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Created April 30, 2021 13:08
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Keybow RP2040 Moode player control deck with rainbow lights
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Sandy Macdonald
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# Adaptation from Sandy MacDonald Examples
# A simple example of how to set up a keymap and HID keyboard on Keybow 2040.
# You'll need to connect Keybow 2040 to a computer, as you would with a regular
# USB keyboard.
# Drop the file into your `lib` folder on your `CIRCUITPY` drive.
# NOTE! Requires the adafruit_hid CircuitPython library also!
import board
import math
from keybow2040 import Keybow2040, number_to_xy, hsv_to_rgb
import usb_hid
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
# Set up Keybow
i2c = board.I2C()
keybow = Keybow2040(i2c)
keys = keybow.keys
# Set up the keyboard and layout
keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(keyboard)
# A map of keycodes that will be mapped sequentially to each of the keys, 0-15
keymap = ["rad1",
"mpc toggle",
"mpc stop",
"mpc prev",
"mpc next",
# The colour to set the keys when pressed, yellow.
rgb = (255, 255, 255)
# Increment step to shift animation across keys.
step = 0
# Attach handler functions to all of the keys
for key in keys:
# A press handler that sends the keycode and turns on the LED
def press_handler(key):
keycode = keymap[key.number]
# A release handler that turns off the LED
# @keybow.on_release(key)
# def release_handler(key):
# key.led_off()
# Throw a CTRL +C when key is held
def hold_handler(key):
keyboard.send(Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.C)
while True:
# Always remember to call keybow.update()!
step += 1
for i in range(16):
# Convert the key number to an x/y coordinate to calculate the hue
# in a matrix style-y.
x, y = number_to_xy(i)
# Calculate the hue.
hue = (x + y + (step / 20)) / 8
hue = hue - int(hue)
hue = hue - math.floor(hue)
# Convert the hue to RGB values.
r, g, b = hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1, 1)
# Display it on the key!
keys[i].set_led(r, g, b)
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