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Created July 26, 2017 15:28
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gvrangan> #startmeeting VTN_Weekly
<odl_meetbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 26 15:13:18 2017 UTC. The chair is gvrangan. Information about MeetBot at
<odl_meetbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
* odl_meetbot has changed the topic to: (Meeting topic: VTN_Weekly)
<odl_meetbot> The meeting name has been set to 'vtn_weekly'
<gvrangan> #topic AI from last meeting
* odl_meetbot has changed the topic to: AI from last meeting (Meeting topic: VTN_Weekly)
<gvrangan> #link
<gvrangan> #failure in VTN Coordinator not getting recreated
<gvrangan> #undo
<odl_meetbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.ircmeeting.items.Link object at 0x2f20b90>
<gvrangan> #info failure in VTN Coordinator not getting recreated
<gvrangan> #info VTN Manager Patch for KAraf4 in distribution has been merged
<gvrangan> #info 3node failures need to be debugged
<gvrangan> #action Testing in Sandbox
<gvrangan> #action VTN Coordinator CSIT for Nitrogen
* Disconnected (No such device or address)
* gvrangan is already in use. Retrying with gvrangan_...
* gvrangan_ sets mode +Z on gvrangan_
* gvrangan_ sets mode +i on gvrangan_
* Now talking on #opendaylight-vtn
* Topic for #opendaylight-vtn is: AI from last meeting (Meeting topic: VTN_Weekly)
* Topic for #opendaylight-vtn set by odl_meetbot! (Wed Jul 26 20:45:04 2017)
<gvrangan_> #endmeeting
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