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Created October 23, 2020 14:11
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Create closures in Python without default arguments
import dis
from typing import Iterable, TypeVar, Any
from import Callable
from types import CodeType
F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable)
def extract_mapping(names: tuple[str, ...], mapping: dict[str, int]) -> dict[int, int]:
return {names.index(k): v for k, v in mapping.items() if k in names}
LOAD_CONST = dis.opmap['LOAD_CONST']
def new_opcodes(code: CodeType, global_overrides: dict[int, int], enclosing_overrides: dict[int, int]) -> Iterable[int]:
for opcode in dis.get_instructions(code):
if opcode.opname in ('LOAD_NAME', 'LOAD_GLOBAL') and opcode.arg in global_overrides:
yield global_overrides[opcode.arg]
elif opcode.opname == 'LOAD_DEREF' and opcode.arg in enclosing_overrides:
yield enclosing_overrides[opcode.arg]
yield opcode.opcode
yield opcode.arg or 0
def closure(**kwargs: Any) -> Callable[[F], F]:
def _closure(f: F) -> F:
code = f.__code__
constant_indexes = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(kwargs, len(code.co_consts))}
global_overrides = extract_mapping(code.co_names, constant_indexes)
enclosing_overrides = extract_mapping(code.co_cellvars + code.co_freevars, constant_indexes)
if __debug__:
unused = {k for k, v in constant_indexes.items() if v not in global_overrides.values() and v not in enclosing_overrides.values()}
assert not unused, f'some variables ({", ".join(unused)}) are defined but not used in the function {f.__qualname__}'
f.__code__ = code.replace(
co_consts=code.co_consts + tuple(kwargs.values()),
co_code=bytes(new_opcodes(code, global_overrides, enclosing_overrides)))
return f
return _closure
from closure_decorator import closure
l = []
for i in range(10):
def foo() -> None:
for z in l:
# prints 0 ... 9 instead of all nines!
# z(i=9) would have raised a type error
# allow **kwargs without conflicts:
def collect_some_args(**kwargs):
return collector_type(kwargs)
# prints {'collector_type': <class 'list'>}
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