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Created November 14, 2022 15:07
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Animated population tree map plot for UN WPP2022 data used in blog post.
# devtools::install_github("PPgp/wpp2022")
# load data
# format data for plot
d <- pop1dt %>%
bind_rows(popproj1dt) %>%
left_join(UNlocations) %>%
filter(country_code < 900,
year >= 1950) %>%
select(1:3, pop, reg_name, area_name) %>%
name_short = countrycode(sourcevar = country_code, origin = "iso3n", destination = ""),
# edit kosovo, DRC and mynmar names
name_short = ifelse(country_code == 412, "Kosovo", name_short),
name_short = ifelse(country_code == 180, "DR Congo", name_short),
name_short = ifelse(country_code == 104, name, name_short)
pop_tree <- function(dd){
dd %>%
ggplot(mapping = aes(
area = pop, subgroup = area_name, label = name_short, fill = fct_inorder(reg_name)
)) +
geom_treemap(layout = "fixed") +
geom_treemap_subgroup_border(layout = "fixed") +
layout = "fixed", colour = "white", reflow = TRUE, min.size = 1
) +
guides(fill = "none") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 15),
plot.caption = element_text(size = 15))
# function working on a single year
d %>%
filter(year == 2022) %>%
# to get pause at 2022 need to create two animations and then combine as
# animate() does not accept frame specific pauses
# animations
a1 <- d %>%
filter(year <= 2022) %>%
pop_tree() +
transition_time(time = year) +
labs(title = 'Global Population Distribution: {round(frame_time)}', fill = "Region",
caption = "Data Reference: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022. Plot by @guyabelguyabel")
a2 <- d %>%
filter(year >= 2022) %>%
pop_tree() +
transition_time(time = year) +
labs(title = 'Global Population Distribution: {round(frame_time)} - Median Projection', fill = "Region",
caption = "Data Reference: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2022). World Population Prospects 2022. Plot by @guyabelguyabel")
# write animations to gif files. one frame per year, except first and last
a1 %>%
animate(width = 1200, height = 720,
start_pause = 40, end_pause = 20,
nframes = 60 + 2022 - 1950, fps = 20) %>%
anim_save(filename = "pop1.gif")
a2 %>%
animate(width = 1200, height = 720,
start_pause = 20, end_pause = 40,
nframes = 60 + 2100 - 2022, fps = 20) %>%
anim_save(filename = "pop2.gif")
# read in gif images then combine
p1 <- image_read(path = "pop1.gif")
p2 <- image_read(path = "pop2.gif")
p <- c(p1, p2)
image_write(image = p, path = "pop.gif")
# image_write(p1[72], path = "animated-treemap.png")
# new UN API code taking too long to get the data...
# base_url = ''
# cc <- paste0(base_url, '/locations?sort=id&format=csv') %>%
# read_delim(skip = 1) %>%
# filter(Id < 900) %>%
# pull(Id)
# d <- paste0(base_url,
# '/data/indicators/', 49,
# '/locations/', cc,
# '/start/', 1950,
# '/end/', 2100,
# '/?format=csv') %>%
# read_delim(skip = 1)
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