Definition of S0929100 Cards for LabelWriter printers (including Dymo 450 LabelWriter), as this roll is missing in Linux Drivers (lw450.ppd and other .ppd files) and Macintosh dymo.ppd file. It's reconstructed by hand. I've send email to technical support, so let's work on this one until official specification for roll will arrive.
Please note you need to add each line to appropriate section in .ppd
file according to :
(On my systems, lw450.ppd files were located in /usr/share/cups/model/lw450.ppd
When I tried to apply patch below on dymo-cups-drivers-
), it turned out that there is already another definition of w144h252
# cupstestppd -W all /usr/share/cups/model/lw450.ppd | grep FAIL
/usr/share/cups/model/lw450.ppd: FAIL
**FAIL** Multiple occurrences of option PageRegion choice name w144h252.
**FAIL** Multiple occurrences of option PageSize choice name w144h252.
When I checked:
# grep w144h252 /usr/share/cups/model/lw450.ppd | grep PageRegion
*PageRegion w144h252/S0929100 Cards - Appointment Name Badge 51x89 mm : "<</PageSize[144 252]/ImagingBBox null/cupsInteger0 0>>setpagedevice"
*PageRegion w144h252/30374 Appointment Card: "<</PageSize[144 252]/ImagingBBox null/cupsInteger0 0>>setpagedevice"
It become clear, that Dymo did not provided information that S0929100
is same product as 30374
(most rolls have both codes on boxes, these have only one)!
After all, let's use 30374
definition, without patching driver, but let's use below as example of how to add custom page to ppd file.
Therefore, I've found that
Thanks it works great. Been spending days trying to figure out why this receipt printer keeps printing 6 inches between images.