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Created March 9, 2017 11:15
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package Int_List_Pkg is
type Int_List (Max_Length : Natural) is private
with Type_Invariant => Is_Sorted (Int_List);
function Is_Sorted (List : Int_List) return Boolean;
type Int_array is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
function To_Int_List (Ints : Int_Array) return Int_List;
function To_Int_Array (List : Int_List) return Int_Array;
function "&" (Left, Right : Int_List) return Int_List;
... -- other subprograms
type int_List (Max_Length : Natural) is record
Length : Natural;
Data : Int_Array (1..Max_Length);
end record;
function Is_Sorted (List : Int_List) return Boolean is
(for all I in List.Data'First .. List.Length-1 =>
List.Data (I) <= List.Data (I+1));
end Int_List_Pkg;
package body Int_List_Pkg is
procedure Sort (Ints : in out Int_Array) is
... -- Your favourite sorting algorithm
end Sort;
function To_Int_List (Ints : Int_Array) return Int_List is
List : Int_List :=
(Max_Length => Ints'Length,
Length => Ints'Length,
Data => Ints);
Sort (List.Data);
return List;
end To_Int_List;
function To_Int_Array (List : Int_List) return Int_Array is
return List.Data;
end To_Int_Array;
function "&" (Left, Right : Int_List) return Int_List is
Ints : Int_array := Left.Data & Right.Data;
Sort (Ints);
return To_int_list (Ints);
end "&"
... -- Other subprograms
end Int_List_Pkg;
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