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Forked from AtHeartEngineer/
Last active February 1, 2017 20:12
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# <a class="btn btn-default pull-right" href=""><i class="fa fa-git"></i> Download the gist here!</a>
# Py2Md started as a little project to do the magical "self documenting code". After thinking about it, I realized self documenting code is great, but it's really not the point.
# Commenting code properly, if only better, is the point.
# This script evolved from me wanting to code better. I often look at other peoples code, or even old code I've written, and it takes me a few minutes to even figure out what each section is doing.
# This will hopefully solve that, not only by forcing me to comment code better, but to publish my code with decent comments.
# This script reads in a python file (either itself, or anything it's
# imported into) and converts the python file into a markdown file. It
# does this by turning all the comments into markdown format, and turning
# all the code into markdown code blocks. It also removes the `import
# py2md` from the imports list so it doesn't throw off any readers.
# Things I still need to do:
# * Block comments `'''` to markdown (shouldn't be hard)
# * Inline comments that happen after code (still undecided about this one)
# * Refactor
# * Try/Except statements to catch possible errors
# * Options for things like ReStructuredText
# * Options for different flavors of markdown
# * Automatic git add/commit/push and link the repo at the bottom (or top)
# * Or gist maybe?
# Imports
import __main__ as main
import datetime
from time import strftime
import os
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
# Global Variables
pelican = True
path = '/Users/ts/Dropbox/Workspace/Websites/'
# Auto config stuffs
dtg = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') # date time group
target = main.__file__ # The filename of the python file running
filename = str(path + str(target.split('.py')[0]) + '.md') # replaces the .py extension with a .md extension
metadata_file = str(path + str(target.split('.py')[0]) + '.metadata') # replaces the .py extension with a .metadata extension
# This reads in the current file being run
def ReadIn(file_to_open=target):
with open(file_to_open, 'r') as f: # Read in file
return f.readlines()
# Cleans it up some, removing line breaks
def Clean(content):
for line in content:
if line.rstrip():
yield line.rstrip()
# Converts to Markdown Format and does code fencing (blocks)
def Convert2Markdown(code):
start = '\n<div class="highlight"><pre>' # Start of codeblock
end = '</pre></div>\n' # End of codeblock
markdown = []
in_code_block = False
for codeline in code:
line = codeline.strip()
if line[0:2] == '#!': # Strips env
print('removing environmental variable line')
elif line[0:14] == '# coding=utf-8': # Strips encoding
print('removing encoding line')
elif line[0:2] == '# ': # Finds code comments
if in_code_block == True:
markdown.append(line.split('# ')[1])
in_code_block = False
elif line[0] == '#': # Finds code comments
if in_code_block == True:
in_code_block = False
elif line[0:12] == 'import py2md':
print('removing import py2md from import list')
if in_code_block == False and pelican == True:
pyg = str('<span class="codeline">' + highlight(codeline, PythonLexer(), HtmlFormatter())[28:-13].strip('\n') + '</span>').strip('\n')
in_code_block = True
return markdown
# Adds Article headers for Pelican. If the article already exists, then it
# will load the metadata in from the previous version and update it with a
# "Modified" date time group, that way it will keep previous metadata and
# the previous post date.
def PelicanArticle(markdown):
metadata = {}
metadata['Title'] = 'Title: ' + target.split('.py')[0]
metadata['Date'] = 'Date: ' + dtg
metadata['Tags'] = 'Tags: python'
metadata['Category'] = 'Category: python'
metadata['Authors'] = 'Authors: Tyler Shaw'
metadata['Modified'] = ''
if os.path.isfile(metadata_file):
md = Clean(ReadIn(metadata_file))
for line in md:
key = line.split(':')[0]
value = line
metadata[key] = value
metadata['Modified'] = 'Modified: ' + dtg
article = []
Write2File(article, metadata_file)
for line in markdown:
return article
# Writes markdown to a file
def Write2File(markdown, file):
with open(file, 'w') as f:
for line in markdown:
f.write(line) # python will convert \n to os.linesep
# Runs everything
def py2md():
me = ReadIn()
cleaned = Clean(me)
converted = Convert2Markdown(cleaned)
if pelican:
converted = PelicanArticle(converted)
Write2File(converted, filename)
print("Exported Markdown")
# <a class="btn btn-default pull-right" href=""><i class="fa fa-git"></i> Download the gist here!</a>
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