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Created December 9, 2012 22:16
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pip help look and feel [wip]
------------- pip help -------------
bundle Create pybundles (archives containing multiple packages)
freeze Output all currently installed packages (exact versions) to stdout
help Show available commands
install Install packages
search Search PyPI
show Output installed distributions (exact versions, files) to stdout
uninstall Uninstall packages
unzip Unzip individual packages
zip Zip individual packages
General Options:
-h, --help Show help
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
------------- pip help bundle -------------
Usage: pip bundle [OPTIONS] BUNDLE_NAME.pybundle PACKAGE_NAMES...
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Package Index Options:
-f, --find-links <URL>
URL to look for packages at
-i, --index-url <URL>
Base URL of Python Package Index (default
--extra-index-url <URL>
Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to --index-url
--no-index Ignore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead)
-M, --use-mirrors Use the PyPI mirrors as a fallback in case the main index is down.
--mirrors <URL> Specific mirror URLs to query when --use-mirrors is used
Command Options:
-e, --editable <VCS+REPOS_URL[@REV]#EGG=PACKAGE>
Install a package directly from a checkout. Source will be checked
out into src/PACKAGE (lower-case) and installed in-place (using develop). You can run this on an existing
directory/checkout (like pip install -e src/mycheckout). This
option may be provided multiple times. Possible values for VCS are:
svn, git, hg and bzr.
-r, --requirement <FILENAME>
Install all the packages listed in the given requirements file.
This option can be used multiple times.
-b, --build <DIR> Unpack packages into DIR (default /home/gv/.virtualenvs/pipa/build-
bundle) and build from there
-t, --target <DIR> Install packages into DIR.
-d, --download <DIR>
Download packages into DIR instead of installing them
--download-cache <DIR>
Cache downloaded packages in DIR
--src <DIR> Check out --editable packages into DIR (default
-U, --upgrade Upgrade all packages to the newest available version
--force-reinstall When upgrading, reinstall all packages even if they are already up-
-I, --ignore-installed
Ignore the installed packages (reinstalling instead)
--no-deps Ignore package dependencies
--no-install Download and unpack all packages, but don't actually install them
--no-download Don't download any packages, just install the ones already
downloaded (completes an install run with --no-install)
--install-option <INSTALL_OPTIONS>
Extra arguments to be supplied to the install command (use
like --install-option="--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin"). Use
multiple --install-option options to pass multiple options to install. If you are using an option with a directory path,
be sure to use absolute path.
--global-option <GLOBAL_OPTIONS>
Extra global options to be supplied to the call before the
install command
--user Install to user-site
--egg Install as self contained egg file, like easy_install does.
--root <DIR> Install everything relative to this alternate root directory
------------- pip help freeze -------------
Usage: pip freeze [OPTIONS]
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Command Options:
-r, --requirement <FILENAME>
Use the given requirements file as a hint about how to generate the
new frozen requirements
-f, --find-links <URL>
URL for finding packages, which will be added to the frozen
requirements file
-l, --local If in a virtualenv, do not report globally-installed packages
------------- pip help help -------------
Usage: pip help
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
------------- pip help install -------------
Usage: pip install [OPTIONS] PACKAGE_NAMES...
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Package Index Options:
-f, --find-links <URL>
URL to look for packages at
-i, --index-url <URL>
Base URL of Python Package Index (default
--extra-index-url <URL>
Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to --index-url
--no-index Ignore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead)
-M, --use-mirrors Use the PyPI mirrors as a fallback in case the main index is down.
--mirrors <URL> Specific mirror URLs to query when --use-mirrors is used
Command Options:
-e, --editable <VCS+REPOS_URL[@REV]#EGG=PACKAGE>
Install a package directly from a checkout. Source will be checked
out into src/PACKAGE (lower-case) and installed in-place (using develop). You can run this on an existing
directory/checkout (like pip install -e src/mycheckout). This
option may be provided multiple times. Possible values for VCS are:
svn, git, hg and bzr.
-r, --requirement <FILENAME>
Install all the packages listed in the given requirements file.
This option can be used multiple times.
-b, --build <DIR> Unpack packages into DIR (default /home/gv/.virtualenvs/pipa/build)
and build from there
-t, --target <DIR> Install packages into DIR.
-d, --download <DIR>
Download packages into DIR instead of installing them
--download-cache <DIR>
Cache downloaded packages in DIR
--src <DIR> Check out --editable packages into DIR (default
-U, --upgrade Upgrade all packages to the newest available version
--force-reinstall When upgrading, reinstall all packages even if they are already up-
-I, --ignore-installed
Ignore the installed packages (reinstalling instead)
--no-deps Ignore package dependencies
--no-install Download and unpack all packages, but don't actually install them
--no-download Don't download any packages, just install the ones already
downloaded (completes an install run with --no-install)
--install-option <INSTALL_OPTIONS>
Extra arguments to be supplied to the install command (use
like --install-option="--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin"). Use
multiple --install-option options to pass multiple options to install. If you are using an option with a directory path,
be sure to use absolute path.
--global-option <GLOBAL_OPTIONS>
Extra global options to be supplied to the call before the
install command
--user Install to user-site
--egg Install as self contained egg file, like easy_install does.
--root <DIR> Install everything relative to this alternate root directory
------------- pip help search -------------
Usage: pip search QUERY
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Command Options:
--index <URL> Base URL of Python Package Index (default
------------- pip help show -------------
Usage: pip show QUERY
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Command Options:
-f, --files Show the full list of installed files for each package
------------- pip help uninstall -------------
Usage: pip uninstall [OPTIONS] PACKAGE_NAMES ...
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Command Options:
-r, --requirement <FILENAME>
Uninstall all the packages listed in the given requirements file.
This option can be used multiple times.
-y, --yes Don't ask for confirmation of uninstall deletions.
------------- pip help unzip -------------
Usage: pip unzip [OPTIONS] PACKAGE_NAMES...
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Command Options:
--zip Zip (rather than unzip) a package
--no-pyc Do not include .pyc files in zip files (useful on Google App
-l, --list List the packages available, and their zip status
--sort-files With --list, sort packages according to how many files they contain
--path <PATHS> Restrict operations to the given paths (may include wildcards)
-n, --simulate Do not actually perform the zip/unzip operation
------------- pip help zip -------------
Usage: pip zip [OPTIONS] PACKAGE_NAMES...
General Options:
-v, --verbose Give more output
-V, --version Show version and exit
-q, --quiet Give less output
--log <FILENAME> Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
--proxy <PROXY> Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. Note
that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are
behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide
user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
--timeout <SECONDS> Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
--exists-action <EXISTS_ACTION>
Default action when a path already exists. Use this option more
than one time to specify another action if a certain option is not
available. Choices: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
Command Options:
--unzip Unzip (rather than zip) a package
--no-pyc Do not include .pyc files in zip files (useful on Google App
-l, --list List the packages available, and their zip status
--sort-files With --list, sort packages according to how many files they contain
--path <PATHS> Restrict operations to the given paths (may include wildcards)
-n, --simulate Do not actually perform the zip/unzip operation
------------- pip help -------------
Usage: pip <command> [options]
bundle create a pybundle
freeze list installed packages
help show available commands and options
install install packages
search search the python package index
show show contents of installed distributions
uninstall uninstall packages
unzip unzip individual packages
zip zip individual packages
General Options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show version and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-q, --quiet decrease verbosity
--log <path> log file (maximum verbosity)
--proxy <proxy> use proxy server (specified as user:pswd@server:port)
--timeout <sec> set socket timeout (default: 15 seconds)
--exists-action <(s)witch,(i)gnore,(w)ipe,(b)ackup>
default action for already existing paths
Further Information:
------------- pip help install -------------
Usage: pip install [options] <package> [<package> ...]
General Options:
-V, --version show version and exit
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-q, --quiet decrease verbosity
--log <path> log file (maximum verbosity)
--proxy <proxy> use proxy server (specified as user:pswd@server:port)
--timeout <sec> set socket timeout (default: 15 seconds)
--exists-action <(s)witch,(i)gnore,(w)ipe,(b)ackup>
default action for already existing paths
Package Index Options:
--no-index ignore package index (use --find-links instead)
-M, --use-mirrors use a pypi mirror if the main index is offline
-f, --find-links <url> search for packages at <url>
-i, --index-url <url> base pypi url
--extra-index-url <url> package indexes to use in addition to --index-url
--mirrors <url> specific mirror <url> to query when --use-mirrors is used
Install Options:
--user install to user site-packages
--egg install as a self contained egg file
--no-deps ignore package dependencies
--no-install download and unpack packages only
--no-download install only already downloaded packages
--force-reinstall reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date
-I, --ignore-installed ignore installed packages (reinstall instead)
-U, --upgrade upgrade packages to the newest available version
-e, --editable <wc> install a package directly from a checkout
-r, --requirement <pth> install packages from requirements file
-b, --build <dir> unpack and build packages from <dir>
-d, --download <dir> download packages into <dir> instead of installing them
-t, --target <dir> install packages into <dir>
--src <dir> checkout --editable packages into <dir>
--root <dir> install everything relative to <dir>
--download-cache <dir> cache downloaded packages in <dir>
--install-option <opts> extra arguments to pass to ' install'
--global-option <opts> extra arguments to pass to the ''
--build: /home/gv/.virtualenvs/pipa/build
--src: /home/gv/.virtualenvs/pipa/src
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