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Created August 5, 2017 19:53
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Forecasting Vine Sales with XGBOOST algorithm
# Competition:
# This is a file to perform
# - xgboost model training (linear booster used)
# - predition on the imputed testing set, using the fitted xgboost model
# - preparation of a Kaggle submission file
# It is intended to run from a command line in a batch mode, using the Rscript command below:
# Rscript --vanilla code/xgboost.R data/train_imputed.csv data/test_imputed.csv 10 2 0.0001 1 data/xgboost_submission.csv code/config.R
# 8 arguments are required
# - input file name for imputed training data csv,
# - input file name for imputed testing data csv
# - nrounds - number of rounds in the xgboost search (integer)
# - depth - depth of boosting search (integer)
# - alpha - one of the linear booster-specific parameters (float)
# - lambda - one of the linear boster-specific parameters (float)
# - output file name for the result submission csv file (in a ready-for-Kaggle-upload format)
# - the configuration file of the solution in a format of R script module (please use config.R provided)
# Note: please refer to or other
# links in the comments below for more details on xgboost parameters
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if (!length(args) == 8) {
stop("Seven arguments must be supplied (input file name for inputed traing data csv,
input file name for imputed testing data csv,
split ration value (0..1), seed value,
output file name for Kaggle result submission csv,
solution configuration file 'code/config.R')", call.=FALSE)
fname_training_set <- args[1]
fname_testing_set <- args[2]
n.rounds <- args[3]
n.depth <- args[4]
n.alpha <- args[5]
n.lambda <- args[6]
fname_kaggle_submission <- args[7]
fname_config <- args[8]
source(fname_config) # import the config file as R source as it is the R source code indeed
# regression modeller - xgboost
# ref.:
xgboostRegressionModeller <- function (df.train, df.test, formula2verify,
nrounds=50, depth=14, alpha = 0.0001, lambda = 1) {
print(paste0("Running xgboost linear modeller"))
feature.names <- names(df.train)[2:ncol(df.train)-1]
# names(train) # 1934 variables
print(paste0("assuming text variables are categorical & replacing
them with numeric ids\n"))
for (f in feature.names) {
if (class(train[[f]])=="character") {
levels <- unique(c(df.train[[f]], df.test[[f]]))
df.train[[f]] <- as.integer(factor(df.train[[f]], levels=levels))
df.test[[f]] <- as.integer(factor(df.test[[f]], levels=levels))
split <- sample.split(df.train$TARGET, SplitRatio = 0.8)
# Create training and testing sets
qualityTrain <- subset(df.train, split == TRUE)
qualityVal <- subset(df.train, split == FALSE)
# make training matrix
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data.matrix(qualityTrain[,feature.names]),
# make validation matrix
dval <- xgb.DMatrix(data.matrix(qualityVal[,feature.names]),
watchlist <- list(eval = dval, train = dtrain)
param <- list( objective = "reg:linear",
booster = "gblinear",
eta = 0.001,
max_depth = depth, # changed from default of 6
subsample = 0.6,
colsample_bytree = 0.6,
eval_metric = "rmse",
alpha = alpha,
lambda = lambda
clf <- xgb.train( params = param,
data = dtrain,
nrounds = nrounds, # changed from 300
verbose = 2,
early.stop.round = 10,
watchlist = watchlist,
maximize = TRUE)
# predict
f.predict <- predict(clf, data.matrix(df.test[,feature.names]))
# read data
print(paste("Load data",Sys.time()))
train <- read.csv(fname_training_set)
test <- read.csv(fname_testing_set)
# basic split of test and train set by STARS provided or not
train1 <- subset(train, STARS == 0)
train2 <- subset(train, STARS > 0)
test1 <- subset(test, STARS == 0)
test2 <- subset(test, STARS > 0)
testIndex1 <- test1$INDEX
testIndex2 <- test2$INDEX
# prepare data for prediction
train1 <- select(train1, -INDEX, -STARS)
train2 <- select(train2, -INDEX)
test1 <- select(test1, -INDEX, -STARS)
test2 <- select(test2, -INDEX)
# fname_kaggle_submission <- args[7]
# train the models
print(paste("Train the models and make predictions",Sys.time()))
frm <- as.formula(TARGET ~ .)
predict1 <- xgboostRegressionModeller (train1, test1, frm,
nrounds = n.rounds, depth = n.depth, alpha = n.alpha, lambda = n.lambda)
predict2 <-xgboostRegressionModeller (train2, test2, frm,
nrounds = n.rounds, depth = n.depth, alpha = n.alpha, lambda = n.lambda)
# prepare submission
print(paste("Prepare submission file",Sys.time()))
df1 <- data.frame(INDEX = testIndex1, P_TARGET = predict1)
df2 <- data.frame(INDEX = testIndex2, P_TARGET = predict2)
MySubmission <- rbind(df1,df2)
write.csv(MySubmission, fname_kaggle_submission, row.names=FALSE)
print(paste("Finished data submission",Sys.time()))
print(paste("Elapsed Time:",(Sys.time() - strt)))
# That's all, folks!
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