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Created August 13, 2017 03:42
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ちなみに本当に面白くなってくるのはmedium hard~以降なので,上の方の問題だけではなく,是非下の方の問題にトライしてみてくださいね.
This is a list of pwn challenges that I solved it (or read write-up) in past and I thought very good to gain the knowledge.
The difficulty is basis on the time I solved. (Therefore, past problems might be ranked harder than the original/now difficulty.)
In addition to this list, there might be a lot of good challenges, but these are not listed here because I have not solved it or read a write-up. Sorry.
Finally, the new challenge is above.
[DEFCON CTF 2015] r0pbaby - Baby's First 1
[DEFCON CTF 2015] babyecho - Baby's First 1
[CSAW CTF 2014] Exploitation400 - greenhornd
[CSAW CTF 2013] Exploitation2 - 200 Points
[CSAW CTF 2013] Exploitation3 - 300 Points
[CSAW CTF 2013] Exploitation4 - 400 Points
[ebCTF 2013] pwn200
[CodeGate 2013] Vuln100
[CodeGate 2013] Vuln200
[CodeGate 2013] Vuln300
[Gits CTF 2013] Q5 - FunnyBusiness
[Gits CTF 2013] Q8 - Shiftd
[ksnctf] #04 Villager A
[CSAW CTF 2012] 4842 - 300 Points
[CSAW CTF 2012] 23456 - 400 Points
[CSAW CTF 2012] 12345 - 500 Points
[CodeGate 2016] Pwnable490 OldSchool
[CodeGate 2016] Pwnable315 FlOppy
[CodeGate 2016] Pwnable444 Serial
[BkP CTF 2016] #2 Simple Calc - pwn5
[BkP CTF 2016] #13 complex calc - pwn5
[32c3 CTF 2015] pwn200 - readme
[DEFCON CTF 2015] wibbly wobbly timey wimey - Pwnable 2
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn10 - cfy
[ED-CTF] my_sandbox
[DEFCON CTF 2014] Baby's First: 1 - heap
[PlaidCTF 2014] ezhp - Pwnables200
[PlaidCTF 2014] sass - Pwnables200
[CodeGate-2014] Angry Doraemon pwn250
[SIGINT CTF 2013] pwning 100 - baremetal
[PlaidCTF 2013] Pwn ropasaurusrex - 200
[UFOCTF 2013] Pwn100 - ufobay
[CodeGate 2013] Vuln400
[CodeGate 2013] Vuln500
[Gits CTF 2013] Q10 - Back2Skool
[ksnctf] #23 Villager B
[29c3 CTF 2012] Exploitation - ru1337
[29c3 CTF 2012] Exploitation - update_server
[PHDays CTF 2012] #07 PWN200
[PoliCTF 2012] Bin-Pwn 300
medium easy
[MMA CTF 1st 2015] spell
[BkP CTF 2015] JFK/Umass pwn300
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn30 - mynx
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn40 - maze
[] [Hacker's Secret] unexploitable
[hack.lu2014] #07 Holy Moses - Exploiting300
[hack.lu2014] #14 The Union - Exploiting200
[PlaidCTF 2014] kappa - Pwnables275
[Gits CTF 2014] Q10 - TI-1337
[Gits CTF 2014] Q12 - Fuzzy
[30c3 CTF 2013] PWN 400 - DOGE2
[30c3 CTF 2013] PWN 350 - cwitscher
[ebCTF 2013] pwn300
[UFOCTF 2013] Pwn300 - doomsday
[UFOCTF 2013] Pwn400 - psychotherapy
[DEFCON CTF 2013] Exploitation3 - ergab
[DEFCON CTF 2013] Exploitation4 - annyong
[hack.lu2012] #09 Braincpy - 300
[hack.lu2012] #21 Get the Tank - 400
medium medium
[BkP CTF 2016] #1 Cookbook - pwn6
[BkP CTF 2016] #5 segsh - pwn6
[32c3 CTF 2015] pwn400 - ranger
[HITCON CTF 2015] Pwn 300 - readable
[MMA CTF 1st 2015] d3flate
[DEFCON CTF 2015] fuckup - Pwnable 3
[DEFCON CTF 2015] heapsoffun - Pwnable 4
[DEFCON CTF 2015] int3rupted - Pwnable 5
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable400 beef_steak
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable1000 sokoban
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable1000 icbm
[Gits CTF 2015] Teaser Round #1 - Citadel
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn20 - sarge
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn30 - pong
[] [Hacker's Secret] tiny
[] [Grotesque] dos4fun
[BkP CTF 2014] Snapstagram(TM) pwn350
[PlaidCTF 2014] jackshit - Pwnables200
[PlaidCTF 2014] harry_potter - Pwnables300
[CodeGate-2014] 4stone pwn300
[Gits CTF 2014] Teaser Round #2 - Plaid Parliament of Codegate
[30c3 CTF 2013] PWN 400 - bittorrent
[30c3 CTF 2013] PWN 400 - bigdata
[ebCTF 2013] pwn400
[SIGINT CTF 2013] pwning 400 - crash
[DEFCON CTF 2013] Exploitation1 - bitterswallow
[SECUINSIDE 2013] movie_talk - 550
[BkPCTF 2013] pwning 200 - fss_gainesville ---+
[BkPCTF 2013] pwning 350 - fss_burlington |
[BkPCTF 2013] pwning 200 - fss_rancho +-- series
[BkPCTF 2013] pwning 250 - fss_montgomery |
[BkPCTF 2013] pwning Extra - fss_miami |
[BkPCTF 2013] pwning Extra - fss_bridgeport --+
[Gits CTF 2013] Q18 - Crunch Time
[Gits CTF 2013] Teaser Round #1 - Choose your Pwn Adventure
[29c3 CTF 2012] Exploitation - proxy
[PHDays CTF 2012] #10 PWN500
medium hard
[BCTF 2016] pwn400 - knurd
[BkP CTF 2016] #11 spacerex - pwn8
[32c3 CTF 2015] pwn500 - bingo
[32c3 CTF 2015] pwn300 - sandbox
[HITCON CTF 2015] Pwn 200 - blinkroot
[Trend Micro CTF 2015] secure_mm - analysis offensive 500
[DEFCON CTF 2015] tensixtyseven - Pwnable 4
[DEFCON CTF 2015] thing2 - Pwnable 4
[DEFCON CTF 2015] hackercalc - Pwnable 5
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable800 Olive and Mushroom Pizza
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable800 Rodent
[Gits CTF 2015] Q11 - boxxy
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn30 - Nokia 1337
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn35 - booking
[9447 CTF 2014] pwn420 - classy
[ED-CTF] local_only_64
[ED-CTF] local_only_32
[ED-CTF] Heap is a tomodachi of mine
[ED-CTF] Under Debugging
[] [Hacker's Secret] softmmu
[DEFCON CTF 2014 Final] justify
[SECUINSIDE CTF 2014 Final] pwn300 - notes
[SECUINSIDE CTF 2014 Final] pwn300 - numbers
[DEFCON CTF 2014] Selir: 3 - turdedo
[CodeGate-2014] minibomb pwn400
[CodeGate-2014] dodosandbox pwn600
[CodeGate-2014] Korean Restaurant pwn700
[Olympic CTF Sochi 2014] zpwn
[30c3 CTF 2013] PWN 300 - todos
[SECUINSIDE 2013] xml2html - 400
[SECUINSIDE 2013] pwn me!! - 750
[SECUINSIDE 2013] zombiemanager - 750
[SECUINSIDE 2013] angry danbi - 900
[29c3 CTF 2012] Exploitation - memcached
[PlaidCTF 2016] awkward - Pwnables600
[HITCON CTF 2015] Pwn 500 - deathweed
[PlaidCTF 2015] qttpd - Pwnables950
[PlaidCTF 2015] PlaidDB - Pwnables550
[PlaidCTF 2015] tp - Pwnables620
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable1000 oemu
[CodeGate 2015] Pwnable1000 weff
[Gits CTF 2015] Q13 - gitschat
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn50 - Nokia 31337
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn30 - cfy2
[31c3 CTF 2014] pwn50 - saas
[hack.lu2014] #03 OREO - Exploiting400
[hack.lu2014] #05 breakout - Exploiting500
[hack.lu2014] #15 Mario - Exploiting500
[HITCON CTF 2014] Pwnables 550 - stkof
[DEFCON CTF 2014 Final] wdub2
[] [Hacker's Secret] xml
[] [Hacker's Secret] towelroot
[DEFCON CTF 2014] Lightning: 5 - dosfun4u
[CodeGate-2014] membership pwn800
[Olympic CTF Sochi 2014] 20Lines
[Gits CTF 2014] Q13 - Byte Sexual
[hack.lu2013] #16 Breznparadisebugmaschine - 500
[DEFCON CTF 2013] Exploitation5 - yolo
[PlaidCTF 2013] Pwn e1000 - 250
[PlaidCTF 2013] Web servr - 400
[hack.lu2012] #06 Braingathering - 500
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