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Created September 2, 2020 19:16
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Audio Feature Extraction from Audio Files using Librosa
def extract_feature_means(audio_file_path: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
# config settings
number_of_mfcc = c.NUMBER_OF_MFCC
# 1. Importing 1 file
y, sr = librosa.load(audio_file_path)
# Trim leading and trailing silence from an audio signal (silence before and after the actual audio)
signal, _ = librosa.effects.trim(y)
# 2. Fourier Transform
# Default FFT window size
n_fft = c.N_FFT # FFT window size
hop_length = c.HOP_LENGTH # number audio of frames between STFT columns (looks like a good default)
# Short-time Fourier transform (STFT)
d_audio = np.abs(librosa.stft(signal, n_fft=n_fft, hop_length=hop_length))
# 3. Spectrogram
# Convert an amplitude spectrogram to Decibels-scaled spectrogram.
db_audio = librosa.amplitude_to_db(d_audio, ref=np.max)
# 4. Create the Mel Spectrograms
s_audio = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(signal, sr=sr)
s_db_audio = librosa.amplitude_to_db(s_audio, ref=np.max)
# 5 Zero crossings
# #6. Harmonics and Perceptrual
# Note:
# Harmonics are characteristichs that represent the sound color
# Perceptrual shock wave represents the sound rhythm and emotion
y_harm, y_perc = librosa.effects.hpss(signal)
# 7. Spectral Centroid
# Note: Indicates where the ”centre of mass” for a sound is located and is calculated
# as the weighted mean of the frequencies present in the sound.
# Calculate the Spectral Centroids
spectral_centroids = librosa.feature.spectral_centroid(signal, sr=sr)[0]
spectral_centroids_delta =
spectral_centroids_accelerate =, order=2)
# spectral_centroid_feats = np.stack((spectral_centroids, delta, accelerate)) # (3, 64, xx)
# 8. Chroma Frequencies¶
# Note: Chroma features are an interesting and powerful representation
# for music audio in which the entire spectrum is projected onto 12 bins
# representing the 12 distinct semitones ( or chromas) of the musical octave.
# Increase or decrease hop_length to change how granular you want your data to be
hop_length = c.HOP_LENGTH
# Chromogram
chromagram = librosa.feature.chroma_stft(signal, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length)
# 9. Tempo BPM (beats per minute)¶
# Note: Dynamic programming beat tracker.
# Create Tempo BPM variable
tempo_y, _ = librosa.beat.beat_track(signal, sr=sr)
# 10. Spectral Rolloff
# Note: Is a measure of the shape of the signal. It represents the frequency below which a specified
# percentage of the total spectral energy(e.g. 85 %) lies.
# Spectral RollOff Vector
spectral_rolloff = librosa.feature.spectral_rolloff(signal, sr=sr)[0]
# spectral flux
onset_env = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y=signal, sr=sr)
# Spectral Bandwidth¶
# The spectral bandwidth is defined as the width of the band of light at one-half the peak
# maximum (or full width at half maximum [FWHM]) and is represented by the two vertical
# red lines and λSB on the wavelength axis.
spectral_bandwidth_2 = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(signal, sr=sr)[0]
spectral_bandwidth_3 = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(signal, sr=sr, p=3)[0]
spectral_bandwidth_4 = librosa.feature.spectral_bandwidth(signal, sr=sr, p=4)[0]
audio_features = {
"file_name": audio_file_path,
"zero_crossing_rate": np.mean(librosa.feature.zero_crossing_rate(signal)[0]),
"zero_crossings": np.sum(librosa.zero_crossings(signal, pad=False)),
"spectrogram": np.mean(db_audio[0]),
"mel_spectrogram": np.mean(s_db_audio[0]),
"harmonics": np.mean(y_harm),
"perceptual_shock_wave": np.mean(y_perc),
"spectral_centroids": np.mean(spectral_centroids),
"spectral_centroids_delta": np.mean(spectral_centroids_delta),
"spectral_centroids_accelerate": np.mean(spectral_centroids_accelerate),
"chroma1": np.mean(chromagram[0]),
"chroma2": np.mean(chromagram[1]),
"chroma3": np.mean(chromagram[2]),
"chroma4": np.mean(chromagram[3]),
"chroma5": np.mean(chromagram[4]),
"chroma6": np.mean(chromagram[5]),
"chroma7": np.mean(chromagram[6]),
"chroma8": np.mean(chromagram[7]),
"chroma9": np.mean(chromagram[8]),
"chroma10": np.mean(chromagram[9]),
"chroma11": np.mean(chromagram[10]),
"chroma12": np.mean(chromagram[11]),
"tempo_bpm": tempo_y,
"spectral_rolloff": np.mean(spectral_rolloff),
"spectral_flux": np.mean(onset_env),
"spectral_bandwidth_2": np.mean(spectral_bandwidth_2),
"spectral_bandwidth_3": np.mean(spectral_bandwidth_3),
"spectral_bandwidth_4": np.mean(spectral_bandwidth_4),
# extract mfcc feature
mfcc_df = extract_mfcc_feature_means(audio_file_path,
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=[audio_features])
df = pd.merge(df, mfcc_df, on='file_name')
return df
# librosa.feature.mfcc(signal)[0, 0]
def extract_mfcc_feature_means(audio_file_name: str,
signal: np.ndarray,
sample_rate: int,
number_of_mfcc: int) -> pd.DataFrame:
mfcc_alt = librosa.feature.mfcc(y=signal, sr=sample_rate,
delta =
accelerate =, order=2)
mfcc_features = {
"file_name": audio_file_name,
for i in range(0, number_of_mfcc):
# dict.update({'key3': 'geeks'})
# mfcc coefficient
key_name = "".join(['mfcc', str(i)])
mfcc_value = np.mean(mfcc_alt[i])
mfcc_features.update({key_name: mfcc_value})
# mfcc delta coefficient
key_name = "".join(['mfcc_delta_', str(i)])
mfcc_value = np.mean(delta[i])
mfcc_features.update({key_name: mfcc_value})
# mfcc accelerate coefficient
key_name = "".join(['mfcc_accelerate_', str(i)])
mfcc_value = np.mean(accelerate[i])
mfcc_features.update({key_name: mfcc_value})
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data=[mfcc_features])
return df
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what is C?? Thanks

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