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guydvir2 / gist:0b6e6fd4e003e8c3dcd5aa486403497e
Created November 22, 2024 06:59
Tasmota curtain behavior on Athom 4 gang wall switch after power up (Curtain goes up)
1) in console do weblog 3
2) in console do restart 1
3) copy the entire console output and make a gist on github. Anonymize it if you want. Link it here (edited)
08:57:30.867 RUL: INFO2#IPADDRESS performs 'Var1'
08:57:30.868 SRC: Rule
08:57:30.870 CMD: Grp 0, Cmd 'VAR', Idx 1, Len 13, Pld 192, Data ''