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Created March 18, 2016 09:03
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  • Save gvranganvtn/bc4d64fc02d8e519fb3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save gvranganvtn/bc4d64fc02d8e519fb3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
20160318 08:44:39.728 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'karaf'.
20160318 08:44:39.869 : INFO :
Read output: 
 ________ ________ .__ .__ .__ __
 \_____ \ ______ ____ ____ \______ \ _____ ___.__.| | |__| ____ | |___/ |_
 / | \\____ \_/ __ \ / \ | | \\__ \< | || | | |/ ___\| | \ __\
 / | \ |_> > ___/| | \| ` \/ __ \\___ || |_| / /_/ > Y \ |
 \_______ / __/ \___ >___| /_______ (____ / ____||____/__\___ /|___| /__|
 \/|__| \/ \/ \/ \/\/ /_____/ \/

Hit '<tab>' for a list of available commands
and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command.
Hit '<ctrl-d>' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown OpenDaylight.
20160318 08:44:39.935 : INFO : @root>log:set TRACE org.opendaylight.vtn
20160318 08:44:39.937 : INFO : opendaylight-user
20160318 08:44:39.938 : INFO : ${output} = opendaylight-user
20160318 08:44:40.054 : INFO : opendaylight-user
20160318 08:44:40.055 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb6b19cc50>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
20160318 08:44:40.074 : INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20160318 08:44:40.246 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn:vtns, headers=None
20160318 08:44:40.247 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:40.248 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:44:40.251 : INFO : Start the test on the base edition
20160318 08:44:40.255 : INFO : Attempting to execute sudo mn -c on by gvrangan with any and >
20160318 08:44:40.256 : INFO : ${conn_id} = 2
20160318 08:44:40.258 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:44:40.258 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:44:40.262 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:44:41.457 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:44:40 UTC 2016
System load: 0.08 Processes: 170
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 9% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
For upgrade information, please visit:
New release '15.10' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Fri Mar 18 08:24:45 2016 from
20160318 08:44:41.458 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:41.460 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo mn -c'.
20160318 08:44:43.089 : INFO : Command exited with return code 0.
20160318 08:44:43.090 : INFO : ${stdout} =
20160318 08:44:43.090 : INFO :
${stderr} = *** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
20160318 08:44:43.124 : INFO :
*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
killall -9 controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"
*** Removing junk from /tmp
rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log
*** Removing old X11 tunnels
*** Removing excess kernel datapaths
ps ax | egrep -o 'dp[0-9]+' | sed 's/dp/nl:/'
*** Removing OVS datapathsovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX
ip link show | egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'
*** Killing stale mininet node processes
pkill -9 -f mininet:
*** Shutting down stale tunnels
pkill -9 -f Tunnel=Ethernet
pkill -9 -f .ssh/mn
rm -f ~/.ssh/mn/*
*** Cleanup complete.
20160318 08:44:43.125 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:43.129 : INFO : Attempting to execute sudo ps -elf | egrep 'usr/local/bin/mn' | egrep python | awk '{print "sudo kill -9",$4}' | sh on by gvrangan with any and >
20160318 08:44:43.130 : INFO : ${conn_id} = 3
20160318 08:44:43.132 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:44:43.132 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:44:43.137 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:44:44.308 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:44:43 UTC 2016
System load: 0.07 Processes: 172
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 9% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
For upgrade information, please visit:
New release '15.10' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Fri Mar 18 08:44:41 2016 from
20160318 08:44:44.309 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:44.311 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo ps -elf | egrep 'usr/local/bin/mn' | egrep python | awk '{print "sudo kill -9",$4}' | sh'.
20160318 08:44:44.344 : INFO : Command exited with return code -1.
20160318 08:44:44.344 : INFO : ${stdout} =
20160318 08:44:44.344 : INFO : ${stderr} =
20160318 08:44:44.411 : INFO :
20160318 08:44:44.412 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:44.414 : INFO : ${mininet_conn_id} = 4
20160318 08:44:44.415 : INFO : ${mininet_conn_id} = 4
20160318 08:44:44.418 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:44:44.418 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:44:44.423 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:44:45.562 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:44:45 UTC 2016
System load: 0.07 Processes: 175
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 9% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
For upgrade information, please visit:
New release '15.10' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Fri Mar 18 08:44:44 2016 from
20160318 08:44:45.563 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:45.564 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:45.565 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644'.
20160318 08:44:45.578 : INFO : Command exited with return code 0.
20160318 08:44:45.630 : INFO : sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --to
po tree,2
20160318 08:44:46.233 : INFO :
*** Creating network
*** Adding controller
*** Adding hosts:
h1 h2 h3 h4
*** Adding switches:
s1 s2 s3
*** Adding links:
(s1, s2) (s1, s3) (s2, h1) (s2, h2) (s3, h3) (s3, h4)
*** Configuring hosts
h1 h2 h3 h4
*** Starting controller
*** Starting 3 switches
s1 s2 s3
*** Starting CLI:
20160318 08:44:46.271 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb7085e910>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Check if switch1 detected
20160318 08:44:46.275 : INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20160318 08:44:46.314 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:44:46.314 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:44:46.316 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:44:46.316 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:44:49.326 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:44:49.326 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:49.327 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Check if switch1 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Check if switch2 detected
20160318 08:44:49.338 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:44:49.338 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:49.340 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Check if switch2 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Check if switch3 detected
20160318 08:44:49.350 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:44:49.351 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:49.353 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Check if switch3 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Add a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:49.411 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:update-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1, "update-mode": "CREATE","operation": "SET", "description": "creating vtn", "idle-timeout":300, "hard-timeout":0}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:49.412 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:49.414 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Add a vtn Tenant1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Add a vBridge vBridge1
20160318 08:44:49.456 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:49.457 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:49.458 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Add a macmap for bridge1
20160318 08:44:49.468 : INFO : h1 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:44:49.472 : INFO :
h1-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:49.473 : INFO :
${source} = h1-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:49.475 : INFO : ${HWaddress} = [u'h1-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'06:09:d1:1d:70:d4', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:44:49.476 : INFO : ${sourceHWaddr} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:49.477 : INFO : ${sourceHWaddress} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:49.478 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:49.479 : INFO : ${source} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:49.498 : INFO : h3 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:44:49.512 : INFO :
h3-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:49.513 : INFO :
${source} = h3-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:49.514 : INFO : ${HWaddress} = [u'h3-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'9e:63:d3:46:be:a8', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:44:49.516 : INFO : ${sourceHWaddr} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:49.518 : INFO : ${sourceHWaddress} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:49.519 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:44:49.521 : INFO : ${destination} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:49.581 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-mac-map:set-mac-map, data={"input":{"operation":"SET","allowed-hosts":["9e:63:d3:46:be:a8@0","06:09:d1:1d:70:d4@0"],"tenant-name":"Tenant1","bridge-name":"vBridge1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:49.582 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:49.583 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Add a macmap for bridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Get macmapflow h3 h1
20160318 08:44:49.597 : INFO : h3 ping -c 1 h1
20160318 08:44:52.612 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
20160318 08:44:52.613 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet...
20160318 08:44:52.614 : FAIL :
'PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1 errors, 100% packet loss, time 0ms
mininet>' does not contain '64 bytes'
20160318 08:44:53.623 : INFO : h3 ping -c 1 h1
20160318 08:44:53.691 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=65.0 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 65.061/65.061/65.061/0.000 ms
20160318 08:44:53.692 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=65.0 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Get macmapflow h3 h1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:53.786 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:remove-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:53.786 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.791 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Macmap.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:53.796 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
20160318 08:44:53.829 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb6b261f10>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Check if switch1 detected
20160318 08:44:53.836 : INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20160318 08:44:53.843 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:44:53.843 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.844 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Check if switch1 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Check if switch2 detected
20160318 08:44:53.854 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:44:53.855 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.856 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Check if switch2 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Check if switch3 detected
20160318 08:44:53.866 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:44:53.867 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.869 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Check if switch3 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:53.893 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:update-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1, "update-mode": "CREATE","operation": "SET", "description": "creating vtn", "idle-timeout":300, "hard-timeout":0}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:53.894 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.896 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a vtn Tenant1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a vBridge vBridge1
20160318 08:44:53.912 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:53.913 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.916 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface If1
20160318 08:44:53.967 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:53.967 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.969 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface If1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface if2
20160318 08:44:53.987 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if2}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:53.988 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:53.990 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface if2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if1
20160318 08:44:54.025 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "interface-name": if1, "node":"openflow:2", "port-name":"s2-eth1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.026 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.027 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if2
20160318 08:44:54.045 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "interface-name": if2, "node":"openflow:3", "port-name":"s3-eth1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.046 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.050 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Ping h1 to h3
20160318 08:44:54.084 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:44:54.127 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=44.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 44.540/44.540/44.540/0.000 ms
20160318 08:44:54.128 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=44.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Ping h1 to h3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify data flow details For vBridge1
20160318 08:44:54.345 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow:get-data-flow, data={"input":{"tenant-name":"Tenant1","mode":"UPDATESTATS"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.345 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify data flow details For vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a vBridge vBridge2
20160318 08:44:54.378 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.379 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.382 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a vBridge vBridge2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface If3
20160318 08:44:54.404 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if3}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.405 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.427 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface If3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface if4
20160318 08:44:54.449 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if4}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.450 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.452 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a interface if4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if3
20160318 08:44:54.527 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "interface-name": if3, "node":"openflow:2", "port-name":"s2-eth2"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.528 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.530 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if4
20160318 08:44:54.563 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "interface-name": if4, "node":"openflow:3", "port-name":"s3-eth2"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.563 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:54.565 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Add a portmap for interface if4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Ping h2 to h4
20160318 08:44:54.580 : INFO : h2 ping -c 1 h4
20160318 08:44:54.681 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=55.8 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 55.884/55.884/55.884/0.000 ms
20160318 08:44:54.682 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=55.8 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Ping h2 to h4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify data flow details for vBridge2
20160318 08:44:54.739 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow:get-data-flow, data={"input":{"tenant-name":"Tenant1","mode":"UPDATESTATS"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:54.740 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify data flow details for vBridge2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify FlowMacAddress
20160318 08:44:54.800 : INFO : h2 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:44:54.803 : INFO :
h2-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:44:54.805 : INFO :
${sourcemacaddr} = h2-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:44:54.807 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h2-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'f2:d4:60:de:1c:db', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:44:54.809 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddr} = f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:44:54.812 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddress} = f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:44:54.819 : INFO : h4 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:44:54.838 : INFO :
h4-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:44:54.838 : INFO :
${destmacaddr} = h4-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:44:54.840 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h4-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:44:54.842 : INFO : ${destmacaddr} = 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:44:54.843 : INFO : ${destmacaddress} = 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:44:54.855 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:44:54.946 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=8.382s, table=0, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1348, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000004, duration=0.270s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db,dl_dst=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58 actions=output:2
cookie=0x7f56000000000003, duration=0.302s, table=0, n_packets=1, n_bytes=98, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f56000000000002, duration=0.794s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:44:54.947 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=8.382s, table=0, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1348, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000004, duration=0.27...
20160318 08:44:54.951 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = True
20160318 08:44:54.953 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify FlowMacAddress
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Remove Portmap for If1
20160318 08:44:55.049 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:remove-port-map, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1,"bridge-name":vBridge1,"interface-name":if1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.049 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.051 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Remove Portmap for If1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify RemovedFlowMacAddress
20160318 08:44:55.077 : INFO : h1 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:44:55.081 : INFO :
h1-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:55.081 : INFO :
${sourcemacaddr} = h1-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:55.086 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h1-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'06:09:d1:1d:70:d4', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:44:55.100 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddr} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:55.102 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddress} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:44:55.119 : INFO : h3 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:44:55.123 : INFO :
h3-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:55.123 : INFO :
${destmacaddr} = h3-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:55.125 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h3-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'9e:63:d3:46:be:a8', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:44:55.130 : INFO : ${destmacaddr} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:55.132 : INFO : ${destmacaddress} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:44:55.141 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:44:55.152 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=8.588s, table=0, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1348, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000004, duration=0.476s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db,dl_dst=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58 actions=output:2
cookie=0x7f56000000000003, duration=0.508s, table=0, n_packets=1, n_bytes=98, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
20160318 08:44:55.153 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=8.588s, table=0, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1348, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000004, duration=0.47...
20160318 08:44:55.155 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=8.588s, table=0, n_packets=19, n_bytes=1348, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000004, duration=0.476s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db,dl_dst=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58 actions=output:2
cookie=0x7f56000000000003, duration=0.508s, table=0, n_packets=1, n_bytes=98, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain '06:09:d1:1d:70:d4'
20160318 08:44:55.157 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:44:55.159 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Verify RemovedFlowMacAddress
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:55.258 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:remove-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.259 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.261 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Dataflow.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:55.266 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
20160318 08:44:55.316 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb6b27c7d0>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Check if switch1 detected
20160318 08:44:55.323 : INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20160318 08:44:55.331 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:44:55.331 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.333 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Check if switch1 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Check if switch2 detected
20160318 08:44:55.350 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:44:55.352 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.357 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Check if switch2 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Check if switch3 detected
20160318 08:44:55.371 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:44:55.371 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.372 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Check if switch3 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:44:55.404 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:update-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1, "update-mode": "CREATE","operation": "SET", "description": "creating vtn", "idle-timeout":300, "hard-timeout":0}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.404 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.406 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn Tenant1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vBridge vBridge1
20160318 08:44:55.425 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.426 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.428 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface If1
20160318 08:44:55.456 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.457 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.459 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface If1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface if2
20160318 08:44:55.472 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if2}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.472 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.474 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface if2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if1
20160318 08:44:55.489 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "interface-name": if1, "node":"openflow:2", "port-name":"s2-eth1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.493 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.495 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if2
20160318 08:44:55.513 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "interface-name": if2, "node":"openflow:3", "port-name":"s3-eth1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.513 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.515 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Ping h1 to h3
20160318 08:44:55.539 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:44:55.570 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=35.7 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 35.794/35.794/35.794/0.000 ms
20160318 08:44:55.578 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=35.7 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Ping h1 to h3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vBridge vBridge2
20160318 08:44:55.598 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.598 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.600 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vBridge vBridge2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface If3
20160318 08:44:55.616 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if3}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.617 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.618 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface If3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface if4
20160318 08:44:55.631 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if4}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.632 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.633 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a interface if4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if3
20160318 08:44:55.647 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "interface-name": if3, "node":"openflow:2", "port-name":"s2-eth2"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.647 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.649 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if4
20160318 08:44:55.668 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "interface-name": if4, "node":"openflow:3", "port-name":"s3-eth2"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.668 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.670 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a portmap for interface if4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Ping h2 to h4
20160318 08:44:55.686 : INFO : h2 ping -c 1 h4
20160318 08:44:55.739 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=41.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 41.680/41.680/41.680/0.000 ms
20160318 08:44:55.740 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=41.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Ping h2 to h4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowcondition
20160318 08:44:55.833 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-condition:set-flow-condition, data={"input":{"operation":"SET","present":"false","name":"cond_1","vtn-flow-match":[{"vtn-inet-match":{"source-network":"","destination-network":""},"index":"1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:55.834 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:55.835 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowcondition
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
20160318 08:44:56.012 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": "Tenant1","vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition":"cond_1","vtn-pass-filter":{},"vtn-flow-action":[{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-src-action":{"ipv4-address":""}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-inet-dst-action":{"ipv4-address":""}}],"index": "1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:44:56.013 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:44:56.015 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:44:56.029 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:45:08.031 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms
20160318 08:45:08.032 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify inet4src and inet4dst of vtn flowfilter
20160318 08:45:08.051 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:08.067 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000008, duration=9.344s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f5600000000000b, duration=8.361s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db,dl_dst=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58 actions=output:2
cookie=0x7f5600000000000a, duration=8.382s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f56000000000009, duration=9.330s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=21.493s, table=0, n_packets=29, n_bytes=2022, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000007, duration=11.908s, table=0, n_packets=2, n_bytes=196, idle_age=10, priority=13,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,nw_src=,nw_dst= actions=mod_nw_src:,mod_nw_dst:,output:1
20160318 08:45:08.067 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000008, duration=9.344s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:45:08.072 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = True
20160318 08:45:08.073 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify inet4src and inet4dst of vtn flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vtn Flowfilter index
20160318 08:45:08.166 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:45:08.166 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:45:08.167 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vtn Flowfilter index
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbr flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
20160318 08:45:08.185 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": "Tenant1", "bridge-name": "vBridge1", "vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition":"cond_1","vtn-pass-filter":{},"vtn-flow-action":[{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-src-action":{"ipv4-address":""}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-inet-dst-action":{"ipv4-address":""}}],"index": "1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:45:08.185 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:45:08.187 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:08.194 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:45:20.217 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2017ms
20160318 08:45:20.218 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2017ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbr flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify inet4src and inet4dst of vbr flowfilter
20160318 08:45:20.230 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:20.235 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=33.679s, table=0, n_packets=32, n_bytes=2277, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f5600000000000c, duration=12.012s, table=0, n_packets=2, n_bytes=196, idle_age=10, priority=13,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,nw_src=,nw_dst= actions=mod_nw_src:,mod_nw_dst:,output:1
20160318 08:45:20.235 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=33.679s, table=0, n_packets=32, n_bytes=2277, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f5600000000000c, duration=12....
20160318 08:45:20.240 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = True
20160318 08:45:20.241 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify inet4src and inet4dst of vbr flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbr Flowfilter index
20160318 08:45:20.259 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:45:20.260 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:45:20.261 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbr Flowfilter index
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbrif flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
20160318 08:45:20.280 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": Tenant1, "bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name":"if1","vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition":"cond_1","vtn-pass-filter":{},"vtn-flow-action":[{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-src-action":{"ipv4-address":""}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-inet-dst-action":{"ipv4-address":""}}],"index": "1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:45:20.285 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:45:20.287 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:20.296 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:45:32.298 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms
20160318 08:45:32.299 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 1999ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbrif flowfilter with inet4src and inet4dst
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify inet4src and inet4dst of vbrif flowfilter
20160318 08:45:32.320 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:32.351 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f5600000000000e, duration=7.008s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=45.775s, table=0, n_packets=35, n_bytes=2489, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f5600000000000d, duration=12.019s, table=0, n_packets=2, n_bytes=196, idle_age=10, priority=13,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,nw_src=,nw_dst= actions=mod_nw_src:,mod_nw_dst:,output:1
cookie=0x7f5600000000000f, duration=7s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=7, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:45:32.351 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f5600000000000e, duration=7.008s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:45:32.365 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = True
20160318 08:45:32.368 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify inet4src and inet4dst of vbrif flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index
20160318 08:45:32.520 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name": "if1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:45:32.521 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:45:32.523 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn flowfilter with Icmp code
20160318 08:45:32.614 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": "Tenant1","vtn-flow-filter": [{"condition": "cond_1","index": "1", "vtn-pass-filter": {}, "vtn-flow-action": [{ "order": "1", "vtn-set-icmp-code-action":{"code": "1"}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-icmp-type-action": {"type": "3"}}]}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:45:32.615 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:45:32.617 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:32.629 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:45:44.639 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms
20160318 08:45:44.639 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn flowfilter with Icmp code
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify icmp action for vtn flowfilter
20160318 08:45:44.658 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:44.661 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=58.103s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:44.662 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=58.103s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:44.664 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=58.103s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:44.666 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:44.667 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:44.668 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:45.682 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:45.686 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=59.129s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:45.686 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=59.129s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:45.689 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=59.129s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:45.692 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:45.693 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:45.694 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:46.706 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:46.709 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=60.152s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:46.710 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=60.152s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:46.712 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=60.152s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:46.714 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:46.715 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:46.716 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:47.735 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:47.741 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=61.179s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:47.742 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=61.179s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:47.746 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=61.179s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:47.749 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:47.751 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:47.751 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:48.765 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:48.768 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=62.213s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:48.769 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=62.213s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:48.772 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=62.213s, table=0, n_packets=40, n_bytes=2940, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:48.774 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:48.776 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:48.776 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:49.788 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:49.792 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=63.236s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:49.793 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=63.236s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:49.795 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=63.236s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:49.797 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:49.798 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:49.798 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:50.813 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:50.817 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=64.258s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:50.817 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=64.258s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:50.820 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=64.258s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:50.822 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:50.823 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:50.824 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:51.836 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:51.846 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=65.291s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:51.847 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=65.291s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:51.850 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=65.291s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:51.853 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:51.855 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:51.855 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:52.875 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:52.884 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=66.317s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:52.884 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=66.317s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:52.889 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=66.317s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:52.892 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:52.894 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:52.895 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:53.910 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:53.914 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=67.357s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:53.914 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=67.357s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:53.917 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=67.357s, table=0, n_packets=41, n_bytes=3025, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:53.919 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:53.921 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:53.921 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:54.933 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:54.937 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=68.383s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:54.938 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=68.383s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:54.941 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=68.383s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:54.943 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:54.944 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:54.945 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:55.955 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:55.960 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=69.408s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:55.961 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=69.408s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:55.963 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=69.408s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:55.965 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:55.967 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:55.967 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:56.974 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:56.977 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=70.425s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:56.978 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=70.425s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:56.981 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=70.425s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:56.983 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:56.985 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:56.986 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:57.992 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:57.996 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=71.444s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:57.997 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=71.444s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:58.000 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=71.444s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:58.002 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:58.003 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:58.003 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:45:59.011 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:45:59.014 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=72.461s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:59.015 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=72.461s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:45:59.017 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=72.461s, table=0, n_packets=42, n_bytes=3110, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:45:59.018 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:45:59.019 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:45:59.019 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:00.026 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:00.029 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=73.477s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:00.030 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=73.477s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:00.031 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=73.477s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:00.033 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:00.034 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:00.034 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:01.042 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:01.045 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=74.492s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:01.046 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=74.492s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:01.048 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=74.492s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:01.049 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:01.050 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:01.051 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:02.057 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:02.061 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=75.508s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:02.061 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=75.508s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:02.063 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=75.508s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:02.065 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:02.066 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:02.066 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:03.075 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:03.078 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=76.524s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:03.078 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=76.524s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:03.080 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=76.524s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:03.082 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:03.083 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:03.083 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:04.090 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:04.093 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=77.541s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:04.094 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=77.541s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:04.096 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=77.541s, table=0, n_packets=43, n_bytes=3195, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:04.097 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:04.098 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:04.098 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:05.109 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:05.112 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=78.556s, table=0, n_packets=44, n_bytes=3280, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:05.112 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=78.556s, table=0, n_packets=44, n_bytes=3280, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:05.114 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=78.556s, table=0, n_packets=44, n_bytes=3280, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:05.115 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:05.116 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:05.117 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:05.118 : FAIL : Keyword 'Verify Flow Entries for Flowfilter' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: False != True
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify icmp action for vtn flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vtn Flowfilter index which has ICMP
20160318 08:46:05.135 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:46:05.136 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:46:05.137 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vtn Flowfilter index which has ICMP
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbr flowfilter with Icmp code
20160318 08:46:05.149 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": "Tenant1", "bridge-name": "vBridge1", "vtn-flow-filter": [{"condition": "cond_1","index": "1", "vtn-pass-filter": {}, "vtn-flow-action": [{ "order": "1", "vtn-set-icmp-code-action":{"code": "1"}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-icmp-type-action": {"type": "3"}}]}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:46:05.149 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:46:05.151 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:05.160 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:46:17.177 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms
20160318 08:46:17.178 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbr flowfilter with Icmp code
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify icmp action for vbr flowfilter
20160318 08:46:17.189 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:17.194 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=7.008s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=7.001s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=90.638s, table=0, n_packets=49, n_bytes=3688, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:17.194 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=7.008s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:46:17.196 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=7.008s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=7.001s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=90.638s, table=0, n_packets=49, n_bytes=3688, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:17.198 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:17.199 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:17.199 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:18.209 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:18.215 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=8.027s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=8.020s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=91.657s, table=0, n_packets=49, n_bytes=3688, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:18.215 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=8.027s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:46:18.217 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=8.027s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=8.020s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=91.657s, table=0, n_packets=49, n_bytes=3688, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:18.218 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:18.219 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:18.220 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:19.227 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:19.233 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=9.048s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=9.041s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=92.678s, table=0, n_packets=49, n_bytes=3688, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:19.234 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=9.048s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:46:19.236 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=9.048s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=9.041s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=92.678s, table=0, n_packets=49, n_bytes=3688, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:19.237 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:19.238 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:19.238 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:20.246 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:20.253 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=10.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=10.059s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=93.696s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:20.253 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=10.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:20.255 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=10.066s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=10.059s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=93.696s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:20.256 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:20.257 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:20.258 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:21.267 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:21.272 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=11.086s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=11.079s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=94.716s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:21.273 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=11.086s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:21.275 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=11.086s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=11.079s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=94.716s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:21.276 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:21.277 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:21.277 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:22.292 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:22.299 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=12.106s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=12.099s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=95.736s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:22.299 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=12.106s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:22.302 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=12.106s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=12.099s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=95.736s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:22.303 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:22.304 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:22.305 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:23.312 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:23.319 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=13.133s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=13.126s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=96.763s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:23.319 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=13.133s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:23.321 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=13.133s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=13.126s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=96.763s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:23.322 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:23.323 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:23.323 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:24.342 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:24.349 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=14.151s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=14.144s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=97.781s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:24.349 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=14.151s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:24.351 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=14.151s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=14.144s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=97.781s, table=0, n_packets=50, n_bytes=3773, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:24.353 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:24.354 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:24.355 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:25.364 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:25.370 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=15.183s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=15.176s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=98.813s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:25.370 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=15.183s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:25.372 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=15.183s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=15.176s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=98.813s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:25.374 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:25.375 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:25.375 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:26.383 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:26.389 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=16.202s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=16.195s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=99.832s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:26.389 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=16.202s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:26.391 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=16.202s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=16.195s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=99.832s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:26.392 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:26.393 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:26.393 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:27.399 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:27.409 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=17.221s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=17.214s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=100.851s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:27.409 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=17.221s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:27.411 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=17.221s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=17.214s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=100.851s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:27.413 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:27.414 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:27.414 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:28.422 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:28.428 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=18.242s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=18.235s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=101.872s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:28.429 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=18.242s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:28.431 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=18.242s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=18.235s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=101.872s, table=0, n_packets=51, n_bytes=3858, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:28.432 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:28.433 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:28.433 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:29.443 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:29.449 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=19.261s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=19.254s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=102.891s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:29.449 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=19.261s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:29.451 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=19.261s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=19.254s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=102.891s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:29.452 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:29.453 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:29.454 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:30.462 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:30.467 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=20.281s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=20.274s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=103.911s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:30.468 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=20.281s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:30.470 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=20.281s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=20.274s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=103.911s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:30.472 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:30.472 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:30.473 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:31.483 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:31.489 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=21.301s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=21.294s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=104.931s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:31.489 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=21.301s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:31.491 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=21.301s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=21.294s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=104.931s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:31.493 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:31.494 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:31.494 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:32.506 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:32.512 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=22.322s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=22.315s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=105.952s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:32.513 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=22.322s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:32.515 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=22.322s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=22.315s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=105.952s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:32.516 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:32.517 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:32.518 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:33.527 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:33.533 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=23.346s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=23.339s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=106.976s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:33.533 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=23.346s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:33.534 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=23.346s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=23.339s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=106.976s, table=0, n_packets=52, n_bytes=3943, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:33.536 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:33.537 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:33.537 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:34.549 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:34.555 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=24.365s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=24.358s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=107.995s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:34.556 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=24.365s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:34.557 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=24.365s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=24.358s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=107.995s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:34.559 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:34.560 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:34.560 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:35.568 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:35.574 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=25.388s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=25.381s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=109.018s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:35.574 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=25.388s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:35.576 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=25.388s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=25.381s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=109.018s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:35.577 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:35.578 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:35.578 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:36.589 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:36.595 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=26.409s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=26.402s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=110.039s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:36.596 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=26.409s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:36.597 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=26.409s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=26.402s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=110.039s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:36.599 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:36.600 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:36.600 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:37.613 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:37.619 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=27.428s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=27.421s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=111.058s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:46:37.619 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=27.428s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:37.621 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000012, duration=27.428s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000013, duration=27.421s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=111.058s, table=0, n_packets=53, n_bytes=4028, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:37.623 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:37.624 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:37.624 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:37.625 : FAIL : Keyword 'Verify Flow Entries for Flowfilter' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: False != True
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify icmp action for vbr flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbr Flowfilter index which has ICMP
20160318 08:46:37.659 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:46:37.659 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:46:37.661 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbr Flowfilter index which has ICMP
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbrif flowfilter with Icmp code
20160318 08:46:37.673 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": Tenant1, "bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name":"if1","vtn-flow-filter": [{"condition": "cond_1","index": "1", "vtn-pass-filter": {}, "vtn-flow-action": [{ "order": "1", "vtn-set-icmp-code-action":{"code": "1"}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-icmp-type-action": {"type": "3"}}]}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:46:37.673 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:46:37.674 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:37.687 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:46:49.701 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2016ms
20160318 08:46:49.702 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2016ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbrif flowfilter with Icmp code
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify icmp action for vbrif flowfilter
20160318 08:46:49.724 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:49.732 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=7.010s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=123.167s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=7s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=7, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:49.733 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=7.010s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:46:49.738 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=7.010s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=7, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=123.167s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=7s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=7, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:49.741 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:49.743 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:49.744 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:50.759 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:50.765 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=8.046s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=124.203s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=8.036s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=8, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:50.765 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=8.046s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:46:50.767 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=8.046s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=8, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=124.203s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=8.036s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=8, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:50.768 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:50.769 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:50.769 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:51.792 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:51.813 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=9.092s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=125.249s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=9.082s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=9, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:51.813 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=9.092s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9...
20160318 08:46:51.823 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=9.092s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=9, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=125.249s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=9.082s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=9, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:51.830 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:51.841 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:51.843 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:52.854 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:52.861 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=10.146s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=126.303s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=10.136s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=10, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:52.861 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=10.146s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:52.864 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=10.146s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=10, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=126.303s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=10.136s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=10, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:52.865 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:52.866 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:52.866 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:53.881 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:53.895 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=11.177s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=127.334s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=11.167s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=11, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:53.896 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=11.177s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:53.900 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=11.177s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=11, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=127.334s, table=0, n_packets=59, n_bytes=4521, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=11.167s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=11, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:53.903 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:53.904 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:53.904 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:54.923 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:54.938 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=12.213s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=128.370s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=12.203s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=12, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:54.938 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=12.213s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:54.940 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=12.213s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=12, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=128.370s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=12.203s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=12, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:54.942 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:54.943 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:54.943 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:55.952 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:55.962 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=13.246s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=129.403s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=13.236s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=13, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:55.963 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=13.246s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:55.966 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=13.246s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=13, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=129.403s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=13.236s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=13, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:55.970 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:55.973 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:55.974 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:57.004 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:57.010 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=14.288s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=130.445s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=14.278s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=14, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:57.011 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=14.288s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:57.014 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=14.288s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=14, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=130.445s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=14.278s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=14, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:57.016 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:57.017 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:57.017 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:58.034 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:58.043 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=15.322s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=131.479s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=15.312s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=15, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:58.044 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=15.322s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:58.046 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=15.322s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=15, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=131.479s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=15.312s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=15, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:58.048 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:58.050 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:58.051 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:46:59.064 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:46:59.070 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=16.356s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=132.513s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=16.346s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=16, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:46:59.070 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=16.356s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:46:59.072 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=16.356s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=16, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=132.513s, table=0, n_packets=60, n_bytes=4606, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=16.346s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=16, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:46:59.074 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:46:59.075 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:46:59.075 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:00.088 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:00.094 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=17.378s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=133.535s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=17.368s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=17, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:00.094 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=17.378s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:00.096 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=17.378s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=17, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=133.535s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=17.368s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=17, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:00.098 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:00.099 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:00.099 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:01.114 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:01.125 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=18.406s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=134.563s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=18.396s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=18, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:01.126 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=18.406s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:01.130 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=18.406s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=18, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=134.563s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=18.396s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=18, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:01.134 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:01.136 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:01.136 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:02.146 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:02.155 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=19.440s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=135.597s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=19.430s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=19, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:02.157 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=19.440s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:02.159 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=19.440s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=19, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=135.597s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=19.430s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=19, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:02.162 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:02.163 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:02.164 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:03.179 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:03.190 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=20.471s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=136.628s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=20.461s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=20, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:03.191 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=20.471s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:03.194 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=20.471s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=20, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=136.628s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=20.461s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=20, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:03.196 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:03.197 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:03.198 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:04.210 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:04.219 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=21.502s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=137.659s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=21.492s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=21, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:04.219 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=21.502s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:04.221 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=21.502s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=21, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=137.659s, table=0, n_packets=61, n_bytes=4691, idle_age=4, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=21.492s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=21, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:04.223 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:04.224 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:04.225 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:05.231 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:05.238 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=22.526s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=138.683s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=22.516s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=22, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:05.239 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=22.526s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:05.241 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=22.526s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=22, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=138.683s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=22.516s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=22, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:05.242 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:05.244 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:05.244 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:06.255 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:06.266 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=23.548s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=139.705s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=23.538s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=23, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:06.267 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=23.548s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:06.271 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=23.548s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=23, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=139.705s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=23.538s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=23, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:06.274 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:06.275 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:06.276 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:07.288 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:07.300 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=24.583s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=140.740s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=24.573s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=24, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:07.300 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=24.583s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:07.303 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=24.583s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=24, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=140.740s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=2, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=24.573s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=24, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:07.306 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:07.307 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:07.308 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:08.320 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:08.326 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=25.611s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=141.768s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=25.601s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=25, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:08.326 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=25.611s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:08.328 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=25.611s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=25, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=141.768s, table=0, n_packets=62, n_bytes=4776, idle_age=3, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=25.601s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=25, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:08.329 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:08.330 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:08.331 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:09.350 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:09.358 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=26.636s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=142.793s, table=0, n_packets=63, n_bytes=4861, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=26.626s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=26, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:09.359 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=26.636s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:09.362 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=26.636s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=26, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=142.793s, table=0, n_packets=63, n_bytes=4861, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=26.626s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=26, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:09.365 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:09.366 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:09.367 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:10.377 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:10.384 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=27.670s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=143.827s, table=0, n_packets=63, n_bytes=4861, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=27.660s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=27, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:10.384 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=27.670s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst...
20160318 08:47:10.387 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f56000000000015, duration=27.670s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=27, priority=11,arp,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8 actions=output:1
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=143.827s, table=0, n_packets=63, n_bytes=4861, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000016, duration=27.660s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=27, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_tp_dst:1'
20160318 08:47:10.388 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:10.389 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:10.390 : FAIL : False != True
20160318 08:47:10.390 : FAIL : Keyword 'Verify Flow Entries for Flowfilter' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: False != True
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify icmp action for vbrif flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which has ICMP
20160318 08:47:10.421 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name": "if1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:10.422 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:10.423 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which has ICMP
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn flowfilter with dscp
20160318 08:47:10.463 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": "Tenant1","vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition": "cond_1","vtn-pass-filter": {},"vtn-flow-action": [{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-dscp-action": {"dscp":"32"}}],"index":"1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:10.463 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:10.465 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:10.471 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:47:10.498 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=18.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 18.567/18.567/18.567/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:10.499 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=18.5 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vtn flowfilter with dscp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify dscp action for vtn flowfilter
20160318 08:47:10.516 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:10.519 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=143.958s, table=0, n_packets=64, n_bytes=4959, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:47:10.519 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=143.958s, table=0, n_packets=64, n_bytes=4959, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
20160318 08:47:10.520 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=143.958s, table=0, n_packets=64, n_bytes=4959, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
mininet>' does not contain 'mod_nw_tos:128'
20160318 08:47:11.527 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:11.533 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=144.977s, table=0, n_packets=64, n_bytes=4959, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000017, duration=1.018s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=1, priority=13,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,nw_src=,nw_dst= actions=mod_nw_tos:128,output:1
cookie=0x7f56000000000018, duration=1.012s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=1, priority=12,ip,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,nw_src= actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:11.533 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=144.977s, table=0, n_packets=64, n_bytes=4959, idle_age=1, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000017, duration=1....
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify dscp action for vtn flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vtn Flowfilter index which have dscp
20160318 08:47:11.567 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.567 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.569 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vtn Flowfilter index which have dscp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbr flowfilter with dscp
20160318 08:47:11.583 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": "Tenant1", "bridge-name": "vBridge1", "vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition": "cond_1","vtn-pass-filter": {},"vtn-flow-action": [{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-dscp-action": {"dscp":"32"}}],"index":"1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.584 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.585 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:11.590 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:47:11.617 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=15.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 15.601/15.601/15.601/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:11.617 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=15.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbr flowfilter with dscp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify dscp action for vbr flowfilter
20160318 08:47:11.631 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:11.638 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=145.076s, table=0, n_packets=65, n_bytes=5057, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000019, duration=0.017s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=0, priority=13,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,nw_src=,nw_dst= actions=mod_nw_tos:128,output:1
cookie=0x7f5600000000001a, duration=0.009s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=12,ip,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,nw_src= actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:11.639 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=145.076s, table=0, n_packets=65, n_bytes=5057, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000019, duration=0....
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify dscp action for vbr flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbr Flowfilter index which have dscp
20160318 08:47:11.676 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.676 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.678 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbr Flowfilter index which have dscp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbrif flowfilter with dscp
20160318 08:47:11.688 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": Tenant1, "bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name":"if1","vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition": "cond_1","vtn-pass-filter": {},"vtn-flow-action": [{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-dscp-action": {"dscp":"32"}}],"index":"1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.689 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.690 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:11.695 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:47:11.717 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=14.1 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.194/14.194/14.194/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:11.717 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=14.1 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a vbrif flowfilter with dscp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify dscp action for vbrif flowfilter
20160318 08:47:11.728 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:11.734 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=145.176s, table=0, n_packets=66, n_bytes=5155, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f5600000000001b, duration=0.017s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_age=0, priority=13,ip,in_port=3,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4,dl_dst=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,nw_src=,nw_dst= actions=mod_nw_tos:128,output:1
cookie=0x7f5600000000001c, duration=0.009s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:11.735 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=145.176s, table=0, n_packets=66, n_bytes=5155, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f5600000000001b, duration=0....
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify dscp action for vbrif flowfilter
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which have dscp
20160318 08:47:11.753 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name": "if1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.754 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.755 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which have dscp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowfilter with vlanpcp
20160318 08:47:11.782 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": Tenant1, "bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name":"if1","vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition":"cond_1","vtn-pass-filter":{},"vtn-flow-action":[{"order":"3","vtn-set-icmp-code-action":{"code":"1"}},{"order":"4","vtn-set-vlan-pcp-action":{"vlan-pcp":"3"}}],"index":"1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.783 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.784 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:11.789 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:47:11.820 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=14.9 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.943/14.943/14.943/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:11.821 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=14.9 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowfilter with vlanpcp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which have vlanpcp
20160318 08:47:11.850 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name": "if1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.851 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.852 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which have vlanpcp
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowfilter with tpsrc and tpdst
20160318 08:47:11.891 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": Tenant1, "bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name":"if1","vtn-flow-filter": [{"condition": "cond_1","vtn-pass-filter": {},"vtn-flow-action": [{"order": "1","vtn-set-port-src-action": {"port": "5"}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-port-dst-action": {"port": "10"}}],"index": "1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.892 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.894 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:11.901 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:47:11.931 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=20.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 20.343/20.343/20.343/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:11.932 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=20.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowfilter with tpsrc and tpdst
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which has tpsrc and tpdst
20160318 08:47:11.953 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:remove-flow-filter, data={"input": {"indices": ["1"], "tenant-name": "Tenant1","bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name": "if1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.953 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:11.954 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Remove vbrif Flowfilter index which has tpsrc and tpdst
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowfilter with inet4 for drop
20160318 08:47:11.997 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-filter:set-flow-filter, data={"input": {"tenant-name": Tenant1, "bridge-name": "vBridge1","interface-name":"if1","vtn-flow-filter":[{"condition":"cond_1","vtn-drop-filter":{},"vtn-flow-action":[{"order": "1","vtn-set-inet-src-action":{"ipv4-address":""}},{"order": "2","vtn-set-inet-dst-action":{"ipv4-address":""}}],"index": "1"}]}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:11.998 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:12.000 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:47:12.005 : INFO : h1 ping -c 3 h3
20160318 08:47:24.025 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms
20160318 08:47:24.026 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2015ms
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Add a flowfilter with inet4 for drop
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify Removed Flow Entry For Inet After Drop Action
20160318 08:47:24.033 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:25.038 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:26.042 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:27.046 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:28.050 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:29.055 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:30.059 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:31.064 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:32.069 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:33.073 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:34.077 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:35.082 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:36.087 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:37.091 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:38.096 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:39.100 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:40.104 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:41.109 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:42.113 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:43.117 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:44.122 : FAIL : Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
20160318 08:47:44.122 : FAIL : Keyword 'Verify flowactions' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: Variable '${DROP_DUMPFLOWS}' not found.
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Verify Removed Flow Entry For Inet After Drop Action
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Delete a flowcondition
20160318 08:47:44.138 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-flow-condition:remove-flow-condition, data={"input":{"name":"cond_1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.138 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.139 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Delete a flowcondition
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:47:44.151 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:remove-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.151 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.153 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Manager Flowfilter.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:47:44.158 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
20160318 08:47:44.188 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb6b2f4090>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Check if switch1 detected
20160318 08:47:44.192 : INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20160318 08:47:44.197 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:47:44.198 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.199 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Check if switch1 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Check if switch2 detected
20160318 08:47:44.206 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:47:44.206 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.208 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Check if switch2 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Check if switch3 detected
20160318 08:47:44.214 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:47:44.215 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.216 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Check if switch3 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:47:44.223 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:update-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1, "update-mode": "CREATE","operation": "SET", "description": "creating vtn", "idle-timeout":300, "hard-timeout":0}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.223 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.224 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a vtn Tenant1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a vBridge vBridge1
20160318 08:47:44.231 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.232 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.234 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface If1
20160318 08:47:44.241 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.241 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.242 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface If1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface if2
20160318 08:47:44.249 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if2}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.249 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.251 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface if2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if1
20160318 08:47:44.259 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "interface-name": if1, "node":"openflow:2", "port-name":"s2-eth1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.259 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.260 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if2
20160318 08:47:44.268 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "interface-name": if2, "node":"openflow:3", "port-name":"s3-eth1"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.268 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.270 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Ping h1 to h3
20160318 08:47:44.282 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:47:44.303 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=17.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.378/17.378/17.378/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:44.304 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=17.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Ping h1 to h3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a vBridge vBridge2
20160318 08:47:44.314 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.315 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.317 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a vBridge vBridge2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface If3
20160318 08:47:44.327 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if3}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.328 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.329 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface If3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface if4
20160318 08:47:44.338 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vinterface:update-vinterface, data={"input": {"update-mode":"CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige interfacecreated", "enabled":"true", "interface-name": if4}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.338 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.339 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a interface if4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if3
20160318 08:47:44.347 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "interface-name": if3, "node":"openflow:2", "port-name":"s2-eth2"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.348 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.349 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if4
20160318 08:47:44.364 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:set-port-map, data={"input": { "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "interface-name": if4, "node":"openflow:3", "port-name":"s3-eth2"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.368 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.370 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Add a portmap for interface if4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Ping h2 to h4
20160318 08:47:44.390 : INFO : h2 ping -c 1 h4
20160318 08:47:44.404 : INFO :
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=16.2 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 16.201/16.201/16.201/0.000 ms
20160318 08:47:44.405 : INFO :
${result} = PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=16.2 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time ...
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Ping h2 to h4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Get flow
20160318 08:47:44.424 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-flow-impl:vtn-flows/vtn-flow-table/Tenant1, headers=None
20160318 08:47:44.424 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.425 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Get flow
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Verify FlowMacAddress
20160318 08:47:44.449 : INFO : h2 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:47:44.451 : INFO :
h2-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:47:44.451 : INFO :
${sourcemacaddr} = h2-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:47:44.452 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h2-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'f2:d4:60:de:1c:db', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:47:44.454 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddr} = f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:47:44.455 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddress} = f2:d4:60:de:1c:db
20160318 08:47:44.465 : INFO : h4 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:47:44.468 : INFO :
h4-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:47:44.468 : INFO :
${destmacaddr} = h4-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:47:44.470 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h4-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:47:44.471 : INFO : ${destmacaddr} = 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:47:44.473 : INFO : ${destmacaddress} = 4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58
20160318 08:47:44.483 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:44.488 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=177.930s, table=0, n_packets=80, n_bytes=6268, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000025, duration=0.079s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
cookie=0x7f56000000000024, duration=0.177s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=9e:63:d3:46:be:a8,dl_dst=06:09:d1:1d:70:d4 actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:44.488 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=177.930s, table=0, n_packets=80, n_bytes=6268, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000025, duration=0....
20160318 08:47:44.491 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = True
20160318 08:47:44.493 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Verify FlowMacAddress
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Remove Portmap for If1
20160318 08:47:44.518 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-port-map:remove-port-map, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1,"bridge-name":vBridge1,"interface-name":if1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.519 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.521 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Remove Portmap for If1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Verify RemovedFlowMacAddress
20160318 08:47:44.544 : INFO : h1 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:47:44.546 : INFO :
h1-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:47:44.546 : INFO :
${sourcemacaddr} = h1-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:47:44.547 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h1-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'06:09:d1:1d:70:d4', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:47:44.548 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddr} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:47:44.550 : INFO : ${sourcemacaddress} = 06:09:d1:1d:70:d4
20160318 08:47:44.581 : INFO : h3 ifconfig -a | grep HWaddr
20160318 08:47:44.583 : INFO :
h3-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:47:44.583 : INFO :
${destmacaddr} = h3-eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:47:44.585 : INFO : ${macaddress} = [u'h3-eth0', u'', u'', u'Link', u'encap:Ethernet', u'', u'HWaddr', u'9e:63:d3:46:be:a8', u'', u'\r\r\nmininet>']
20160318 08:47:44.586 : INFO : ${destmacaddr} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:47:44.587 : INFO : ${destmacaddress} = 9e:63:d3:46:be:a8
20160318 08:47:44.591 : INFO : sh ovs-ofctl dump-flows s3
20160318 08:47:44.596 : INFO :
NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=178.041s, table=0, n_packets=80, n_bytes=6268, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000025, duration=0.190s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
20160318 08:47:44.597 : INFO :
${result} = NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=178.041s, table=0, n_packets=80, n_bytes=6268, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000025, duration=0....
20160318 08:47:44.598 : FAIL :
'NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4):
cookie=0x7f57ffffffffffff, duration=178.041s, table=0, n_packets=80, n_bytes=6268, idle_age=0, priority=0 actions=CONTROLLER:65535
cookie=0x7f56000000000025, duration=0.190s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0, idle_timeout=300, idle_age=0, priority=10,in_port=2,vlan_tci=0x0000/0x1fff,dl_src=4e:c2:18:b9:cb:58,dl_dst=f2:d4:60:de:1c:db actions=output:3
mininet>' does not contain '06:09:d1:1d:70:d4'
20160318 08:47:44.599 : INFO : ${booleanValue} = False
20160318 08:47:44.600 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'bool'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Verify RemovedFlowMacAddress
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:47:44.621 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:remove-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:47:44.622 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:47:44.623 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vbridge Portmapping Test.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:47:44.626 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
20160318 08:47:44.649 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb70881ad0>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Start topology
20160318 08:47:44.654 : INFO : Attempting to execute sudo mn -c on by gvrangan with any and >
20160318 08:47:44.656 : INFO : ${conn_id} = 5
20160318 08:47:44.658 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:47:44.658 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:47:44.662 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:47:45.829 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:47:45 UTC 2016
System load: 0.66 Processes: 186
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
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Last login: Fri Mar 18 08:44:45 2016 from
20160318 08:47:45.830 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:47:45.833 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo mn -c'.
20160318 08:47:47.279 : INFO : Command exited with return code 0.
20160318 08:47:47.280 : INFO : ${stdout} =
20160318 08:47:47.280 : INFO :
${stderr} = *** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
20160318 08:47:47.349 : INFO :
*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
killall -9 controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"
*** Removing junk from /tmp
rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log
*** Removing old X11 tunnels
*** Removing excess kernel datapaths
ps ax | egrep -o 'dp[0-9]+' | sed 's/dp/nl:/'
*** Removing OVS datapathsovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br s1 -- --if-exists del-br s2 -- --if-exists del-br s3
ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX
ip link show | egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'
ip link del s2-eth3
ip link del s1-eth1
Cannot find device "s1-eth1"
ip link del s3-eth3
ip link del s1-eth2
Cannot find device "s1-eth2"
ip link del s2-eth1
ip link del s2-eth2
ip link del s3-eth1
ip link del s3-eth2
*** Killing stale mininet node processes
pkill -9 -f mininet:
*** Shutting down stale tunnels
pkill -9 -f Tunnel=Ethernet
pkill -9 -f .ssh/mn
rm -f ~/.ssh/mn/*
*** Cleanup complete.
20160318 08:47:47.350 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:47:47.356 : INFO : Attempting to execute sudo ps -elf | egrep 'usr/local/bin/mn' | egrep python | awk '{print "sudo kill -9",$4}' | sh on by gvrangan with any and >
20160318 08:47:47.358 : INFO : ${conn_id} = 6
20160318 08:47:47.359 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:47:47.359 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:47:47.365 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:47:48.481 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:47:48 UTC 2016
System load: 0.76 Processes: 188
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
20160318 08:47:48.482 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:47:48.484 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo ps -elf | egrep 'usr/local/bin/mn' | egrep python | awk '{print "sudo kill -9",$4}' | sh'.
20160318 08:47:48.506 : INFO : Command exited with return code -1.
20160318 08:47:48.507 : INFO : ${stdout} =
20160318 08:47:48.507 : INFO : ${stderr} =
20160318 08:47:48.573 : INFO :
20160318 08:47:48.574 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:47:48.576 : INFO : ${mininet_conn_id1} = 7
20160318 08:47:48.577 : INFO : ${mininet_conn_id1} = 7
20160318 08:47:48.579 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:47:49.637 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:47:49 UTC 2016
System load: 0.76 Processes: 188
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
20160318 08:47:49.639 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6644'.
20160318 08:47:49.652 : INFO : Command exited with return code 0.
20160318 08:47:49.738 : INFO : [chan 2] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
20160318 08:47:49.752 : INFO : '/home/gvrangan/test/csit/libraries/MininetTopo/' -> '/home/gvrangan//'
20160318 08:47:49.760 : INFO : There are 8 zombie processes.
20160318 08:48:19.797 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
For upgrade information, please visit:
New release '15.10' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Fri Mar 18 08:47:48 2016 from
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --cu
stom --topo vlantopo
Caught exception. Cleaning up...
TypeError: custom() got multiple values for keyword argument 'self'
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Start topology
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Check if switch1 detected
20160318 08:48:19.808 : INFO : Starting new HTTP connection (1):
20160318 08:48:19.814 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:48:19.815 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:19.820 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:19.822 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:22.836 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:48:22.836 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:22.839 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:22.839 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:25.852 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:48:25.854 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:25.856 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:25.857 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:28.868 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:48:28.868 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:28.870 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:28.870 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:31.878 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:1, headers=None
20160318 08:48:31.878 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:31.879 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:31.880 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:31.881 : FAIL : Keyword 'Fetch vtn switch inventory' failed after retrying for 12 seconds. The last error was: 404 != 200
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Check if switch1 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Check if switch2 detected
20160318 08:48:31.887 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:48:31.888 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:31.889 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:31.889 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:32.896 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:48:32.896 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:32.898 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:32.898 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:33.905 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:48:33.905 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:33.907 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:33.907 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:34.914 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:2, headers=None
20160318 08:48:34.915 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:34.916 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:34.916 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:34.917 : FAIL : Keyword 'Fetch vtn switch inventory' failed after retrying for 3 seconds. The last error was: 404 != 200
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Check if switch2 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Check if switch3 detected
20160318 08:48:34.923 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:48:34.924 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:34.925 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:34.925 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:35.932 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:48:35.933 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:35.934 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:35.934 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:36.941 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:48:36.941 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:36.942 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:36.943 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:37.949 : INFO : Get Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operational/vtn-inventory:vtn-nodes/vtn-node/openflow:3, headers=None
20160318 08:48:37.950 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [404]>
20160318 08:48:37.951 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
20160318 08:48:37.951 : FAIL : 404 != 200
20160318 08:48:37.952 : FAIL : Keyword 'Fetch vtn switch inventory' failed after retrying for 3 seconds. The last error was: 404 != 200
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Check if switch3 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:48:37.960 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:update-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1, "update-mode": "CREATE","operation": "SET", "description": "creating vtn", "idle-timeout":300, "hard-timeout":0}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:48:37.960 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:48:37.961 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vtn Tenant1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vBridge vBridge1
20160318 08:48:37.969 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge1, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:48:37.969 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:48:37.970 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vlanmap for bridge1
20160318 08:48:37.998 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vlan-map:add-vlan-map, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1,"bridge-name":vBridge1,"vlan-id":200}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:48:37.999 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:48:38.000 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vlanmap for bridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vBridge vBridge2
20160318 08:48:38.009 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vbridge:update-vbridge, data={"input": {"update-mode": "CREATE","operation":"SET", "tenant-name":Tenant1, "bridge-name":vBridge2, "description": "vbrdige created"}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:48:38.009 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:48:38.011 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vBridge vBridge2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vlanmap for bridge2
20160318 08:48:38.021 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn-vlan-map:add-vlan-map, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1,"bridge-name":vBridge2,"vlan-id":300}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:48:38.022 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:48:38.023 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Add a vlanmap for bridge2
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h1 h3
20160318 08:48:38.030 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h3
20160318 08:49:08.031 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h1: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
20160318 08:49:08.033 : FAIL :
Keyword 'Mininet Ping Should Succeed' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h1: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h1 h3
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h1 h5
20160318 08:49:08.039 : INFO : h1 ping -c 1 h5
20160318 08:49:38.042 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h1: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
20160318 08:49:38.043 : FAIL :
Keyword 'Mininet Ping Should Succeed' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h1: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h1 h5
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h2 h4
20160318 08:49:38.048 : INFO : h2 ping -c 1 h4
20160318 08:50:08.049 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h2: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
20160318 08:50:08.051 : FAIL :
Keyword 'Mininet Ping Should Succeed' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h2: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h2 h4
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h2 h6
20160318 08:50:08.056 : INFO : h2 ping -c 1 h6
20160318 08:50:38.058 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h2: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
20160318 08:50:38.059 : FAIL :
Keyword 'Mininet Ping Should Succeed' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h2: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h2 h6
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h2 h5
20160318 08:50:38.064 : INFO : h2 ping -c 3 h5
20160318 08:51:08.066 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h2: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
20160318 08:51:08.067 : FAIL :
Keyword 'Mininet Ping Should Not Succeed' failed after retrying for 20 seconds. The last error was: No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
h2: command not found
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Get vlanflow h2 h5
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:51:08.077 : INFO : Post Request using : alias=session, uri=restconf/operations/vtn:remove-vtn, data={"input": {"tenant-name":Tenant1}}, headers=None, files=None, allow_redirects=True
20160318 08:51:08.077 : INFO : ${resp} = <Response [200]>
20160318 08:51:08.079 : INFO :
Argument types are:
<type 'int'>
<type 'unicode'>
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Vlanmap.Delete a vtn Tenant1
20160318 08:51:08.082 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
20160318 08:51:08.109 : INFO : Creating Session using : alias=session, url=, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, cookies=None, auth=<requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth object at 0x7feb708870d0>, timeout=None, proxies=None, verify=False, debug=0
20160318 08:51:08.112 : INFO : Start the test on the base edition
20160318 08:51:08.116 : INFO : Attempting to execute sudo mn -c on by gvrangan with any and >
20160318 08:51:08.117 : INFO : ${conn_id} = 8
20160318 08:51:08.119 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:51:08.119 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:51:08.123 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:51:09.200 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:51:08 UTC 2016
System load: 1.0 Processes: 188
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
20160318 08:51:09.201 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:51:09.203 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo mn -c'.
20160318 08:51:10.317 : INFO : Command exited with return code 0.
20160318 08:51:10.317 : INFO : ${stdout} =
20160318 08:51:10.317 : INFO :
${stderr} = *** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
20160318 08:51:10.352 : INFO :
*** Removing excess controllers/ofprotocols/ofdatapaths/pings/noxes
killall controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
killall -9 controller ofprotocol ofdatapath ping nox_core lt-nox_core ovs-openflowd ovs-controller udpbwtest mnexec ivs 2> /dev/null
pkill -9 -f "sudo mnexec"
*** Removing junk from /tmp
rm -f /tmp/vconn* /tmp/vlogs* /tmp/*.out /tmp/*.log
*** Removing old X11 tunnels
*** Removing excess kernel datapaths
ps ax | egrep -o 'dp[0-9]+' | sed 's/dp/nl:/'
*** Removing OVS datapathsovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
ovs-vsctl --timeout=1 list-br
*** Removing all links of the pattern foo-ethX
ip link show | egrep -o '([-_.[:alnum:]]+-eth[[:digit:]]+)'
*** Killing stale mininet node processes
pkill -9 -f mininet:
*** Shutting down stale tunnels
pkill -9 -f Tunnel=Ethernet
pkill -9 -f .ssh/mn
rm -f ~/.ssh/mn/*
*** Cleanup complete.
20160318 08:51:10.353 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:51:10.357 : INFO : Attempting to execute sudo ps -elf | egrep 'usr/local/bin/mn' | egrep python | awk '{print "sudo kill -9",$4}' | sh on by gvrangan with any and >
20160318 08:51:10.359 : INFO : ${conn_id} = 9
20160318 08:51:10.360 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:51:10.360 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:51:10.365 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:51:11.438 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:51:11 UTC 2016
System load: 1.0 Processes: 188
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
20160318 08:51:11.439 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:51:11.441 : INFO : Executing command 'sudo ps -elf | egrep 'usr/local/bin/mn' | egrep python | awk '{print "sudo kill -9",$4}' | sh'.
20160318 08:51:11.475 : INFO : Command exited with return code -1.
20160318 08:51:11.475 : INFO : ${stdout} =
20160318 08:51:11.475 : INFO : ${stderr} =
20160318 08:51:11.509 : INFO :
20160318 08:51:11.510 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:51:11.512 : INFO : ${mininet_conn_id} = 10
20160318 08:51:11.514 : INFO : ${mininet_conn_id} = 10
20160318 08:51:11.517 : INFO : Length is 0
20160318 08:51:11.517 : INFO : ${pwd_length} = 0
20160318 08:51:11.521 : INFO : Logging into '' as 'gvrangan'.
20160318 08:51:12.580 : INFO :
Read output: Welcome to Ubuntu 15.04 (GNU/Linux 3.19.0-56-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Fri Mar 18 08:51:12 UTC 2016
System load: 1.0 Processes: 188
Usage of /: 25.3% of 19.39GB Users logged in: 1
Memory usage: 10% IP address for eth0:
Swap usage: 0% IP address for virbr0:
20160318 08:51:12.581 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:51:12.582 : INFO : Returning from the enclosing user keyword.
20160318 08:51:12.588 : INFO : [chan 1] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
20160318 08:51:12.609 : INFO : '/home/gvrangan/test/csit/libraries/MininetTopo/' -> '/home/gvrangan//'
20160318 08:51:12.611 : INFO : There are 8 zombie processes.
20160318 08:51:42.614 : FAIL :
No match found for 'mininet>' in 30 seconds
Graph this data and manage this system at:
Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:
Your Ubuntu release is not supported anymore.
For upgrade information, please visit:
New release '15.10' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Last login: Fri Mar 18 08:51:11 2016 from
sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --custom --topo pathpolicytopo --switch ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow10
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> sudo mn --controller=remote,ip= --cu
stom --topo pathpolicytopo --switch ovsk,protocols=O
Caught exception. Cleaning up...
TypeError: custom() got multiple values for keyword argument 'self'
gvrangan@openstack-controlnode:~\> .
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch1 detected
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch1 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch2 detected
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch2 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch3 detected
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch3 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch4 detected
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Check if switch4 detected
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a vtn Tenant_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a vtn Tenant_path
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a vBridge vBridge1
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a interface If1_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a interface If1_path
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a portmap for interface if1_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a portmap for interface if1_path
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a interface If2_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a interface If2_path
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a portmap for interface if2_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a portmap for interface if2_path
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Ping h1 to h2 before path policy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Ping h1 to h2 before path policy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Verify flowEntryBeforePathPolicy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Verify flowEntryBeforePathPolicy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a flowcondition flowcond_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a flowcondition flowcond_path
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a pathmap
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a pathmap
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a pathpolicy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Add a pathpolicy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Get a pathpolicy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Get a pathpolicy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Ping h1 to h2 after path policy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Ping h1 to h2 after path policy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Verify flowEntryAfterPathPolicy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Verify flowEntryAfterPathPolicy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a pathmap
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a pathmap
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a pathpolicy
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a pathpolicy
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a flowcondition
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a flowcondition
Starting test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a vtn Tenant_path
Ending test: VTN Mgr OF10.Vtn Pathmap Pathpolicy.Delete a vtn Tenant_path
20160318 08:51:42.640 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
20160318 08:51:42.643 : INFO : exit
20160318 08:52:12.645 : FAIL :
No match found for '>' in 30 seconds
20160318 08:52:12.664 : INFO : Delete All Sessions
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