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Created March 2, 2016 17:50
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8:05.35] <@hideyuki> #startmeeting Weekly Meeting
[08:06.20] <@hideyuki> #topic Questions
[08:06.40] <@hideyuki> #info Sai asked a problem about errors on OpenStack Integration.
[08:10.32] <gvrangan> #info Sai has problems with stacking
[08:18.26] <gvrangan> #info Suggested Sai to try packstack also
[08:18.44] <gvrangan> #action need to comeuop with the list of API to suport with openstack
[08:19.44] <@hideyuki> #topic Review the meeting minutes of the last meeting
[08:19.59] <gvrangan> #action update the dates in trello - yet to complete
[08:20.11] <@hideyuki> #link light-vtn-weekly_meeting.2016-02-24-16.03.html the meeting minutes for the last meeting (02/24)
[08:20.18] <gvrangan> #action Bug 5330 Needs to be assigned and worked on priority - in progress
[08:20.41] <gvrangan> #info wee need to handle the disconnect event and delete the bridgefrom datastore
[08:21.14] <gvrangan> #action eryllium/81/ - Problem with flowfilter check Bug #5372 - under investigation
[08:23.27] <gvrangan> #info the flowfilter exists in VTN/Vbridge/Vbridge IF - we feel this is causing some prpoblem
[08:28.51] * gongysh (~gongysh@ has joined channel #opendaylight-vtn
[08:31.19] <gvrangan> #info hideyuki feels the implementation of global flag and failing the rest of cases to avoid delay is fine
[08:33.08] <gvrangan> #action Experimenting the idea of modifying keywords to check global flag and not execute cases
[08:34.41] <gvrangan> #action review CSIT tests to avoid flaky scenarios
[08:35.22] <gvrangan> #info modify keywords not to retry in the rest of cases when one case fails
[08:37.05] <gvrangan> #action to sync up with docs team for merge of vtn doc updates - Team has done stylecheck and mailed the community
[08:37.22] <gvrangan> #action The Openstack developere guide contents should be added as seperate patch - In progress
[08:37.35] <gvrangan> #action Planning the dev items for Boron - In progress
[08:37.58] <gvrangan> #action enable CSIT for VTN Coordinaotr in Master - high priority this week
[08:39.53] <gvrangan> #action please update the status of - discuss with docs team for further action
[08:40.27] <@hideyuki> #topic Check tasks on Trello
[08:56.10] <gvrangan> #info DDF discussion with OFPlugin team on the issues faced with Li Design
[08:56.29] <gvrangan> #info OFPlugin team offers some suggestions to solve the issue faced by VTN Project
[08:56.45] <gvrangan> #actoin Need to ensure the actions suggested are taken
[08:56.56] <@hideyuki> #undo
[08:57.12] <gvrangan> #action Need to follow up with ofplugin team to act on it.
[09:21.05] * hideyuki ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[09:43.11] * hideyuki (~hideyuki@ has joined channel #opendaylight-vtn
[09:43.51] <hideyuki> #endmeeting
[09:44.10] * ChanServ sets mode +o hideyuki for #opendaylight-vtn
[09:44.12] <@hideyuki> #endmeeting
[09:44.33] <@hideyuki> #endmeeting
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