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; This is the "Graph Editor" sample program for the Piccolo2D structured 2D
; graphics framework. It draws 50 circular nodes, then draws 50 lines
; (called "edges" in the code) between randomly selected nodes. On mouseover,
; nodes turn red. As you drag a node to a new position, the lines stretch and
; stay with the node.
; You can find the original Java program at
; (Click the "Java" hyperlink underneath the picture of the running program
; to get the Java source code used as the basis for this program.)
; You can find the same program with lots of debugging statements added, at
; ****************
; *IMPORTANT NOTE* This program does not represent good Clojure style, so
; ****************
; please don't write Clojure programs that imitate this style. My purpose in
; writing this program was to discover how to use Clojure to do tasks commonly
; FIND SOMETHING OF INTEREST IN THIS CODE. It is not at all obvious how to use
; gen-class, how to subclass an existing Java class, how to mix Java constructs
; with Clojure data structures, or how to add event handlers to a Swing-based
; Clojure program. Studying the two versions of this program will enable you to
; creates certain kinds of Clojure programs much faster and with much less
; frustration than would otherwise be possible. Enjoy!
; -- Gregg Williams
; (comments and feedback welcome: spamme AT-SIGN innerpaths PERIOD net)
(ns edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PCanvas.GraphEditor
(edu.umd.cs.piccolo PCanvas PLayer PNode PRoot)
(edu.umd.cs.piccolo.event PBasicInputEventHandler PDragEventHandler
PInputEvent PInputEventFilter)
(edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes PPath)
(edu.umd.cs.piccolo.util PBounds)
(java.awt Color Dimension Graphics2D)
(java.awt.event InputEvent MouseEvent)
(java.awt.geom Point2D)
(javax.swing JFrame)
(java.util ArrayList Random))
; The gen-class below dictates that edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PCanvas.GraphEditor
; be created as a full Java class. This can't be done using proxy because
; the GraphEditor class adds a new method, update-edge.
:extends edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PCanvas
:state state
:init init
:post-init GraphEditorInit
; the line below says that the constructor for this class takes two int
; arguments, while the constructor for its superclass, PCanvas, takes none.
:constructors {[int int] []}
:methods [ [update-edge [edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes.PPath] void] ]))
(defn -init
"Specifies arguments of class's constructor; returns
[ signature of superclass, value of state]."
[width height]
[[] { :num-nodes 50, :num-edges 50, :random (Random.) }])
(defn add-to-node
"Adds edge to the Java array \"edges\" attached to node."
[node edge]
(let [current-count (.getAttribute node "num-used")
(aset (.getAttribute node "edges") current-count edge)
(.addAttribute node "num-used" (inc current-count))))
(defn add-to-edge
"Adds node to the Java array \"nodes\" attached to edge."
[edge node]
(let [current-count (.getAttribute edge "num-used")
(aset (.getAttribute edge "nodes") current-count node)
(.addAttribute edge "num-used" (inc current-count))))
(defn -GraphEditorInit
"Post-initialization function that runs after superclass constructor
has executed. \"this\" refers to the new GraphEditor that has been created."
[this width height]
(.setPreferredSize this (Dimension. width height))
; first binding takes the values inside state of this instance of GraphEditor,
; assigns them to num-edges, num-nodes, and random
(let [{:keys [num-edges num-nodes random]} (.state this)
node-layer (.getLayer this)
edge-layer (PLayer.)
node-vector ; its value is on next line)
(loop [result [], x num-nodes]
(if (zero? x)
result ; returned if true
(recur (conj result (PPath/createEllipse
(.nextInt random width)
(.nextInt random height)
(dec x)))) ; returned if false
num-nodes-per-edge 2
seed-number 50
(defn install-node [node]
(.addChild node-layer node)
(.addAttribute node "edges" (make-array PPath num-edges))
(.addAttribute node "num-used" 0))
(defn install-edge [edge]
(.addChild edge-layer edge)
(.addAttribute edge "nodes" (make-array PPath num-nodes-per-edge))
(.addAttribute edge "num-used" 0))
(defn update-edge
"Draws this edge, either initially or after endpoint node has been moved."
(let [node1 (aget (.getAttribute edge "nodes") 0)
node2 (aget (.getAttribute edge "nodes") 1)
start (.. node1 getFullBoundsReference getCenter2D)
end (.. node2 getFullBoundsReference getCenter2D)]
(.reset edge)
(.moveTo edge (.getX start) (.getY start))
(.lineTo edge (.getX end) (.getY end))))
(.addChild (.getRoot this) edge-layer)
(.addLayer (.getCamera this) 0 edge-layer)
(doall (for [nv node-vector]
(install-node nv)))
(defn random-from-num-nodes
"Creates a vector of two random numbers in range 0 <= r < num-nodes.
Single argument is ignoredso that this fcn can be used by iterate."
(vector (.nextInt random num-nodes) (.nextInt random num-nodes)))
(defn not-equal? [pair]
(not= (nth pair 0) (nth pair 1)))
(defn process-edge-connecting-nodes
"Creates edge and connects it to two nodes given by indexes in pair."
(let [n1 (nth pair 0)
n2 (nth pair 1)
edge (PPath.)
node1 (.getChild node-layer n1)
node2 (.getChild node-layer n2)]
(install-edge edge)
(add-to-node node1 edge)
(add-to-node node2 edge)
(add-to-edge edge node1)
(add-to-edge edge node2)
(update-edge edge)))
; YAY--finally, a dollop of functional code! The "drop 1" drops the
; seed-number from the front of the infinite sequence, leaving only
; vectors, each containing two random numbers, in sequence.
; Without "(doall ... )", edges don't get drawn.
(let [random-pair-seq (drop 1 (iterate random-from-num-nodes seed-number))
node-pairs (take num-edges (filter not-equal? random-pair-seq))]
(doall (map process-edge-connecting-nodes node-pairs)))
; This is the Clojure code that implements the Java code starting with
; nodeLayer.addInputEventListener(new PDragEventHandler()...
; It implements the necessary mouse event handlers.
; Chunks of functionality have been moved around to accommodate how Clojure
; does things. In particular, "proxy [PDragEventHandler]..." is the Clojure
; idiom needed to at event handlers to a new instance of PDragEventHandler.
; This is then given the name custom-handler so that an event filter can be
; added to it before it is attached to node-layer.
; A lot of non-obvious stuff is going on here. Study this code and the
; original Java code if you want to avoid a lot of trial-and-error.
(let [filter (PInputEventFilter.)
custom-handler ; its value is on next line
(proxy [PDragEventHandler] []
(mouseEntered [e]
(proxy-super mouseEntered e)
(if (= (.getButton e) MouseEvent/NOBUTTON)
; couldn't get .. notation to work here, so leaving it as-is
(. (. e getPickedNode) setPaint Color/RED)))
(mouseExited [e]
(proxy-super mouseExited e)
(if (= (.getButton e) MouseEvent/NOBUTTON)
(. (. e getPickedNode) setPaint Color/WHITE)))
(startDrag [e]
(proxy-super startDrag e)
(.setHandled e true)
(. (. e getPickedNode) moveToFront))
(drag [e]
(proxy-super drag e)
(let [node (.getPickedNode e)
edges (.getAttribute node "edges")
num-used-limit (.getAttribute node "num-used")]
(loop [index 0]
(if (< index num-used-limit)
(update-edge (aget edges index))
(recur (inc index))))))))]
(.setOrMask filter (+ InputEvent/BUTTON1_MASK
(.setEventFilter custom-handler filter)
(.addInputEventListener node-layer custom-handler))))
; end of -GraphEditorInit
(defn -main
"Roughly corresponds to the Java code in"
(let [window (JFrame.)
ge (edu.umd.cs.piccolo.PCanvas.GraphEditor. 500 500)]
(doto window
(.setTitle "Piccolo Graphics Editor")
(.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame/EXIT_ON_CLOSE))
(.add (.getContentPane window) ge)
(doto window
(.setVisible true))))
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