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Created September 27, 2023 13:16
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// Creator: k6 Browser Recorder 0.6.2
import { sleep, group } from 'k6'
import http from 'k6/http'
export default function main() {
let response
group('page_1 -', function () {
response =
headers: {
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response = http.get('', {
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dnt: '1',
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response = http.get(
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response = http.get(
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dnt: '1',
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'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
response = http.get(
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dnt: '1',
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dnt: '1',
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dnt: '1',
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response = http.get(
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dnt: '1',
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response = http.get(
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dnt: '1',
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dnt: '1',
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response = http.get('', {
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dnt: '1',
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dnt: '1',
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response = http.get(
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dnt: '1',
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headers: {
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response = http.get(
headers: {
dnt: '1',
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'sec-ch-ua-platform': '"macOS"',
response = http.get(
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headers: {
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