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Forked from CrowdHailer/clock.ex
Created September 30, 2015 15:27
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Creating boundary modules for elixir applications. These have their implementation set during the configuration step. In this example we switch clock between system clock and a dummy clock
# This module represents a behaviour and when used picks from the Application configuration which implementation will be used
defmodule Clock do
@callback now() :: Integer.t
defmacro __using__([]) do
module = Application.get_env(:my_app, :Clock)
quote do
alias unquote(module), as: Clock
# In config/dev.ex and in config/prod.ex we set up the module that we would like to use as the implementation for the Clock boundary
use Mix.Config
config :my_app, Clock: SystemClock
# In config/test.ex we use a Dummy Clock implementation
use Mix.Config
config :my_app, Clock: DummyClock
# Returns a constant value for testing purposes.
defmodule DummyClock do
def now do
# Time at 15:42 on 30th September 2015
# All production code just uses the Clock module and has no knowledge of the possible change in implementation
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
use Clock
def time do
# This is an implementation for the Clock boundary that asks the operating system for the current time.
defmodule SystemClock do
@behaviour Clock
def now do
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