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Last active November 9, 2023 08:16
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// ==UserScript==
// @name 監理服務網 網路選號小助手
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author @gwokae
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// 參考資料:
const PLATE_RE = /(\S+)\-(\d+)/;
const badSum = [6, 18, 14, 16, 19, 22, 26, 29, 32];
const goodSum = [
1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 23, 24, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 45, 48,
const sumDesc = [
const suffixData = [
desc: '伏位代表等待、蓄勢待發、臥虎藏龍、財庫、狀況延續、忍耐等狀況含意。',
list: [11, 22, 33, 44, 66, 77, 88, 99],
color: 'green',
desc: '延年代表獨當一面、生命力意志力極強、綿綿不絶、大將之風、貴人偏財、領導者。',
list: [19, 91, 78, 87, 43, 34, 26, 62],
color: 'green',
desc: '生氣代表轉機、貴人相助、豁然開朗、生氣勃勃。',
list: [14, 41, 67, 76, 93, 39, 28, 82],
color: 'green',
desc: '天醫代表延壽、適當的醫療、財富、智慧。',
list: [13, 31, 68, 86, 94, 49, 72, 27],
color: 'green',
// bad
desc: '六煞代表人際關係不佳、感情不順利、桃花糾紛。',
list: [16, 61, 74, 47, 38, 83, 92, 29],
color: 'red',
desc: '絕命代表起伏波動大、非富即貧、大起大落及冒險行為。',
list: [12, 21, 69, 96, 84, 48, 37, 73],
color: 'red',
desc: '禍害代表身體病痛、口舌官非、意外及車關。',
list: [17, 71, 98, 89, 64, 46, 32, 23],
color: 'red',
desc: '五鬼代表小人糾纏、難以捉摸、不循正軌。',
list: [18, 81, 97, 79, 36, 63, 42, 24],
color: 'red',
function find(suffix) {
let result;
suffixData.forEach((item, idx) => {
if (result) return;
const i = item.list.indexOf(suffix);
if (i !== -1) result = item;
return result;
function execute() {
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div.number_cell > a')).forEach((el) => {
const { innerText: plate } = el;
const m = plate.match(PLATE_RE);
if (!m) {
const [, str, num] = m;
// 尾碼
const suffix = parseInt(num.slice(-2));
let suffixResult = find(suffix);
if (suffixResult) {
const prefix = parseInt(num.slice(0, -2));
el.innerHTML = `${str}-${prefix}<span style="color: ${suffixResult.color};" title="${suffixResult.desc}">${suffix}</span>`;
// 總和
const sum = Array.from(num).reduce((x, t) => {
return parseInt(t) + x;
}, 0);
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = `數字總和: ${sum}`;
if (badSum.includes(sum)) = 'color: red;';
else if (goodSum.includes(sum)) = 'color: green;';
div.title = sumDesc[sum - 1];
el.parentElement?.appendChild(div, el);
(function () {
'use strict';
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