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Created May 3, 2019 00:59
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Dollar-sign style string interpolation in R6RS
;;; Usage:
;;; ($"some normal text: $with $identifiers substituted in by the $dollar-sign")
;;; ($"You can also $(embed full expressions)")
;;; ($"Because scheme has $very-inclusive-identifier.rules, $(this) is the same as $this")
;;; ($"However, if you have $(multiple items) inside the parentheticals, $multiple is called with $item as the argument")
;;; ($"A zero argument $((function)) will be called like that")
;;; ($"Yes, this means $(funcion call) and $((function call)) are the same")
(library (string-interpolation)
(export $ ->string)
(import (rnrs))
(define (->string x)
[(string? x) x]
[(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
[(number? x) (number->string x)]
[else (call-with-string-output-port
(lambda (p)
(display x p)))]))
(define-syntax $
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k str) (string? (syntax->datum #'str))
(let-values ([(in) (open-string-input-port (syntax->datum #'str))]
[(out get) (open-string-output-port)])
(define (loop char)
[(eof-object? char) (list (get))]
[(not (char=? char #\$))
(put-char out char)
(loop (get-char in))]
[(char=? (peek-char in) #\$)
(put-char out (get-char in))
(loop (get-char in))]
[else (let* ([s (get)]
[expr (read in)]
[expr^ (cond
[(not (pair? expr)) expr]
[(null? (cdr expr)) (car expr)]
[else expr])])
(cons* s #`(->string #,(datum->syntax #'k expr^))
(loop (get-char in))))]))
#`(string-append #,@(loop (get-char in))))])))
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