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Created February 28, 2015 06:13
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my version of SICPDistilled/escher/core.clj: mostly completed, w/docstrings & refactoring for beginners
(ns escher.core
(require [quil.core :as q])
;; vector-manipulation primitives
(defn make-vec [x y]
[x y])
(defn add-vec [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[(+ x1 x2) (+ y1 y2)]
(defn sub-vec [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]
[(- x1 x2) (- y1 y2)]
(defn scale-vec [[x y] s]
[(* x s) (* y s)]
;; What is a frame?
;; A frame represents a transformation from one coordinate system
;; to another. The transformation described by:
;; {:origin [n1 n2], :e1 [n3 n4], :e2 [n5 n6]}
;; can express combinations of translation, scaling, shearing,
;; and reflection.
(defn frame-coord-map
"Returns function that maps [x y] relative to the frame
defined by origin (a vector to be interpreted as the point
describing the origin) and vectors e1 (x-axis), e2 (y-axis)--
see SICP, 2nd ed., page 183.
In this function, the frame describes the portion of the canvas
within which any untransformed picture will draw itself."
[{:keys [origin e1 e2]}]
(fn [[x y]]
(add-vec origin
(add-vec (scale-vec e1 x)
(scale-vec e2 y)))))
;; What is a picture?
;; A picture is a function that, when given a frame, knows how to
;; draw itself in that frame. As such, it hides its implementation
;; details.
;; This file defines two functions that draw pictures:
;; segment-painter: creates a picture from line segments
;; image-painter: creates a picture from a GIF image
;; Utilities for drawing simple graphics using line segments
(defn make-segment
"Represent a line segment as a vector of two vectors--e.g.,
[[0 0] [1 0]] represents a line from [0 0] to [1 0]."
[vec1 vec2]
[vec1 vec2])
(defn path
"Creates a seq of line-segments from a 'bare' list of points. Use to
draw a continuous line through the list of points--e.g.,
(path [[0 1] [0 0] [1 0]])
returns two line segments connecting the three points in sequence:
[ [[0 1] [0 0]] [[0 0] [1 0]] ]"
[& veclist]
(partition 2 1 veclist))
(def draw-line q/line)
;; for images drawn with line segments, this function returns
;; the picture (i.e., a function) that draws the desired image
(defn segment-painter
"Returns a picture that draws the given list of line segments.
Must execute within a Quil sketch."
; xform-pt is a function that maps a point to the given frame
(fn [frame]
(let [xform-pt (frame-coord-map frame)]
(doseq [[start end] segment-list]
(draw-line (xform-pt start) (xform-pt end))))))
(defn frame-painter [{:keys [origin e1 e2]}]
"Draws a parallelogram 'frame' based on origin and
vectors e1 and e2. Must execute within a Quil sketch.
(Used only to confirm minimal project functionality: in draw-image,
uncomment '(frame-painter frame1)' and evaluate the code
in this file.)"
(let [corner (add-vec origin (add-vec e1 e2))]
(draw-line origin (add-vec origin e1))
(draw-line origin (add-vec origin e2))
(draw-line (add-vec origin e2) corner)
(draw-line (add-vec origin e1) corner)))
(defn transform-picture
"Returns a transformed picture based on the values of origin,
e1, and e2, which together describe a transformation frame.
Note that the returned picture will draw itself inside a
different frame (frame2), which can be considered to be a
drawing frame. The coordinates of origin, e1, and e2 are
usually within the range [0 1]--i.e.,a unit square with
origin [0 0]. Coordinates > 1 will draw outside the drawing
[p origin e1 e2]
(fn [frame2]
(let [unit-sq-xform (frame-coord-map frame2)
new-origin (unit-sq-xform origin)]
(p {:origin new-origin
:e1 (sub-vec (unit-sq-xform e1) new-origin)
:e2 (sub-vec (unit-sq-xform e2) new-origin)}))))
;; basic transformations of a single picture
(defn flip-vert [p]
(transform-picture p [0 1] [1 1] [0 0]))
(defn flip-horiz [p]
(transform-picture p [1 0] [0 0] [1 1]))
(defn rotate [p]
(transform-picture p [1 0] [1 1] [0 0]))
(defn rotate180 [p]
(rotate (rotate p)))
(defn rotate270 [p]
(transform-picture p [0 1] [0 0] [1 1]))
;; transformations that combine 2 or 4 pictures into a new picture
(defn beside
"Returns a picture that, splitting its frame in half vertically, draws
p1 in the left half and p2 in the right half."
[p1 p2]
(let [split [0.5 0]
left (transform-picture p1 [0 0] split [0 1])
right (transform-picture p2 split [1 0] [0.5 1])]
(fn [frame]
(left frame)
(right frame))))
(defn below
"Returns a picture that, splitting its frame in half horizintally,
draws p1 in the top half and p2 in the bottom half."
[p1 p2]
(rotate (beside (rotate270 p1)
(rotate270 p2))))
(defn quartet
"Returns a picture that subdivides its frame into quarters and
draws p1-p4 in order, left-to-right and top-to-bottom."
[p1 p2 p3 p4]
(below (beside p1 p2)
(beside p3 p4)))
;; building-blocks for "goal" function, square-limit
#_(defn right-split [p n]
(if (= n 0)
(let [smaller (right-split p (dec n))]
(beside p (below smaller smaller)))))
#_(defn up-split [p n]
;; COMPLETE (Ex 2.44)
(defn split [f g]
"Higher-order function that allows the functions right-split
and left-split to be defined without duplicated code. (Hint:
define each function independently, then analyze the resulting
code to enable each function's redefinition in terms of the
two picture transformations f and g.)"
(fn self-fn [p n]
(if (= n 0)
(let [smaller (self-fn p (dec n))]
(f p (g smaller smaller))))))
(def right-split
"Returns a picture based on picture p and level-of-recursion n.
Draws p in the left half of the frame. Draws two copies of
(right-split p (- n 1)), stacked vertically, in the right half
of the frame. If n=0, draws p in the given frame."
(split beside below))
(def up-split
"Returns a picture based on picture p and level-of-recursion n.
Draws p in the top half of the frame. Draws two copies of
(right-split p (- n 1)), one to the right of the other, in the
bottom half of the frame. If n=0, draws p in the current frame."
(split below beside))
(defn corner-split
"Returns a picture based on picture p and level-of-recursion n.
Draws p in the upper-left quarter of frame. Draws two copies
of (right-split p (- n 1)) in upper-right quarter of frame.
Draws two copies of (top-split p (- n 1)) in the bottom-left
quarter of frame. Draws (corner-split p (- n 1)) in the bottom-
right quarter of frame. Wherever n=0, draws p in current frame."
[p n]
(if (= n 0)
(let [up (up-split p (dec n))
right (right-split p (dec n))
top-left (beside up up)
bottom-right (below right right)
corner (corner-split p (dec n))]
(beside (below p top-left)
(below bottom-right corner)))))
(defn square-of-four
"Returns a picture that subdivides its frame into quarters and
transforms the same picture p in four different ways, then
draws the results in order, left-to-right and top-to-bottom."
[tl tr
bl br]
(fn [p]
(let [top (beside (tl p) (tr p))
bottom (beside (bl p) (br p))]
(below top
(def combine-four (square-of-four rotate180
(defn square-limit
"Returns a picture that has a 2 x 2 block of p in the center, encircled
by n borders of picture p, with each successive version of p being
half the size of the one that it immediately surrounds."
[p n]
(combine-four (corner-split p n)))
;; Quil setup
;; In Quil, [0 0] is upper left corner of window.
;; Increasing x values move a point to the right.
;; Increasing y values move a point downward.
;; defines size of Quil window
(def width 600)
(def height 600)
;; origin, e1, and e2 (all 2-D vectors) define a frame.
;; Think of origin as a point, e1 as the x-axis, e2 as the y-axis.
(def whole-window {:origin [0 0]
:e1 [width 0]
:e2 [0 height]})
(def frame1 {:origin [200 50]
:e1 [200 100]
:e2 [150 200]})
(def frame2 {:origin [50 50]
:e1 [100 0]
:e2 [0 200]})
(defn draw
"Draws picture, using the entire Quil window."
(picture whole-window))
;; arrow: a picture that draws an arrow pointing toward the
;; top of the screen
(def length-delta 0.1)
(def arrow-dx 0.1)
(def arrow-dy 0.3)
(def a1 (make-vec 0.5 (- 1 length-delta)))
(def a2 (make-vec 0.5 length-delta))
(def shaft-segs (path a1 a2))
(def a3 (make-vec (- 0.5 arrow-dx) (+ arrow-dy length-delta)))
(def a4 (make-vec (+ 0.5 arrow-dx) (+ arrow-dy length-delta)))
(def head-segs (path a3 a2 a4))
(def arrow (segment-painter (concat shaft-segs head-segs)))
;; box: a picture that draws a square
(def box-segs
(path (make-vec 0 0) (make-vec 1 0)
(make-vec 1 1) (make-vec 0 1)
(make-vec 0 0)))
(def box
(segment-painter box-segs))
;; x: a picture that draws an "x" (as if from the vertices of 'box')
(def x-segs
(concat (path (make-vec 0 0) (make-vec 1 1))
(path (make-vec 1 0) (make-vec 0 1))))
(def x
(segment-painter x-segs))
;; diamond: a picture that draws a square for which one diagonal
;; is horizontal and the other is vertical
(def diamond-segs
(path (make-vec 0.5 0) (make-vec 1 0.5)
(make-vec 0.5 1) (make-vec 0 0.5)
(make-vec 0.5 0)))
(def diamond
(segment-painter diamond-segs))
;; diamond-x: a picture that draws both 'x' and 'diamond' (in
;; the same frame)
;; Note that you can use (concat path1 path2 ... pathN)
;; to combine multiple non-connected paths into a single
;; sequence of line segments (for use with segment-painter).
(def diamond-x
(segment-painter (concat diamond-segs x-segs)))
;; george: a "man" figure using line segments
(def p1 (make-vec 0 0.35))
(def p2 (make-vec 0.15 0.6))
(def p3 (make-vec 0.3 0.4))
(def p4 (make-vec 0.35 0.5))
(def p5 (make-vec 0.25 1.0))
(def p6 (make-vec 0.4 1.0))
(def p7 (make-vec 0.5 0.7))
(def p8 (make-vec 0.6 1.0))
(def p9 (make-vec 0.75 1.0))
(def p10 (make-vec 0.6 0.55))
(def p11 (make-vec 1 0.85))
(def p12 (make-vec 1 0.65))
(def p13 (make-vec 0.75 0.35))
(def p14 (make-vec 0.6 0.35))
(def p15 (make-vec 0.65 0.15))
(def p16 (make-vec 0.6 0))
(def p17 (make-vec 0.4 0))
(def p18 (make-vec 0.35 0.15))
(def p19 (make-vec 0.4 0.35))
(def p20 (make-vec 0.3 0.35))
(def p21 (make-vec 0.15 0.4))
(def p22 (make-vec 0.0 0.15))
;; draws a small square in the upper left corner
;(def p23 (make-vec 0.0 0.0))
;(def p24 (make-vec 0.03 0.0))
;(def p25 (make-vec 0.03 0.03))
;(def p26 (make-vec 0.0 0.03))
;; draws a slightly larger square in the lower right corner
;(def p27 (make-vec 1 1))
;(def p28 (make-vec 0.94 1))
;(def p29 (make-vec 0.94 0.94))
;(def p30 (make-vec 1 0.94))
(def george-segs
(path p1 p2 p3 p4 p5)
(path p6 p7 p8)
(path p9 p10 p11)
(path p12 p13 p14 p15 p16)
(path p17 p18 p19 p20 p21 p22)
; (path p23 p24 p25 p26 p23) ; dot for origin
; (path p27 p28 p29 p30 p27) ; larger dot for opposite corner
(def george (segment-painter george-segs))
; unused by other code, as far as I can tell
(def diag (segment-painter [[[0 0] [1 1]]]))
;; for images drawn with GIFs and JPGs, this function returns
;; the picture (i.e., a function) that draws the desired image
;; (This function needs to be completed. People have found
;; the following URLs helpful:
;; )
(defn image-painter [img]
(fn [{[ox oy] :origin
[e1x e1y] :e1
[e2x e2y] :e2
(let [width (.width img)
height (.height img)]
(defn draw-pictures
"'Container' for executing drawing(s) within a Quil sketch.
Experiment by uncommenting one or more lines, or add your own."
(let [man (image-painter (q/load-image "data/man.gif"))
bruce (image-painter (q/load-image "data/bruce.jpg"))
angels (image-painter (q/load-image "data/angels.jpg"))]
(q/background 255)
;; (frame-painter frame1)
;; (draw x)
;; (draw box)
;; (george frame2)
;; (draw (rotate george))
;; (draw (flip-horiz george))
;; (draw (beside box box))
;; (draw (combine-four george))
;; (draw (beside (below george george)
;; (flip-horiz (below george george))))
;; (draw (below (beside george (flip-horiz george))
;; (beside george (flip-horiz george))))
;; (draw ((square-of-four identity flip-vert
;; flip-horiz rotate)
;; george))
(draw (square-limit george 3))
; these pictures need image-painter to be implemented
;; (bruce frame1)
;; (bruce frame2)
;; (draw (beside george bruce))
;; (draw (corner-split bruce 4))
;; (draw (square-limit bruce 3))
;; (draw (beside bruce (below bruce
;; george)))
;; this is the code that sets the size of the Quil window and
;; causes draw-pictures to be executed
(q/defsketch escher
:title "Escher"
:draw draw-pictures
:size [width height])
(defn -main [])
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I thought below shoulb better be called above so arguments read from top to bottom.

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