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Forked from salim-b/export_plotly2SVG.R
Created September 14, 2018 11:52
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R function to export Plotly graphs as static SVG (and optionally PDF and PNG) images.
# Remarks:
# The export is done using the automated testing framework [Selenium](https://
# which results in opening a browser window
# (Google Chrome) that might has to be closed by hand. Other than Plotly's
# own `export()` function this one also allows to set the `width` and `height`
# of the exported plot (in the former it's hardcoded to 800x600 pixels). If
# `incl_PDF_copy`/`incl_PNG_copy` is set to `TRUE`, the exported SVG additionally
# gets converted to a PDF/PNG using the R package [`rsvg`](
# jeroen/rsvg/tree/40576ac326621b40224db344b09158f4ff717433) which relies on
# [`librsvg`]( On Linux distributions
# the development package of `librsvg` must be installed. On macOS the required
# dependency (`librsvg`) can be installed using [Homebrew](
# Optional PNG auto-cropping is done using the `imager` R package.
ensure_package <- Vectorize(
load = TRUE)
installed_packages <- rownames(installed.packages())
if ( !(package %in% installed_packages) )
repos = "")
if ( load ) library(package, character.only = TRUE)
export_plotly2SVG <- function(plotly_graph,
filename = NULL,
parent_path = paste0(getwd(), "/output"),
width = 800,
height = 600,
remove_title = FALSE,
font_family = "Work Sans",
incl_PDF_copy = FALSE,
incl_PNG_copy = FALSE,
png_scaling_factor = 1.8,
autocrop_png = TRUE)
ensure_package(package = c("dplyr",
load = FALSE)
# remove trailing slash in `parent_path`
parent_path %<>% normalizePath()
# ensure `parent_path` exists
if ( !dir.exists(parent_path) ) dir.create(path = parent_path,
recursive = TRUE)
# generate sensible filename
if ( is.null(filename) )
auto_name <- deparse(substitute(plotly_graph))
filename <- dplyr::if_else(
condition = auto_name == ".",
true = "plotly_graph.svg",
false = paste0(deparse(substitute(plotly_graph)), ".svg")
} else
filename %<>%
stringr::str_replace(pattern = "([^\\.svg])$",
replacement = "\\1.svg")
filepath <- paste0(parent_path, "/", filename)
# delete old SVG file
if ( file.exists(filepath) )
unlink(x = filepath)
if ( remove_title )
plotly_graph %<>%
plotly::layout(title = "",
margin = list(t = 0))
if ( !is.null(font_family) )
plotly_graph %<>%
plotly::layout(font = list(family = font_family))
# temporarily export plot to a HTML file
tempfile <- tempfile(pattern = "plotly_temp_",
tmpdir = parent_path,
fileext = ".html")
export_plotly2HTML(plotly_graph = plotly_graph,
filename = basename(tempfile),
parent_path = parent_path)
add = TRUE)
# get <div> ID of exported htmlwidget
htmlwidget_id <-
stringr::str_extract(string = readr::read_file(file = tempfile),
pattern = "(?<=<div id=\")htmlwidget-[^\"]+")
# initialize Chrome as RSelenium driver
selenium_driver <-
RSelenium::rsDriver(browser = "chrome",
extraCapabilities = list(
chromeOptions = list(
prefs = list(
"profile.default_content_settings.popups" = 0L,
"download.prompt_for_download" = FALSE,
"download.default_directory" = parent_path
verbose = FALSE)
# navigate to temporary HTML file
selenium_driver$client$navigate(url = paste0("file://", normalizePath(tempfile)))
# download plot as SVG using the native
# [`Plotly.downloadImage`]( function
script = paste0("Plotly.downloadImage(document.getElementById('", htmlwidget_id, "'), ",
"{format: 'svg', width: ", width, ", height: ", height, ", filename: '",
tools::file_path_sans_ext(x = filename), "'});"),
args = list(NULL)
# wait for SVG to be saved to disk
Sys.sleep(time = 1)
# convert to PDF
if ( incl_PDF_copy )
rsvg::rsvg_pdf(svg = filepath,
file = paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(parent_path), ".pdf"))
# convert to PNG
if ( incl_PNG_copy )
filepath_png <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(parent_path), ".png")
rsvg::rsvg_png(svg = filepath,
file = filepath_png,
width = png_scaling_factor * width,
height = png_scaling_factor * height)
if ( autocrop_png ) autocrop_png(path_to_png = filepath_png)
export_plotly2HTML <- function(plotly_graph,
filename = NULL,
parent_path = paste0(getwd(), "/output"),
selfcontained = FALSE,
libdir = "plotly_files",
disable_legend_toggling = NULL,
add_web_font = ",300,400,600,700")
ensure_package(package = c("checkmate",
load = FALSE)
# remove trailing slash in `parent_path`
parent_path %<>% normalizePath()
# ensure `parent_path` exists
if ( !dir.exists(parent_path) ) dir.create(path = parent_path,
recursive = TRUE)
# generate sensible filename
if ( is.null(filename) )
auto_name <- deparse(substitute(plotly_graph))
filename <- dplyr::if_else(
condition = auto_name == ".",
true = "plotly_graph.html",
false = paste0(deparse(substitute(plotly_graph)), ".html")
filepath <- paste0(parent_path, "/", filename)
widget = plotly_graph,
file = filepath,
selfcontained = selfcontained,
libdir = libdir
if ( !is.null(disable_legend_toggling) )
test_char <- checkmate::check_choice(x = disable_legend_toggling,
choices = "all")
test_num <- checkmate::check_numeric(x = disable_legend_toggling,
lower = 1,
upper = length(plotly_graph$x$attrs),
min.len = 1,
max.len = length(plotly_graph$x$attrs),
unique = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE,
all.missing = FALSE)
if ( !isTRUE(test_char) & !isTRUE(test_num) )
stop("Invalid argument provided: disable_legend_toggling\n",
ifelse(!isTRUE(test_char) & is.character(disable_legend_toggling),
paste0(test_char, ". Or alternatively can also be a vector of integers >= 1 and <= number of traces."),
ifelse(!isTRUE(test_num) & is.numeric(disable_legend_toggling),
paste0(test_num, ". Or alternatively can also be \"all\"."),
} else if ( isTRUE(test_char) )
css_rules <-
"/* hides the svg dom element that has the click handler responsible for toggling */",
".legend .traces .legendtoggle {",
" display: none;",
"/* just for presentation: shows the default cursor instead of the text cursor */",
".legend .traces .legendtext {",
" cursor: default;",
} else
disable_legend_toggling %<>% as.integer()
css_rules <-
"/* hides the svg dom element that has the click handler responsible for toggling */")
for ( i in disable_legend_toggling )
css_rules %<>%
c(paste0(".legend .groups:nth-of-type(", i, ") .legendtoggle",
dplyr::if_else(i == last(disable_legend_toggling),
" {",
","), " "))
css_rules %<>%
c(" display: none;",
"/* just for presentation: shows the default cursor instead of the text cursor */")
for ( i in disable_legend_toggling )
css_rules %<>%
c(paste0(".legend .groups:nth-of-type(", i, ") .legendtext",
dplyr::if_else(i == last(disable_legend_toggling),
" {",
","), " "))
css_rules %<>%
c(" cursor: default;",
# write modified .css file
plotly_dir <-
list.dirs(path = paste0(parent_path, "/", libdir),
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = FALSE) %>%
stringr::str_subset(pattern = "plotlyjs")
readr::read_lines(file = paste0(plotly_dir, "/plotly-htmlwidgets.css")) %>%
c(css_rules) %>%
readr::write_lines(path = paste0(plotly_dir, "/plotly_htmlwidgets_custom.css"),
append = FALSE)
# modify dependency path in HTML file
readr::read_file(file = filepath) %>%
stringr::str_replace(pattern = "plotly-htmlwidgets\\.css",
replacement = "plotly_htmlwidgets_custom.css") %>%
readr::write_file(path = filepath,
append = FALSE)
if ( !is.null(add_web_font) )
webfont_tag <-
"<link href=\"" %>%
paste0(checkmate::assert_character(x = add_web_font,
pattern = "^https?://\\w.*", = TRUE,
any.missing = FALSE,
all.missing = FALSE,
unique = TRUE)) %>%
paste0("\" rel=\"stylesheet\" />")
readr::read_file(file = filepath) %>%
stringr::str_replace(pattern = "<link href=",
replacement = paste0(webfont_tag, "\n<link href=")) %>%
readr::write_file(path = filepath,
append = FALSE)
autocrop_png <- function(path_to_png)
imager::load.image(file = path_to_png) %>%
imager::autocrop() %>%
imager::pad(nPix = 4,
axes = "xy",
pos = 0) %>%
imager::flatten.alpha() %>%
imager::save.image(file = path_to_png)
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