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Last active March 1, 2018 21:57
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allows defining functions with constraints on arguments as well as default values
(define iota
(fn ((count :: integer? exact? nonnegative?)
(start :: number? = 0)
(step :: number? = 1))
(if (zero? count)
(cons start
(iota (- count 1) (+ start step) step)))))
(define member
(fn (x
(lis :: (one-of pair? null?))
(compare :: procedure? = equal?))
((null? lis) #f)
((compare (car lis) x) lis)
(else (member x (cdr lis) compare)))))
(define string-copy
(fn ((str :: string?)
(start :: integer? exact? nonnegative? = 0)
(end :: integer? exact? nonnegative? = (string-length str)))
(substring str start end)))
(library (build-lambda)
(export build-lambda)
(import (rnrs) (rnrs enums) (rnrs base) (only (chezscheme) errorf))
(define (make-checks id check*)
(map (lambda (chk)
#`(unless (#,chk #,id)
(errorf #f "~a does not satisfy ~a" #,id '#,chk)))
(define (position-ok pre-opt? arg-list a)
(unless pre-opt?
(syntax-violation 'fn "required argument after optional" arg-list a)))
(define (literal=? stx sym)
(eq? (syntax->datum stx) sym))
(define (parse-args args)
(let loop ((arg* args) (pre-opt? #t) (req '()) (opt '()) (def '()) (checks '()))
(if (null? arg*)
(values req opt def checks)
(syntax-case (car arg*) ()
((a = val) (literal=? #'= '=)
(loop (cdr arg*) #f req #`(#,@opt a) #`(#,@def val) checks))
((a :: check?* ... = val) (and (literal=? #':: '::) (literal=? #'= '=))
(loop (cdr arg*) #f req #`(#,@opt a) #`(#,@def val) #`(#,@checks #,@(make-checks #'a #'(check?* ...)))))
((a :: check?* ...) (literal=? #':: '::)
(position-ok pre-opt? args #'a)
(loop (cdr arg*) #t #`(#,@req a) opt def #`(#,@checks #,@(make-checks #'a #'(check?* ...))))))
(a (identifier? #'a)
(position-ok pre-opt? args #'a)
(loop (cdr arg*) #t #`(#,@req a) opt def checks)))
(_ (syntax-violation 'fn "Improper argument list" args arg*))))))
(define (extract-arg-ids args)
(map (lambda (a)
(syntax-case a ()
((id _ ...) #'id)
(id #'id)))
(define (find-duplicates ls)
(let ((ht (make-hashtable symbol-hash symbol=?)))
(let loop ((ids ls) (dupes '()))
((null? ids) dupes)
((hashtable-contains? ht (car ids)) (loop (cdr ids) (cons (car ids) dupes)))
(else (hashtable-set! ht (car ids) #t) (loop (cdr ids) dupes))))))
(define (build-lambda arg-list rest body)
(let* ((ids (extract-arg-ids (if rest
(cons rest arg-list)
(dupes (find-duplicates (map syntax->datum ids))))
(for-each (lambda (id)
(unless (identifier? id)
(syntax-violation 'fn "Invalid identifier" #`(#,@arg-list . #,rest) id)))
(unless (null? dupes)
(syntax-violation 'fn "Duplicate identifiers in fn" #`(#,@arg-list . #,rest) dupes))
(let-values (((req opt def checks) (parse-args arg-list)))
(if (null? opt)
(if rest
#`(lambda (#,@req . #,rest) #,@checks #,@body)
#`(lambda #,req #,@checks #,@body))
#,(if rest
#`(lambda (#,@req #,@opt #,rest)
#,@checks #,@body)
#`(lambda (#,@req #,@opt)
#,@checks #,@body))))
#,@(let loop ((given req) (absent opt) (default def))
(if (null? absent)
(if rest
#`(((#,@given . #,rest) (self #,@given #,rest)))
#`((#,given (self #,@given))))
#`((#,given #,(if rest
#`(self #,@given #,@default '())
#`(self #,@given #,@default)))
#,@(loop #`(#,@given #,(car absent)) (cdr absent) (cdr default)))))))))))
(library (fn)
(export fn one-of all-of)
(import (rnrs) (build-lambda))
(define-syntax fn
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ a* b b* ...) (identifier? #'a*)
#'(lambda a* b b* ...))
((_ (a* ...) b b* ...)
(build-lambda #'(a* ...) #f #'(b b* ...)))
((_ (a* ... . rest) b b* ...) (identifier? #'rest)
(build-lambda #'(a* ...) #'rest #'(b b* ...))))))
(define (is-a test x)
(if (procedure? test)
(test x)
(equal? test x)))
(define (all-of . xs)
(lambda (x)
(let loop ((xs xs))
((null? xs) #t)
((is-a (car xs) x) (loop (cdr xs)))
(else #f)))))
(define (one-of . xs)
(lambda (x)
(let loop ((xs xs))
((null? xs) #f)
((is-a (car xs) x) #t)
(else (loop (cdr xs)))))))
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