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Forked from gavinsimpson/asciify.R
Last active September 14, 2016 14:56
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Create Stata-like ASCII tables in R
# #
# statascii #
# Create Stata-like ASCII tables in R #
# #
statascii <- function(df, flavor = "oneway", padding = "stata", pad = 1L, ...) {
## error checking
if (ncol(df) <= 2L & flavor == "twoway") {
stop("data.frame must have at least three columns for 'twoway' flavor",
call. = FALSE)
if (ncol(df) <= 1L) {
stop("data.frame must have at least two columns", call. = FALSE)
## internal functions
df <- as.matrix(sapply(format(df, digits = 3L, scientific = FALSE), as.character))
if (ncol(df) == 1L) {
df <- t(df)
if (padding == "stata") {
colnames(df) <- str_pad(colnames(df), 9L, pad = " ")
else if (padding == "none") {
SepLine <- function(n, pad = 1L) {
tmp <- lapply(n, function(x, pad)
paste0(rep("\xe2\x94\x80", x + (2L * pad)),
collapse = ""),
pad = pad)
paste0("\xe2\x94\x80", paste(tmp, collapse = "\xe2\x94\xbc"))
Row1 <- function(x, n, pad = 1L) {
foo <- function(i, x, n) {
fmt <- paste0("%", n[i], "s")
sprintf(fmt, as.character(x[i]))
rowc <- sapply(seq_along(x), foo, x = x, n = n)
paste0(" ",
paste(paste0(rep(" ", pad), rowc[1], rep(" ", pad)), collapse = ""),
paste(paste0(rep(" ", pad), rowc[-1], rep(" ", pad)), collapse = " ")
Row2 <- function(x, n, pad = 1L) {
foo <- function(i, x, n) {
fmt <- paste0("%", n[i], "s")
sprintf(fmt, as.character(x[i]))
rowc <- sapply(seq_along(x), foo, x = x, n = n)
paste(paste0(rep(" ", pad), rowc[1], rep(" ", pad)), collapse = ""),
paste(paste0(rep(" ", pad), rowc[2:(length(rowc) - 1)], rep(" ", pad)), collapse = ""),
paste(paste0(rep(" ", pad), rowc[length(rowc)], rep(" ", pad)), collapse = " ")
## convert everything to characters
## nchar in data
mdf <- apply(df, 2, function(x) max(nchar(x)))
## nchar in names
cnames <- nchar(colnames(df))
## max nchar of name+data per elements
M <- pmax(mdf, cnames)
M1 <- as.integer(c(M[1],
sum(M[2:(length(M))]) + (3L * ncol(df)) - 6L))
M2 <- as.integer(c(M[1] - 1L,
sum(M[2:(length(M) - 1L)],
(2L * ncol(df)) - 6L),
M[length(M)] - 1L))
if (flavor == "oneway") {
## write the header
sep <- SepLine(M1, pad = pad)
writeLines(Row1(colnames(df), M, pad = pad))
## write the rows
totalLine <- nrow(df) - 1L
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
## write a row
writeLines(Row1(df[i, ], M, pad = pad))
## write separator
if (i == totalLine) {
else if (flavor == "twoway") {
## write the header
sep <- SepLine(M2, pad = pad)
writeLines(Row2(colnames(df), M, pad = pad))
## write the rows
totalLine <- nrow(df) - 1L
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
## write a row
writeLines(Row2(df[i, ], M, pad = pad))
## write separator
if (i == totalLine) {
else if (flavor == "summary") {
## write the header
sep <- SepLine(M1, pad = pad)
writeLines(Row1(colnames(df), M, pad = pad))
## write the rows
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
## write a row
writeLines(Row1(df[i, ], M, pad = pad))
## Examples
# Setup
# Demonstrate 'oneway' flavor for one-way tables of frequencies
a <- mtcars %>% count(gear) %>% rename(Freq. = n)
a <- a %>% add_row(gear = "Total", Freq. = sum(a[,2]))
statascii(a, flavor = "oneway")
# Demonstrate 'oneway' flavor with no Stata-like padding
a <- mtcars %>% count(gear) %>% rename(Freq. = n)
a <- a %>% add_row(gear = "Total", Freq. = sum(a[,2]))
statascii(a, flavor = "oneway", padding = "none")
# Demonstrate 'twoway' flavor for n-way tables of frequencies
b <- mtcars %>% count(gear, carb, am) %>% rename(Freq. = n)
b <- b %>% ungroup() %>% add_row(gear = "Total", carb = "", am = "", Freq. = sum(b[,4]))
statascii(b, flavor = "twoway")
# Demonstrate 'summary' flavor for summary statistics
c <- mtcars %>% group_by(gear) %>% summarize(
Obs = n(),
Mean = mean(gear),
"Std. Dev." = sd(gear),
Min = min(gear),
Max = max(gear)
statascii(c, flavor = "summary")
## Reference
# `statascii()` borrows heavily from `asciify()`.
# The `asciify()` function was written by @gavinsimpson in StackOverflow ( and GitHub Gist (
# The `statascii()' function was written by @gvelasq2 in Github Gist (
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