##Run install_syncthing.sh
$ curl -s https://gist.githubusercontent.com/hdml/7b079c114d3e20bf69f1/raw/1cd3647b1db4f80726c145fba725e27993a7fcdb/install_syncthing.sh | sudo bash
Start syncthing
$ syncthing
Wait until you get something like:
write down this number or copy it if you SSH'd to your pi.
quit the operation using CTRL + C.
Change the config file so you can access the GUI from any PC within the network
$ nano ~/.config/syncthing/config.xml
<gui enabled="true" tls="false">
OPTIONAL: if you forward port 8384 (or any port you would like to use) on your router to you pi, you can access the GUI from anywhere in the world as long as you know you home(public) IP address. Make sure you use https and enable authentication!
Start the syncthing service
$ sudo service syncthing start
on a PC in the same network, go to the GUI and disable automatic updates. GUI -> Settings -> Disable Automatic updates hit save and restart syncthing.
If there's a new version of syncthing, use
$ sudo syncthing -upgrade
Then reboot the system.
$ sudo reboot
To remove syncthing use
$ sudo rm -r /opt/syncthing
$ sudo rm /usr/bin/syncthing
$ sudo rm -r /home/pi/.config/syncthing
$ sudo rm /etc/init.d/syncthing
optionally, delete any folder used with syncthing.