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Created January 30, 2018 21:12
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(library (html)
(export html display-html)
(import (rnrs))
(define short-tags (make-enumeration '(br img link meta)))
(define (short-tag? t)
(enum-set-member? t short-tags))
(define (->string obj)
[(string? obj) obj]
[(eq? (if #f #f) obj) ""]
(lambda (p)
(display obj p)))]))
(define (alist->hashtable alist)
(let ([ht (make-hashtable equal-hash equal?)])
(lambda (x)
(hashtable-set! ht (car x) (cdr x)))
(define html-entity-escapes
(alist->hashtable '((#\< . "&lt;") (#\> . "&gt;") (#\& . "&amp;") (#\" . "&quot;") (#\' . "&apos;"))))
(define attr-string-escapes
(alist->hashtable '((#\\ . "\\\\") (#\' . "\\'"))))
(define (string-replace str replacements)
(define strlen (string-length str))
(define (escape i start)
[(= i strlen) (list (substring str start i))]
[(hashtable-ref replacements (string-ref str i) #f) =>
(lambda (rep)
(cons* (substring str start i) rep
(escape (+ i 1) (+ i 1))))]
[else (escape (+ i 1) start)]))
(apply string-append (escape 0 0)))
(define (attrs->string attrs)
(apply string-append
(lambda (attr)
(string-append " "
(->string (car attr)) "='"
(string-replace (->string (cdr attr)) attr-string-escapes) "'"))
(define join-strings
[(string-list) (join-strings string-list "")]
[(string-list sep)
[(null? string-list) ""]
[(null? (cdr string-list)) (car string-list)]
[else (string-append (car string-list) sep (join-strings (cdr string-list) sep))])]))
(define node->string
[(tag) (node->string tag '())]
[(tag attrs . children)
([attr-string (attrs->string attrs)]
[tag-string (symbol->string tag)])
(if (null? children)
(if (short-tag? tag)
(string-append "<" tag-string attr-string "/>")
(string-append "<" tag-string attr-string ">" "</" tag-string ">"))
(string-append "<" tag-string attr-string ">"
(apply string-append (map html children))
"</" tag-string attr-string ">")))]))
(define (html obj)
[(pair? obj) (apply node->string obj)]
[(string? obj) (string-replace obj html-entity-escapes)]
[(char? obj) (hashtable-ref html-entity-escapes obj (string obj))]
[else (->string obj)]))
(define (display-html title . body)
(display "Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\n\n")
`(html ()
(head ()
(title () ,title)
(meta ((charset . utf-8))))
(body () ,@body)))))
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