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Last active August 26, 2015 18:37
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FiPy script for Fokker-Planck with attractor and clustered signals
from fipy import *
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as ml
import time
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,6))
ax1 = plt.subplot((121))
ax2 = plt.subplot((122))
''' Landscape parameters '''
L = 10.
nxy = 100
dxy = L/nxy
m = Grid2D(nx=nxy, ny=nxy, dx=dxy, dy=dxy)
ulist = m.x.value[:nxy]
''' Deterrent signals '''
ido = numerix.random.randint(nxy, size=(100,2))
# -- interpolate points
og = numerix.zeros((nxy, nxy)), (ido[:,0], ido[:,1]), 1)
signal = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=og.flat)
''' Convection-Diffusion kernel '''
# -- Parameters
D = 1.
c = 1.
b = ((c,),(c,))
delta = 2./(dxy * 0.5) # smoothing parameter
convection = VanLeerConvectionTerm
# -- Initialization
attractor = (3., 5.)
z = ml.bivariate_normal(m.x, m.y, .1, .1, attractor[0], attractor[1])
var = CellVariable(mesh=m, value=z)
# -- Spatial objects assignments
s = m.faceCenters
r = (s - attractor).mag # radius of any position to the attractor
faceVelocity = c*numerix.tanh(delta*r)*(s-attractor)/r # convection component in the absence of signal
# -- Fokker-Planck equation
eq = (TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm(coeff=D) + convection(coeff=faceVelocity * signal.faceValue))
# -- Visualization
if __name__ == '__main__':
viewer = Matplotlib2DGridContourViewer(vars=var,
limits = {'xmin': 0, 'xmax': L, 'ymin': 0, 'ymax': L},
cmap =,
axes = ax1)
velocityViewer = MatplotlibStreamViewer(vars=faceVelocity * signal.faceValue,
color=(faceVelocity * signal.faceValue).mag,
xmin=0, xmax=L, ymin=0, ymax=L,
ax2.plot(ulist[ido[:,1]], ulist[ido[:,0]], 'ko', alpha=.3)
''' Simulation '''
dt = 0.1 * 1./2 * dxy
for step in range(100):
print 'time step', step
eq.solve(var=var, dt = dt)
print 'cell volume: ', var.getCellVolumeAverage() * m.getCellVolumes().sum()
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