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Last active March 4, 2018 22:56
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Format a CUB style dataset for tfrecord storage, including class labels, bboxes and parts.
import os
import random
import sys
from collections import Counter
def format_labels(image_labels):
Convert the image labels to be integers between [0, num classes)
Returns :
condensed_image_labels = { image_id : new_label}
new_id_to_original_id_map = {new_label : original_label}
label_values = list(set(image_labels.values()))
condensed_image_labels = dict([(image_id, label_values.index(label))
for image_id, label in image_labels.iteritems()])
new_id_to_original_id_map = dict([[label_values.index(label), label] for label in label_values])
return condensed_image_labels, new_id_to_original_id_map
def load_class_names(dataset_path=''):
names = {}
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'classes.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
class_id = int(pieces[0])
names[class_id] = ' '.join(pieces[1:])
return names
def load_image_labels(dataset_path=''):
labels = {}
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'image_class_labels.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
image_id = pieces[0]
class_id = pieces[1]
labels[image_id] = int(class_id) # GVH: should we force this to be an int?
return labels
def load_image_paths(dataset_path='', path_prefix=''):
paths = {}
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'images.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
image_id = pieces[0]
path = os.path.join(path_prefix, pieces[1])
paths[image_id] = path
return paths
def load_bounding_box_annotations(dataset_path=''):
bboxes = {}
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'bounding_boxes.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
image_id = pieces[0]
bbox = map(int, map(float, pieces[1:]))
bboxes[image_id] = bbox
return bboxes
def load_part_annotations(dataset_path=''):
parts_d = {}
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'parts/part_locs.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
image_id = pieces[0]
parts_d.setdefault(image_id, {})
part_id = int(pieces[1])
parts_d[image_id][part_id] = map(float, pieces[2:])
# convert the dictionary to an array
parts = {}
for image_id, parts_dict in parts_d.items():
keys = parts_dict.keys()
parts_list = []
for part_id in keys:
parts_list += parts_dict[part_id]
parts[image_id] = parts_list
return parts
def load_train_test_split(dataset_path=''):
train_images = []
test_images = []
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'train_test_split.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
image_id = pieces[0]
is_train = int(pieces[1])
if is_train > 0:
return train_images, test_images
def load_image_sizes(dataset_path=''):
sizes = {}
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'sizes.txt')) as f:
for line in f:
pieces = line.strip().split()
image_id = pieces[0]
width, height = map(int, pieces[1:])
sizes[image_id] = [width, height]
return sizes
# Not the best python code etiquette, but trying to keep everything self contained...
def create_image_sizes_file(dataset_path, image_path_prefix):
from scipy.misc import imread
image_paths = load_image_paths(dataset_path, image_path_prefix)
image_sizes = []
for image_id, image_path in image_paths.iteritems():
im = imread(image_path)
image_sizes.append([image_id, im.shape[1], im.shape[0]])
with open(os.path.join(dataset_path, 'sizes.txt'), 'w') as f:
for image_id, w, h in image_sizes:
f.write("%s %d %d\n" % (str(image_id), w, h))
def format_dataset(dataset_path, image_path_prefix):
Load in a dataset (that has been saved in the CUB Format) and store in a format
to be written to the tfrecords file
image_paths = load_image_paths(dataset_path, image_path_prefix)
image_sizes = load_image_sizes(dataset_path)
image_bboxes = load_bounding_box_annotations(dataset_path)
image_parts = load_part_annotations(dataset_path)
image_labels, new_label_to_original_label_map = format_labels(load_image_labels(dataset_path))
class_names = load_class_names(dataset_path)
train_images, test_images = load_train_test_split(dataset_path)
train_data = []
test_data = []
for image_ids, data_store in [(train_images, train_data), (test_images, test_data)]:
for image_id in image_ids:
width, height = image_sizes[image_id]
width = float(width)
height = float(height)
x, y, w, h = image_bboxes[image_id]
x1 = max(x / width, 0.)
x2 = min((x + w) / width, 1.)
y1 = max(y / height, 0.)
y2 = min((y + h) / height, 1.)
parts_x = []
parts_y = []
parts_v = []
parts = image_parts[image_id]
for part_index in range(0, len(parts), 3):
parts_x.append(max(parts[part_index] / width, 0.))
parts_y.append(max(parts[part_index + 1] / height, 0.))
parts_v.append(int(parts[part_index + 2]))
"filename" : image_paths[image_id],
"id" : image_id,
"class" : {
"label" : image_labels[image_id],
"text" : class_names[new_label_to_original_label_map[image_labels[image_id]]]
"object" : {
"count" : 1,
"bbox" : {
"xmin" : [x1],
"xmax" : [x2],
"ymin" : [y1],
"ymax" : [y2],
"label" : [image_labels[image_id]],
"text" : [class_names[new_label_to_original_label_map[image_labels[image_id]]]]
"parts" : {
"x" : parts_x,
"y" : parts_y,
"v" : parts_v
"id" : [image_id],
"area" : [w * h]
return train_data, test_data
def create_validation_split(train_data, fraction_per_class=0.1, shuffle=True):
Take `images_per_class` from the train dataset and create a validation set.
subset_train_data = []
val_data = []
val_label_counts = {}
class_labels = [i['class']['label'] for i in train_data]
images_per_class = Counter(class_labels)
val_images_per_class = {label : 0 for label in images_per_class.keys()}
# Sanity check to make sure each class has more than 1 label
for label, image_count in images_per_class.items():
if image_count <= 1:
print("Warning: label %d has only %d images" % (label, image_count))
if shuffle:
for image_data in train_data:
label = image_data['class']['label']
if label not in val_label_counts:
val_label_counts[label] = 0
if val_images_per_class[label] < images_per_class[label] * fraction_per_class:
val_images_per_class[label] += 1
return subset_train_data, val_data
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