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Last active October 8, 2017 15:56
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
Recursive list utilities, taking advantage of Tail Call Elimination
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Tail call elimination is a technique used by modern browsers to optimize recursive
// functions. It's not yet implemented in every browsers but part of the ES6 specs.
// Basically, the browser gets rid of the call stack while a recursive function
// is still being executed.
// To make it possible for browsers to optimize such functions, we have to directly
// return the function's result, without doing any other operation on it.
// For more information, read the excellent "Functional Programming in Elm" article
// head :: [a] -> a
export const head = ([x]) => x
// tail :: [a] -> [a]
export const tail = ([x,]) => rest
// last :: [a] -> a
export const last = xs => xs[xs.length - 1]
// drop :: number -> [a] -> [a]
export const drop = (n, xs) =>
? drop(n - 1, tail(xs))
: xs
// take :: number -> [a] -> Optional [a] -> [a]
export const take = (n, [x,], output = []) =>
? take(n - 1, rest, [...output, x])
: output
// reverse :: [a] -> Optional [a] -> [a]
export const reverse = ([x,], output = []) =>
? reverse(rest, [x, ...output])
: [x, ...output]
// map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> Optional [b] -> [b]
export const map = (f, [x,], output = []) =>
? map(f, rest, [...output, f(x)])
: [...output, f(x)]
// filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Optional [a] -> [a]
export const filter = (f, [x,], output = []) =>
? filter(f, rest, f(x) ? [...output, x] : output)
: f(x) ? [...output, x] : output
// reduce :: (b -> a -> b) -> [a] -> b -> Optional [a] -> b
export const reduce = (f, acc, [x,]) =>
? reduce(f, f(acc, x), rest)
: f(acc, x)
// reduceRight :: (b -> a -> b) -> [a] -> b -> Optional [a] -> b
export const reduceRight = (f, acc, xs) =>
reduce(f, acc, reverse(xs))
// range :: number -> number -> Optional [number] -> [number]
export const range = (start, end, xs = []) =>
start > end
? xs
: range(start + 1, end, [...xs, start])
// fact :: number -> Optional number -> number
export const fact = (x, output = 1) =>
? fact(x - 1, x * output)
: output
// compose :: (..., (c -> d), (b -> c), (a -> b)) -> a -> d
export const compose = (...funcs) =>
x => reduceRight((acc, f) => f(acc), x, funcs)
// pipe :: ((a -> b), (b -> c), (c -> d), ...) -> a -> d
export const pipe = (...funcs) =>
x => reduce((acc, f) => f(acc), x, funcs)
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