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Created November 12, 2020 18:27
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Outlook CalDavSynchronizer manual installation
:: from "Can't install on a virtual machine (no admin rights)" #227
SET cdspath=
SET mode=2
SET regpath=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\CalDavSynchronizer.1
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%g IN (`REG QUERY %regpath% /v Manifest 2^> nul`) do (SET cdspath=%%g)
SET cdspath="%cdspath:~30%"
SET cdspath=%cdspath:~1,-35%
IF "%cdspath%"=="" SET mode=1
IF "%mode%"=="1" (
ECHO This will INSTALL CalDavSynchronizer, since i could not find it's path in the registry
SET /P ipath=Please type in the path:
SET manifest=file:///%ipath%\CalDavSynchronizer.vsto^|vstolocal
reg add %regpath% /v Manifest /t REG_SZ /d "%manifest%" > nul 2>&1
reg add %regpath% /v LoadBehavior /t REG_DWORD /d 3 > nul 2>&1
reg add %regpath% /v FriendlyName /t REG_SZ /d CalDavSynchronizer > nul 2>&1
reg add %regpath% /v Description /t REG_SZ /d CalDavSynchronizer > nul 2>&1
SET cdspath=%ipath%
) ELSE (
ECHO This will UPDATE CalDavSynchronizer to the path: %cdspath%
SET extract=msiexec /a CalDavSynchronizer.Setup.msi /qb TARGETDIR=%cdspath%
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