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Created August 6, 2017 16:05
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Wine sales prediction: pipeline job batch file using DVC capabilities
# This is a DVC-based script to manage machine-learning pipeline for a project per
# clone the github repo with the code
git clone
# initialize DVC
$ dvc init
# import data
$ dvc import data/
$ dvc import data/
# run data pre-processing
$ dvc run Rscript --vanilla code/preprocessing.R data/wine.csv data/wine_test.csv data/training_imputed.csv data/testing_imputed.csv
# run LR model fit and forecasting
$ dvc run Rscript --vanilla code/LR.R data/training_imputed.csv data/testing_imputed.csv 0.7 825 data/submission_LR.csv code/config.R
# run GBM model fit and forecasting
$ dvc run Rscript --vanilla code/GBM.R data/training_imputed.csv data/testing_imputed.csv 5000 10 4 25 data/submission_GBM.csv code/config.R
# rum XGBOOST model fit and forecasting
$ dvc run Rscript --vanilla code/GBM.R data/training_imputed.csv data/testing_imputed.csv 1000 10 0.0001 1.0 data/submission_xgboost.csv code/config.R
# prepare ensemble submission
# Note: please make sure to edit your code/config.R to set up the references to the predictions from each model according
# to the names of output files on the steps above
$ dvc run Rscript --vanilla code/ensemble.R data/submission_ensemble.csv code/config.R
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