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get mastodon stats using shell curl and jq
#!/bin/bash -
COUNT_TOTAL_USERS=$(curl -s $INSTANCE_ENDPOINT_V1 | jq '.stats.user_count')
COUNT_ACTIVE_USERS=$(curl -s $INSTANCE_ENDPOINT_V2 | jq '.usage.users.active_month')
COUNT_POOL_LIMIT=$(curl -s $INSTANCE_ENDPOINT_V2 | jq '.configuration.polls.max_options')
COUNT_CHAR_LIMIT=$(curl -s $INSTANCE_ENDPOINT_V2 | jq '.configuration.statuses.max_characters')
INSTANCE_VERSION=$(curl -s $INSTANCE_ENDPOINT_V2 | jq '.version')
echo "Number of total registred users: $COUNT_TOTAL_USERS"
echo "Number of active users (this month): $COUNT_ACTIVE_USERS"
echo "Number of pool options: $COUNT_POOL_LIMIT"
echo "Number of char limit: $COUNT_CHAR_LIMIT"
echo "Mastodon instance version: $INSTANCE_VERSION"
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