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Created April 5, 2024 08:15
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import json
import logging
import re
import js2py
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
RE_CODE_BLOCK = re.compile(
r'```(json)?\n?(.+)\n?```', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL
class TypeChat:
def system_prompt(self, typescript: str):
template = """
You are a service that translates user requests into JSON object according to the following TypeScript definitions of type `Result`.
你是一个用户请求翻译器,根据用户请求和以下TypeScript定义准确翻译成符合 `Result` 类型的JSON对象。TypeScript定义如下:
Please translate the user request into a JSON object directly, with 2 spaces of indentation, use `null` to represent values that cannot be translated. Please make sure response JSON text directly.
return template.strip().format(TYPESCRIPT=typescript.strip())
def user_prompt(self, user_request: str):
template = """
Please translate the following user request into JSON object(请翻译以下用户请求成JSON数据):
return template.strip().format(USERREQUEST=user_request.strip())
def _extract_markdown_code_block(self, response: str):
用正则表达式提取 ```json``` 之间的内容
match =
if match:
return response
def _load_json(self, text: str):
result = error = None
json_text = text.replace('undefined', 'null')
result = json.loads(json_text)
except (json.JSONDecodeError, Exception) as ex:
error = ex'json failed to parse response: %s', text)
if result is not None:
return None, result
js_text = f'_result={text}'
result = js2py.eval_js(js_text)
result = result.to_dict()
except (js2py.PyJsException, Exception) as ex:
error = ex'js2py failed to parse response: %s', text)
if result is not None:
return None, result
return error, None
def parse_response(self, response: str):
提取回复数据,返回 (error, result)
text = self._extract_markdown_code_block(response)
error, result = self._load_json(text)
if error is not None:
return error, None
if 'Result' in result:
result = result['Result']
return None, result
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