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Created July 11, 2015 19:56
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Save gwijayas/dc7e85856860851728a5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This script can be used for generating PHP model for PDT.
* It builds PHP functions according to the loaded extensions in running PHP,
* using complementary information gathered from documentation
* @author Michael Spector <>
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.0.0") < 0) {
die ("This script requires PHP 5.0.0 or higher!\n");
$splitFiles = true;
$phpdocDir = null;
$phpDir = "php5";
if (strstr(phpversion(), "5.3")) {
$phpDir = "php5.3";
// Parse arguments:
$argv = $_SERVER["argv"];
$argv0 = array_shift ($argv);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($argv); ++$i) {
switch ($argv[$i]) {
case "-nosplit":
$splitFiles = false;
case "-help":
$phpdocDir = $argv[$i];
if (!$phpdocDir) {
$functionsDoc = parse_phpdoc_functions ($phpdocDir);
$classesDoc = parse_phpdoc_classes ($phpdocDir);
$constantsDoc = parse_phpdoc_constants ($phpdocDir);
$processedFunctions = array();
$processedClasses = array();
$processedConstants = array();
@mkdir ($phpDir);
if (!$splitFiles) {
$extensions = get_loaded_extensions();
foreach ($extensions as $extName) {
if ($splitFiles) {
print_extension (new ReflectionExtension ($extName));
if ($splitFiles) {
if ($splitFiles) {
$intFunctions = get_defined_functions();
foreach ($intFunctions["internal"] as $intFunction) {
if (!@$processedFunctions[strtolower($intFunction)]) {
print_function (new ReflectionFunction ($intFunction));
$intClasses = array_merge (get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
foreach ($intClasses as $intClass) {
if (!@$processedClasses[strtolower($intClass)]) {
print_class (new ReflectionClass ($intClass));
print "\n";
$constants = get_defined_constants(true);
$intConstants = $constants["internal"];
// add magic constants:
$intConstants['__FILE__'] = null;
$intConstants['__LINE__'] = null;
$intConstants['__CLASS__'] = null;
$intConstants['__FUNCTION__'] = null;
$intConstants['__METHOD__'] = null;
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.0") >= 0) {
$intConstants['__DIR__'] = null;
$intConstants['__NAMESPACE__'] = null;
foreach ($intConstants as $name => $value) {
if (!@$processedConstants[$name]) {
print_constant ($name, $value);
// Create .list file
$fp = fopen ("{$phpDir}/.list", "w");
foreach (glob("{$phpDir}/*.php") as $f) {
fwrite ($fp, basename($f));
fwrite ($fp, "\n");
echo 'Finished...';
// === Functions ===
* Makes generic key from given function name
* @param name string Function name
* @return string generic key
function make_funckey_from_str ($name) {
$name = str_replace ("->", "::", $name);
$name = str_replace ("()", "", $name);
$name = strtolower ($name);
return $name;
* Replaces all invalid charaters with '_' in PHP identifier
* @param name PHP identifier
* @return string PHP identifier with stripped invalid characters
function clean_php_identifier ($name) {
$name = preg_replace('/[^\$\w\_]+/', '_', $name);
return $name;
* Makes generic key from given function reference
* @param name ReflectionMethod function reference
* @return string generic key
function make_funckey_from_ref ($ref) {
if ($ref instanceof ReflectionMethod) {
$funckey = strtolower($ref->getDeclaringClass()->getName())."::".strtolower($ref->getName());
} else {
$funckey = strtolower($ref->getName());
return $funckey;
* Parses PHP documentation
* @param phpdocDir string documentation directory
* @return array Function information gathered from the documentation by parsing XML files
function parse_phpdoc_functions ($phpdocDir) {
$xml_files = array_merge (
glob ("{$phpdocDir}/reference/*/*/*.xml")
foreach ($xml_files as $xml_file) {
$xml = file_get_contents ($xml_file);
if (preg_match ('@<refentry.*?xml:id=["\'](.*?)["\'].*?>.*?<refname>(.*?)</refname>.*?<refpurpose>(.*?)</refpurpose>@s', $xml, $match)) {
$refname = make_funckey_from_str ($match[2]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['id'] = $match[1];
$functionsDoc[$refname]['quickref'] = trim($match[3]);
if (preg_match ('@<refsect1\s+role=["\']description["\']>(.*?)</refsect1>@s', $xml, $match)) {
$description = $match[1];
$function_alias = null;
$parameters = null;
$has_object_style = false;
if (preg_match ('@^(.*?)<classsynopsis>.*?<classname>(.*)</classname>.*?<methodsynopsis>.*?<type>(.*?)</type>.*?<methodname>(.*?)</methodname>(.*?)</methodsynopsis>.*?</classsynopsis>(.*)$@s', $description, $match)) {
$functionsDoc[$refname]['classname'] = trim($match[2]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['returntype'] = trim($match[3]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['methodname'] = trim($match[4]);
$parameters = $match[5];
$description = $match[1].$match[6];
$has_object_style = true;
if (preg_match ('@^(.*?)<classsynopsis>.*?<classname>(.*)</classname>.*?<constructorsynopsis>.*?<methodname>(.*?)</methodname>(.*?)</constructorsynopsis>.*?</classsynopsis>(.*)$@s', $description, $match)) {
$functionsDoc[$refname]['classname'] = trim($match[2]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['methodname'] = trim($match[3]);
$parameters = $match[4];
$description = $match[1].$match[5];
$has_object_style = true;
if (preg_match ('@<methodsynopsis>.*?<type>(.*?)</type>.*?<methodname>(.*?)</methodname>(.*?)</methodsynopsis>@s', $description, $match)) {
if ($has_object_style) {
$function_alias = trim($match[2]);
} else {
//For return type of simplexml_load_string and simplexml_load_file.
if(preg_match ('@<refsect1\s+role=["\']returnvalues["\']>(.*?)</refsect1>@s', $xml, $match1)){
$returnvalues = $match1[1];
if(preg_match ('@<type>object</type> of class <type>(.*?)</type>@s', $returnvalues, $match1)){
$functionsDoc[$refname]['returntype'] = trim($match1[1]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['returntype'] = trim($match[1]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['returntype'] = trim($match[1]);
$functionsDoc[$refname]['methodname'] = trim($match[2]);
$parameters = $match[3];
if ($parameters) {
if (preg_match_all ('@<methodparam\s*(.*?)>.*?<type>(.*?)</type>.*?<parameter\s*(.*?)>(.*?)</parameter>.*?</methodparam>@s', $parameters, $match)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); ++$i) {
$parameter = array (
'type' => trim($match[2][$i]),
'name' => clean_php_identifier(trim($match[4][$i])),
if (preg_match ('@choice=[\'"]opt[\'"]@', $match[1][$i])) {
$parameter['isoptional'] = true;
if (preg_match ('@role=[\'"]reference[\'"]@', $match[3][$i])) {
$parameter['isreference'] = true;
$functionsDoc[$refname]['parameters'][] = $parameter;
if (preg_match ('@<refsect1\s+role=["\']parameters["\']>(.*?)</refsect1>@s', $xml, $match)) {
$parameters = $match[1];
if (preg_match_all('@<varlistentry\s*.*?>.*?<parameter>(.*?)</parameter>.*?<listitem\s*.*?>(.*?)</listitem>.*?</varlistentry>@s', $parameters, $match)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count(@$functionsDoc[$refname]['parameters']); $j++) {
if ($match[1][$i] == $functionsDoc[$refname]['parameters'][$j]['name']) {
$functionsDoc[$refname]['parameters'][$j]['paramdoc'] = xml_to_phpdoc ($match[2][$i]);
if (preg_match ('@<refsect1\s+role=["\']returnvalues["\']>(.*?)</refsect1>@s', $xml, $match)) {
$returnvalues = $match[1];
if (preg_match ('@<para>\s*(Returns)?(.*)</para>?@s', $returnvalues, $match)) {
$functionsDoc[$refname]['returndoc'] = xml_to_phpdoc ($match[2]);
// Create information for function alias
if ($function_alias) {
$functionsDoc[$function_alias] = $functionsDoc[$refname];
return $functionsDoc;
* Parses PHP documentation
* @param phpdocDir string documentation directory
* @return array Class information gathered from the documentation by parsing XML files
function parse_phpdoc_classes ($phpdocDir) {
$xml_files = array_merge (
glob ("{$phpdocDir}/reference/*/reference.xml"),
glob ("{$phpdocDir}/reference/*/classes.xml"),
glob ("{$phpdocDir}/language/*/*.xml"),
glob ("{$phpdocDir}/language/*.xml")
global $fields_doc;
foreach ($xml_files as $xml_file) {
$xml = file_get_contents ($xml_file);
if (preg_match ('@xml:id=["\'](.*?)["\']@', $xml, $match)) {
$id = $match[1];
if (preg_match_all ('@<title><classname>(.*?)</classname></title>@', $xml, $match)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); ++$i) {
$class = $match[1][$i];
$refname = strtolower ($class);
$classesDoc[$refname]['id'] = $id;
$classesDoc[$refname]['name'] = $class;
if (preg_match ("@<title><classname>{$class}</classname></title>\s*<para>(.*?)</para>@s", $xml, $match2)) {
$classesDoc[$refname]['doc'] = xml_to_phpdoc($match2[1]);
//pass over class fields here
$fields_xml_file = array_merge (
glob ("{$phpdocDir}/reference/*/" . $refname . ".xml")
if($fields_xml_file[0] != null) {
$xml_field_data = file_get_contents ($fields_xml_file[0]);
if($xml_field_data != null) {
if(preg_match_all ('@<fieldsynopsis>((\w|\W|\s)*?)</fieldsynopsis>@', $xml_field_data, $fieldsynopsis_list)) {
foreach ($fieldsynopsis_list[1] as $fieldsynopsis) {
if(preg_match_all("@<varname\s*linkend=\"{$refname}.props.(.*?)\">(.*?)</varname>@", $fieldsynopsis, $varname)) {
$field_name = $varname[2][0];
$fields_doc[$refname][$field_name]['name'] = $field_name;
// <varlistentry xml:id="domdocument.props.formatoutput">
// <term><varname>formatOutput</varname></term>
// <listitem>
// <para>Nicely formats output with indentation and extra space.</para>
// </listitem>
// </varlistentry>
if (preg_match ("@<varlistentry.*?<term><varname>{$field_name}</varname></term>.*?<para>(.*?)</para>@s", $xml_field_data, $doc)) {
if(preg_match ("@<emphasis>Deprecated</emphasis>@s", $doc[1], $deprecated)) {
$fields_doc[$refname][$field_name]['deprecated'] = true;
}else {
$fields_doc[$refname][$field_name]['deprecated'] = false;
$fields_doc[$refname][$field_name]['doc'] = xml_to_phpdoc($doc[1]);
if(preg_match_all("@<modifier>(.*?)</modifier>@", $fieldsynopsis, $modifier_list)) {
foreach ($modifier_list[1] as $current_modifier) {
if($current_modifier == "readonly") {
}else {
$modifier = $current_modifier;
//go to the next field if not public ???
if($modifier == "private") {
$fields_doc[$refname][$field_name]['modifier'] = $modifier;
if(preg_match_all("@<type>(.*?)</type>@", $fieldsynopsis, $type)) {
$field_type = $type[1][0];
$fields_doc[$refname][$field_name]['type'] = $field_type;
return $classesDoc;
* Parses PHP documentation
* @param phpdocDir string documentation directory
* @return array Constant information gathered from the documentation by parsing XML files
function parse_phpdoc_constants ($phpdocDir) {
exec ("find ".addslashes($phpdocDir)." -name \"*constants.xml\"", $xml_files);
foreach ($xml_files as $xml_file) {
$xml = file_get_contents ($xml_file);
if (preg_match ('@xml:id=["\'](.*?)["\']@', $xml, $match)) {
$id = $match[1];
if (preg_match_all ('@<term>\s*<constant>([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)</constant>.*?</term>.*?<listitem>(.*?)</listitem>@s', $xml, $match)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); ++$i) {
$constant = $match[1][$i];
$constantsDoc[$constant]['id'] = $id;
$constantsDoc[$constant]['doc'] = xml_to_phpdoc($match[2][$i]);
if (preg_match_all (
'@<entry>\s*<constant>([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)</constant>.*?</entry>\s*<entry>\d+</entry>\s*<entry>(.*?)</entry>@s', $xml, $match)
|| preg_match_all ('@<entry>\s*<constant>([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)</constant>.*?</entry>\s*<entry>(.*?)</entry>@s', $xml, $match)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); ++$i) {
$constant = $match[1][$i];
$constantsDoc[$constant]['id'] = $id;
$constantsDoc[$constant]['doc'] = xml_to_phpdoc($match[2][$i]);
return $constantsDoc;
* Prints ReflectionExtension in format of PHP code
* @param extRef ReflectionExtension object
function print_extension ($extRef) {
print "\n// Start of {$extRef->getName()} v.{$extRef->getVersion()}\n";
// process classes:
$classesRef = $extRef->getClasses();
if (count ($classesRef) > 0) {
foreach ($classesRef as $classRef) {
print_class ($classRef);
// process functions
$funcsRef = $extRef->getFunctions();
if (count ($funcsRef) > 0) {
foreach ($funcsRef as $funcRef) {
print_function ($funcRef);
print "\n";
// process constants
$constsRef = $extRef->getConstants();
if (count ($constsRef) > 0) {
print_constants ($constsRef);
print "\n";
print "// End of {$extRef->getName()} v.{$extRef->getVersion()}\n";
* Prints ReflectionClass in format of PHP code
* @param classRef ReflectionClass object
* @param tabs integer[optional] number of tabs for indentation
function print_class ($classRef, $tabs = 0) {
global $processedClasses;
$processedClasses [strtolower($classRef->getName())] = true;
print "\n";
print_doccomment ($classRef, $tabs);
print_tabs ($tabs);
if ($classRef->isFinal()) print "final ";
print $classRef->isInterface() ? "interface " : "class ";
print clean_php_identifier($classRef->getName())." ";
// print out parent class
$parentClassRef = $classRef->getParentClass();
if ($parentClassRef) {
print "extends {$parentClassRef->getName()} ";
// print out interfaces
$interfacesRef = $classRef->getInterfaces();
if (count ($interfacesRef) > 0) {
print $classRef->isInterface() ? "extends " : "implements ";
$i = 0;
foreach ($interfacesRef as $interfaceRef) {
if ($i++ > 0) {
print ", ";
print "{$interfaceRef->getName()}";
print " {\n";
// process constants
$constsRef = $classRef->getConstants();
if (count ($constsRef) > 0) {
print_class_constants ($constsRef, $tabs + 1);
print "\n";
global $classesDoc;
// process properties
$propertiesRef = $classRef->getProperties();
if (count ($propertiesRef) > 0) {
foreach ($propertiesRef as $propertyRef) {
print_property ($propertyRef, $tabs + 1);
$printedFields[$propertyRef->getName()] = true;
print "\n";
$className = strtolower($classRef->getName());
if($className == "DomDocument") {
echo "DomDocument";
global $fields_doc;
if (@$fields_doc[$className]) {
$fields = @$fields_doc[$className];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if(!$printedFields[$field['name']]) {
//print doc here
$doc = $field['doc'];
if ($doc) {
print_tabs ($tabs + 1);
print "/**\n";
print_tabs ($tabs + 1);
print " * ".newline_to_phpdoc($doc, $tabs + 1)."\n";
print_tabs ($tabs + 1);
print " * @var ".$field['type']."\n";
if($field['deprecated'] == true) {
print_tabs ($tabs + 1);
print " * @deprecated "."\n";
print_Tabs ($tabs + 1);
$refname = strtolower($classRef->getName());
$class_url = make_url ("class." . $refname);
$field_name = strtolower($field['name']);
$field_url = $class_url . '#' . $className . ".props." . $field_name;
print " * @link {$field_url}\n";
print_tabs ($tabs + 1);
print " */\n";
print_tabs ($tabs + 1);
print implode(' ', array($field['modifier']));
print " ";
print "\${$field['name']};\n";
// process methods
$methodsRef = $classRef->getMethods();
if (count ($methodsRef) > 0) {
foreach ($methodsRef as $methodRef) {
print_function ($methodRef, $tabs + 1);
print "\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "}\n";
* Prints ReflectionProperty in format of PHP code
* @param propertyRef ReflectionProperty object
* @param tabs integer[optional] number of tabs for indentation
function print_property ($propertyRef, $tabs = 0) {
print_doccomment ($propertyRef, $tabs);
print_tabs ($tabs);
print_modifiers ($propertyRef);
print "\${$propertyRef->getName()};\n";
function print_function ($functionRef, $tabs = 0) {
global $functionsDoc;
global $processedFunctions;
$funckey = make_funckey_from_ref ($functionRef);
$processedFunctions[$funckey] = true;
print "\n";
print_doccomment ($functionRef, $tabs);
print_tabs ($tabs);
if (!($functionRef instanceof ReflectionFunction)) {
print_modifiers ($functionRef);
print "function ";
if ($functionRef->returnsReference()) {
print "&";
print "{$functionRef->getName()} (";
$parameters = @$functionsDoc[$funckey]['parameters'];
if ($parameters) {
print_parameters ($parameters);
} else {
print_parameters_ref ($functionRef->getParameters());
print ") {}\n";
* Prints ReflectionParameter in format of PHP code
* @param parameters array information from documentation
function print_parameters ($parameters) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
if ($parameter['name'] != "...") {
if ($i++ > 0) {
print ", ";
$type = $parameter['type'];
if ($type && (class_exists ($type) || $type == "array")) {
print "{$type} ";
if (@$parameter['isreference']) {
print "&";
print "\${$parameter['name']}";
if (@$parameter['isoptional']) {
if (@$parameter['defaultvalue']) {
$value = $parameter['defaultvalue'];
if (!is_numeric ($value)) {
$value = "'{$value}'";
print " = {$value}";
} else {
print " = null";
* Prints ReflectionParameter in format of PHP code
* @param paramsRef ReflectionParameter[] array of objects
function print_parameters_ref ($paramsRef) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($paramsRef as $paramRef) {
if ($paramRef->isArray()) {
print "array ";
} else {
if ($className = get_parameter_classname($paramRef)) {
print "{$className} ";
$name = $paramRef->getName() ? $paramRef->getName() : "var".($i+1);
if ($name != "...") {
if ($i++ > 0) {
print ", ";
if ($paramRef->isPassedByReference()) {
print "&";
print "\${$name}";
if ($paramRef->allowsNull()) {
print " = null";
} else if ($paramRef->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
$value = $paramRef->getDefaultValue();
if (!is_numeric ($value)) {
$value = "'{$value}'";
print " = {$value}";
* Prints constants in format of PHP code
* @param constants array containing constants, where key is a name of constant
* @param tabs integer[optional] number of tabs for indentation
function print_constants ($constants, $tabs = 0) {
foreach ($constants as $name => $value) {
print_constant ($name, $value, $tabs);
function print_constant ($name, $value = null, $tabs = 0) {
global $constantsDoc;
global $processedConstants;
$processedConstants [$name] = true;
if ($value === null) {
$value = @constant ($name);
$value = escape_const_value ($value);
$doc = @$constantsDoc[$name]['doc'];
if ($doc) {
print "\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "/**\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " * ".newline_to_phpdoc($doc, $tabs)."\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " * @link ".make_url($constantsDoc[$name]['id'])."\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " */\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "define ('{$name}', {$value});\n";
function escape_const_value ($value) {
if (is_resource($value)) {
$value = "\"${value}\"";
} else if (!is_numeric ($value) && !is_bool ($value) && $value !== null) {
if($value=== '\\'){
$value = '"'.addcslashes ($value, "\\\"\r\n\t").'"';
$value = '"'.addcslashes ($value, "\"\r\n\t").'"';
} else if ($value === null) {
$value = "null";
} else if ($value === false) {
$value = "false";
} else if ($value === true) {
$value = "true";
return $value;
* Prints class constants in format of PHP code
* @param constants array containing constants, where key is a name of constant
* @param tabs integer[optional] number of tabs for indentation
function print_class_constants ($constants, $tabs = 0) {
foreach ($constants as $name => $value) {
$value = escape_const_value ($value);
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "const {$name} = {$value};\n";
* Prints modifiers of reflection object in format of PHP code
* @param ref Reflection some reflection object
function print_modifiers ($ref) {
$modifiers = Reflection::getModifierNames ($ref->getModifiers());
if (count ($modifiers) > 0) {
print implode(' ', $modifiers);
print " ";
* Makes PHP Manual URL from the given ID
* @param id PHP Element ID
* @return URL
function make_url ($id) {
return "{$id}.php";
* Prints PHPDOC comment before specified reflection object
* @param ref Reflection some reflection object
* @param tabs integer[optional] number of tabs for indentation
function print_doccomment ($ref, $tabs = 0) {
global $functionsDoc;
global $classesDoc;
$docComment = $ref->getDocComment();
if ($docComment) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "{$docComment}\n";
else if ($ref instanceof ReflectionClass) {
$refname = strtolower($ref->getName());
if (@$classesDoc[$refname]) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "/**\n";
$doc = @$classesDoc[$refname]['doc'];
if ($doc) {
$doc = newline_to_phpdoc ($doc, $tabs);
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " * {$doc}\n";
if (@$classesDoc[$refname]['id']) {
print_Tabs ($tabs);
$url = make_url ("class." . $refname);
print " * @link {$url}\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " */\n";
else if ($ref instanceof ReflectionFunctionAbstract) {
$funckey = make_funckey_from_ref ($ref);
$returntype = @$functionsDoc[$funckey]['returntype'];
$desc = @$functionsDoc[$funckey]['quickref'];
$returndoc = newline_to_phpdoc (@$functionsDoc[$funckey]['returndoc'], $tabs);
$paramsRef = $ref->getParameters();
$parameters = @$functionsDoc[$funckey]['parameters'];
if ($desc || count ($paramsRef) > 0 || $parameters || $returntype) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
print "/**\n";
if ($desc) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " * {$desc}\n";
if (@$functionsDoc[$funckey]['id']) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
$url = make_url ($functionsDoc[$funckey]['id']);
print " * @link {$url}\n";
if ($parameters) {
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " * @param {$parameter['name']} {$parameter['type']}";
if (@$parameter['isoptional']) {
print "[optional]";
$paramdoc = newline_to_phpdoc (@$parameter['paramdoc'], $tabs);
print " {$paramdoc}";
print "\n";
} else {
$i = 0;
foreach ($paramsRef as $paramRef) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
$name = $paramRef->getName() ? $paramRef->getName() : "var".++$i;
print " * @param {$name}";
if ($className = get_parameter_classname($paramRef)) {
print " {$className}";
if ($paramRef->isArray()) {
print "[]";
if ($paramRef->isOptional()) {
print "[optional]";
print "\n";
if ($returntype) {
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " * @return {$returntype} {$returndoc}\n";
print_tabs ($tabs);
print " */\n";
} else if ($ref instanceof ReflectionProperty) {
//TODO complete phpdoc for fields detected by reflection
* Converts XML entities to human readable string for PHPDOC
* @param str string
* @return string
function xml_to_phpdoc ($str) {
$str = str_replace ("&return.success;", "Returns true on success or false on failure.", $str);
$str = str_replace ("&return.void;", "", $str);
$str = str_replace ("&true;", "true", $str);
$str = str_replace ("&false;", "false", $str);
$str = strip_tags_special ($str);
$str = preg_replace ("/ */", " ", $str);
$str = preg_replace ("/[\r\n][\t ]/", "\n", $str);
$str = trim ($str);
return $str;
* Converts newlines to PHPDOC prefixes in the given string
* @param str string
* @param tabs integer[optional] number of tabs for indentation
* @return string PHPDOC string
function newline_to_phpdoc ($str, $tabs = 0) {
$str = preg_replace ("@[\r\n]+@", "\n".str_repeat("\t", $tabs)." * ", $str);
return $str;
* Prints specified number of tabs
* @param tabs integer number of tabs to print
function print_tabs ($tabs) {
print str_repeat("\t", $tabs);
* Returns class name from given parameter reference, this method is a workaround
* for the case when exception is thrown from getClass() when such classname does not exist.
function get_parameter_classname(ReflectionParameter $paramRef) {
try {
if ($classRef = $paramRef->getClass()) {
return $classRef->getName();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if (preg_match('/Class (\w+) does not exist/', $e->getMessage(), $matches)) {
return $matches[1];
return null;
* Starts outputing to the new file
function begin_file_output() {
print "<?php\n";
* Ends outputing, and dumps the output to the specified file
* @param filename File to dump the output
function finish_file_output($filename) {
//if (file_exists ($filename)) {
// rename ($filename, "{$filename}.bak");
print "?>\n";
file_put_contents ($filename, ob_get_contents());
* Strips xml tags from the string like the standard strip_tags() function
* would do, but also translates some of the docbook tags (such as tables
* an paragraphs) to proper html tags
* @param str string
* @return string
function strip_tags_special ($str) {
// first mask and translate the tags to preseve
$str = preg_replace ("/<(\/?)table>/", "###($1table)###", $str);
$str = str_replace ("<row>", "###(tr valign=\"top\")###", $str);
$str = str_replace ("</row>", "###(/tr)###", $str);
$str = preg_replace ("/<(\/?)entry>/", "###($1td)###", $str);
$str = preg_replace ("/<(\/?)para>/", "###($1p)###", $str);
// now strip the remaining tags
$str = strip_tags ($str);
// and restore the translated ones
$str = str_replace ("###(", "<", $str);
$str = str_replace (")###", ">", $str);
return $str;
* Prints usage help to the screen, and exits from program
function show_help() {
global $argv0;
die (<<<EOF
USAGE: {$argv0} [options] < documentation directory>
Where options are:
-help Show this help.
-split Split output to different files (one file per PHP extension).
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