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Created August 6, 2017 15:24
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Ensemble Submission Script
# Competition:
# This is a file to perform
# - ensemble prediction based on 3 models fitted (LR, GBM, and xgboost)
# - preparation of a Kaggle submission file for the ensemble prediction
# It is intended to run from a command line in a batch mode, using the Rscript command below:
# Rscript --vanilla code/ensemble.R data/ensemble_submission.csv code/config.R
# 2 arguments are required
# - output file name for the result submission csv file (in a ready-for-Kaggle-upload format)
# - configuration file in R (setup of the ensemble implemented as R code module), which has to have
# the following variables assigned properly
# - run_ensemble <- 1 # if set to 0, the ensemble will not predict
# - model_predictions <- ["data/somefile.csv", "data/somefile2.csv", "data/somefile2.csv"]
# - n.models <- 3 # or any valid number matching the number of actual model predictions in the ensemble
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
if (!length(args)==2) {
stop("Two arguments must be supplied (input file name for ensemble configuration in R,
output file name for Kaggle result submission csv)", call.=FALSE)
fname_config <- args[1]
fname_kaggle_submission <- args[2]
# get ensemble components as defined in fname_config module
predictions <- c()
tIndex <- NULL # this is the vector of indexes of records in the test set - the same across all of the prediction files
for (prediction_fname in cfg_model_predictions) {
df <- read.csv(prediction_fname)
if (is.null(tIndex)) {
# read Indexes of records in the training
tIndex <- df$INDEX
pred <- df$P_TARGET # this is specific to a particular project we tackle
# append the dataframe with a particular prediction to the vector of dataframes with individual predictions
predictions <- c(predictions, pred)
#calculate ensemble prediction
ensemble_prediction <- NULL
total_weight <- 0
for (i in 1:length(predictions)) {
model_weight <- cfg_model_weights[i]
model_prediction <- predictions[i]
if (is.null(ensemble_prediction)) {
# the case of the first model prediction in the ensemble
ensemble_prediction <- model_prediction * model_weight
else {
ensemble_prediction <- ensemble_prediction + model_prediction * model_weight
total_weight <- total_weight + model_weight
# final ensemble prediction weightened
ensemble_prediction <- ensemble_prediction/total_weight
# prepare ensemble submission
print(paste("Prepare ensemble submission file",Sys.time()))
MySubmission <- data.frame(INDEX = tIndex, P_TARGET = ensemble_prediction)
write.csv(MySubmission, fname_kaggle_submission, row.names=FALSE)
print(paste("Finished creating the ensemble submission",Sys.time()))
print(paste("Elapsed Time:",(Sys.time() - strt)))
# That's all, folks!
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