum4"; "f"; "g"; "h"|] then failwith "unexpected effects"
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