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Created December 31, 2020 19:07
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playing with tracy
name = "profiling_test"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["root <root@localhost>"]
edition = "2018"
profiling = "0.1"
tracy-client = { version = "0.10", optional = true }
#debug = true
profile-with-tracy = ["tracy-client", "profiling/profile-with-tracy"]
// file: src/
use std::env;
fn tree_s(level: i32, s0: String) -> i64 {
profiling::scope!(format!("bin_tree={}", level).as_str());
let mut s: String = s0.to_owned();
if level <= 0 {
println!("{}*", s);
return 1;
} else {
println!("{}.", s);
return tree_s(level-1, s.to_owned()) + tree_s(level-2, s);
fn tree(level: i32) -> i64 {
return tree_s(level, "|".to_string());
fn burn_time(millis: u128) {
let start_time = std::time::Instant::now();
loop {
if (std::time::Instant::now() - start_time).as_millis() > millis {
fn main() {
// Good to call this on any threads that are created to get clearer profiling results
//let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
println!("Hello, world!");
if let Some(arg1) = env::args().nth(1) {
println!("The first argument is {}", arg1);
let p: i32 = arg1.parse().expect("First argument is supposed to be small positive integer");
let r = tree(p);
println!("bintree({}): {}", p, r);
} else {
println!("Please provide integer as first argument");
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