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Forked from christophergandrud/Middle95HR.R
Created December 30, 2012 14:13
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# Use R to recreate part of QMV the relative non-proportional hazard estimation graph (fig 2) from Licht (2011)
# Updated to keep only the middle 95% of simulations
# Christopher Gandrud (
# 30 December 2012
#### Set Up ####
# Load required libraries
# Load Golub & Steunenberg (2007) Data
## Originally downloaded from
GS <- read.table("", header = TRUE)
# Create log time variable
GS$LT <- log(GS$end)
# Create natural log time interactions
GS$Lqmv <- LT * qmv
GS$Lqmvpostsea <- LT * qmvpostsea
GS$Lcoop <- LT * coop
GS$Lcodec <- LT * codec
GS$Lthatcher <- LT * thatcher
GS$Lbacklog <- LT * backlog
#### Run Cox PH Model ####
# Note, this model does not exactly match Licht (2011), but is pretty close
M1 <- coxph(Surv(begin, end, event) ~
qmv + qmvpostsea + qmvpostteu +
coop + codec + eu9 + eu10 + eu12 +
eu15 + thatcher + agenda + backlog +
Lqmv + Lqmvpostsea + Lcoop + Lcodec +
Lthatcher + Lbacklog,
data = GS,
ties = "efron")
#### Simulate Relative Hazards ####
# Create coefficient matrix
Coef <- matrix(M1$coefficients)
# Create variance-covariance matrix
VC <- vcov(M1)
# Simulate Using MSBVAR
Drawn <- rmultnorm(n = 1000, mu = Coef, vmat = VC)
#### Create Combined Coefficient ####
# Keep qmv and Lqmv
Drawn <- data.frame(Drawn[, c(1, 13)])
# Create Merge Variable (Simulation Number)
Drawn$ID <- 1:1000
# Create range of years over which the combined coefficient will be created
Range <- log(seq(from = 80, to = 2000, by = 15))
# Create Combined time interactionsCoefficient
TVSim <- outer(Drawn[,2], Range)
TVSim <- data.frame(melt(TVSim))
TVSim <- rename(TVSim, c(X1 = "ID", X2 = "Time", value = "TVR"))
# Merge in the non-time interacted coefficient and combine
TVSim <- merge(Drawn, TVSim, by = "ID")
TVSim$CCqmv <- TVSim$qmv + TVSim$TVR
#### Create Combined Relative Hazard ####
TVSim$HRqmv <- exp(TVSim$CCqmv)
# Order Variables by time
TVSim <- TVSim[order(TVSim$Time),]
# Drop bottom 2.5% of observations
TVSimPerc <- ddply(TVSim, .(Time), transform, Lower = HRqmv < quantile(HRqmv, c(0.025)))
# Drop top 2.5% of observations
TVSimPerc <- ddply(TVSimPerc, .(Time), transform, Upper = HRqmv > quantile(HRqmv, c(0.975)))
# Remove variables outside of the middle 95%
TVSimPerc <- subset(TVSimPerc, Lower == FALSE & Upper == FALSE)
#### Graph Simulated Combined Hazard Ratios ####
ggplot(TVSimPerc, aes(Time, HRqmv)) +
geom_point(shape = 21, alpha = I(0.01), colour = "#FA9FB5", size = 5) +
geom_smooth() +
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 1), linetype = "dotted") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(-1, 0, 1, 3, 6)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(0, 129), labels = c(80, 2000)) +
xlab("Time in Days") + ylab("Simulated QMV Relative Hazard\n") +
ggtitle("Simulated Relative Hazard for QMV from times 80-2000, middle 95%\n") +
theme_bw(base_size = 15)
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