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Created January 8, 2020 18:30
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Windows 10 Upgrades - Test Custom Actions Script (Run during TS)
<# GARYTOWN.COM / @gwblok
Custom Actions in the Setup Process
This script creates each of the 6 batch files, along with associated powershell files.
It then populates the Batch file to call the PS File
It then populates the PS File with the command to create a time stamp.
Note, assumes several task sequence variables (SMSTS_BUILD & RegistryPath) as the location to write the data to
Goal: Confirm when the Scripts run and compare to other logs
#Setup TS Environement
$tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
$registryPath = "HKLM:\$($tsenv.Value("RegistryPath"))\$($tsenv.Value("SMSTS_Build"))" #Sets Registry Location
Write-Verbose "Not running in a task sequence."
$registryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WaaS\1909"
if (Test-Path -Path $registryPath){}
Else{New-Item -Path $registryPath}
$RunOncePath = "$($env:windir)\System32\update\runonce"
$RunPath = "$($env:windir)\System32\update\run"
#Custom Action Table (CA = CustomAction)
$RunScriptTable = @(
@{ Script = "CA_PreInstall"; BatFile = 'preinstall.cmd'; ps1file = 'preinstall.ps1';Type = 'RunOnce'; Path = "$RunOncePath"}
@{ Script = "CA_PreCommit"; BatFile = 'precommit.cmd'; ps1file = 'precommit.ps1'; Type = 'RunOnce'; Path = "$RunOncePath"}
@{ Script = "CA_Failure"; BatFile = 'failure.cmd'; ps1file = 'failure.ps1'; Type = 'RunOnce'; Path = "$RunOncePath"}
@{ Script = "CA_PreInstall"; BatFile = 'preinstall.cmd'; ps1file = 'preinstall.ps1'; Type = 'Run'; Path = "$RunPath"}
@{ Script = "CA_PreCommit"; BatFile = 'precommit.cmd'; ps1file = 'precommit.ps1'; Type = 'Run'; Path = "$RunPath"}
@{ Script = "CA_Failure"; BatFile = 'failure.cmd'; ps1file = 'failure.ps1'; Type = 'Run'; Path = "$RunPath"}
$ScriptGUID = New-Guid
ForEach ($RunScript in $RunScriptTable)
Write-Output $RunScript.Script
$BatFilePath = "$($RunScript.Path)\$($ScriptGUID)\$($RunScript.batFile)"
$PSFilePath = "$($RunScript.Path)\$($ScriptGUID)\$($RunScript.ps1File)"
#Create Batch File to Call PowerShell File
New-Item -Path $BatFilePath -ItemType File -Force
$CustomActionContent = New-Object system.text.stringbuilder
[void]$CustomActionContent.Append('%windir%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File')
[void]$CustomActionContent.Append(" $PSFilePath")
Add-Content -Path $BatFilePath -Value $CustomActionContent.ToString()
#Create PowerShell File to do actions
New-Item -Path $PSFilePath -ItemType File -Force
Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath '$TimeStamp = Get-Date -f s'
$CustomActionContentPS = New-Object system.text.stringbuilder
[void]$CustomActionContentPS.Append('$RegistryPath = ')
Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath -Value $CustomActionContentPS.ToString()
$CustomActionContentPS = New-Object system.text.stringbuilder
[void]$CustomActionContentPS.Append('$keyname = ')
Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath -Value $CustomActionContentPS.ToString()
Add-Content -Path $PSFilePath -Value 'New-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $keyname -Value $TimeStamp -Force'
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