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Created August 22, 2014 23:02
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RF keyword recommendations tuning tests
*** Settings ***
Resource resources/recommendation_resource_1.robot
Resource resources/recommendation_resource_2.robot
Library resources/
Library resources/ WITH NAME Rec Library 2 With Custom Name
*** Test Cases ***
Keyword From Library Not Imported
[Documentation] FAIL
RecLibrary3.Keyword Only In Library 3
Implicit Keyword With Typo
[Documentation] FAIL
Recoord log message
Explicit Keyword With Typo
[Documentation] FAIL
RecLibrarry1.Record log message
Explicit Keyword Similar To Keyword In Imported Library
[Documentation] FAIL
RecLibrary1.Keywword Only In Library 1
Implicit Keyword Similar To Keyword In Imported Library
[Documentation] FAIL
Keywword Only In Library 1
Explicit Keyword Similar To Keyword In Imported Resource
[Documentation] FAIL
recommendation_resource_1.Keywword Only In Resource 1
Implicit Keyword Similar To Keyword In Imported Resource
[Documentation] FAIL
Keywword Only In Resource 1
Implicit Long Alphanumeric Garbage Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
Explicit Long Alphanumeric Garbage Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
Implicit Special Character Garbage Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
Explicit Special Character Garbage Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
Implicit Keyword Similar To User Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
A Uuser Keyword
Run Implicit Missing Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
Run Keyword missing keyword
Run Implicit Missing Keyword Similar To Both Libraries
[Documentation] FAIL
Run Keyword kkeyword in both libraries
Run Explicit Missing Keyword Similar To Both Libraries
[Documentation] FAIL
Run Keyword RecLibrary1.kkeyword in both libraries
Run Explicit Missing Keyword
[Documentation] FAIL
Run Keyword RecLibrary1.missing keyword
Run Missing Keyword And Ignore Error
[Documentation] FAIL
Run Keyword And Ignore Error missing keyword
Run Whitespace
[Documentation] FAIL
Run Keyword ${SPACE}
Do Atcion Capitalized
Do Atcion
Do Atcion Lowercase
do atcion
Do Atcion All Caps
Do Atcion Underscore
Do Atcion Explicit
Do Atcion Spacing
d o a t c i o n
Do Atcion No Whitespace
Keyword With Periods
Kye.word with_periods
Similar User Keywords
Similar User Keyword 4
Similar Keywords In Resources And Libraries
Similar Kw
Non-similar Embedded User Keyword
Unique misspelled kkw blah
Embedded Similar User Keywords
Embbedded User joe Argument password Keyword 3
Existing Non-ASCII Keyword
hyvää öytä
Wrong Library Name
Wrong Library Name 2
BuiltIn Similar To Other BuiltIns
Atcion And Ignore Problems
Substring of Long Keyword
Really Long Keyword
Similar To Really Long Keyword
Reallly Long Keyword that doesn't end for a while
Keyword With Arguments Without Correct Spacing
Record message=hello world level=WARN
Misspelled Keyword With Arguments
recoord message=hello world level=WARN
Just Library Name
Leading Period Keyword
Leading Period Library Name
Ending In Period Keyword
Ending In Period Library Name
Curly Brace
More Non-ASCII
Non-ASCII But Similar
Similär Kw
Many Similar Keywords
*** Keywords ***
A User Keyword
No Operation
Similar User Keyword 1
No Operation
Similar User Keyword 2
No Operation
Similar User Keyword 3
No Operation
Embedded User ${hello} Argument ${world} Keyword 1
No Operation
Embedded User ${foo} Argument ${bar} Keyword 2
No Operation
Unique ${i} Kw ${j}
No Operation
Key.word.with periods.
No Operation
hyvää yötä
No Operation
Really long keyword that does not end for quite a while
No Operation
Similar Kw 5
No Operation
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