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Created December 3, 2018 01:20
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Basic Dahua RPC wrapper
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Basic Dahua RPC wrapper.
from dahua_rpc import DahuaRpc
dahua = DahuaRpc(host="", username="admin", password="password")
# Get the current time on the device
# Set display to 4 grids with first view group
dahua.set_split(mode=4, view=1)
# Make a raw RPC request to get serial number
pip install requests
import sys
import hashlib
import requests
if (sys.version_info > (3, 0)):
unicode = str
class DahuaRpc(object):
def __init__(self, host, username, password): = host
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.s = requests.Session()
self.session_id = None = 0
def request(self, method, params=None, object_id=None, extra=None, url=None):
"""Make a RPC request.""" += 1
data = {'method': method, 'id':}
if params is not None:
data['params'] = params
if object_id:
data['object'] = object_id
if extra is not None:
if self.session_id:
data['session'] = self.session_id
if not url:
url = "http://{}/RPC2".format(
r =, json=data)
return r.json()
def login(self):
"""Dahua RPC login.
Reversed from rpcCore.js (login, getAuth & getAuthByType functions).
Also referenced:
# login1: get session, realm & random for real login
url = 'http://{}/RPC2_Login'.format(
method = "global.login"
params = {'userName': self.username,
'password': "",
'clientType': "Dahua3.0-Web3.0"}
r = self.request(method=method, params=params, url=url)
self.session_id = r['session']
realm = r['params']['realm']
random = r['params']['random']
# Password encryption algorithm
# Reversed from rpcCore.getAuthByType
pwd_phrase = self.username + ":" + realm + ":" + self.password
if isinstance(pwd_phrase, unicode):
pwd_phrase = pwd_phrase.encode('utf-8')
pwd_hash = hashlib.md5(pwd_phrase).hexdigest().upper()
pass_phrase = self.username + ':' + random + ':' + pwd_hash
if isinstance(pass_phrase, unicode):
pass_phrase = pass_phrase.encode('utf-8')
pass_hash = hashlib.md5(pass_phrase).hexdigest().upper()
# login2: the real login
params = {'userName': self.username,
'password': pass_hash,
'clientType': "Dahua3.0-Web3.0",
'authorityType': "Default",
'passwordType': "Default"}
r = self.request(method=method, params=params, url=url)
if r['result'] is False:
raise LoginError(str(r))
def set_config(self, params):
"""Set configurations."""
method = "configManager.setConfig"
r = self.request(method=method, params=params)
if r['result'] is False:
raise RequestError(str(r))
def reboot(self):
"""Reboot the device."""
# Get object id
method = "magicBox.factory.instance"
params = ""
r = self.request(method=method, params=params)
object_id = r['result']
# Reboot
method = "magicBox.reboot"
r = self.request(method=method, params=params, object_id=object_id)
if r['result'] is False:
raise RequestError(str(r))
def current_time(self):
"""Get the current time on the device."""
method = "global.getCurrentTime"
r = self.request(method=method)
if r['result'] is False:
raise RequestError(str(r))
return r['params']['time']
def ntp_sync(self, address, port, time_zone):
"""Synchronize time with NTP."""
# Get object id
method = "netApp.factory.instance"
params = ""
r = self.request(method=method, params=params)
object_id = r['result']
# NTP sync
method = "netApp.adjustTimeWithNTP"
params = {'Address': address, 'Port': port, 'TimeZone': time_zone}
r = self.request(method=method, params=params, object_id=object_id)
if r['result'] is False:
raise RequestError(str(r))
def get_split(self):
"""Get display split mode."""
# Get object id
method = "split.factory.instance"
params = {'channel': 0}
r = self.request(method=method, params=params)
object_id = r['result']
# Get split mode
method = "split.getMode"
params = ""
r = self.request(method=method, params=params, object_id=object_id)
if r['result'] is False:
raise RequestError(str(r))
mode = int(r['params']['mode'][5:])
view = int(r['params']['group']) + 1
return mode, view
def set_split(self, mode, view):
"""Set display split mode."""
if isinstance(mode, int):
mode = "Split{}".format(mode)
group = view - 1
# Get object id
method = "split.factory.instance"
params = {'channel': 0}
r = self.request(method=method, params=params)
object_id = r['result']
# Set split mode
method = "split.setMode"
params = {'displayType': "General",
'workMode': "Local",
'mode': mode,
'group': group}
r = self.request(method=method, params=params, object_id=object_id)
if r['result'] is False:
raise RequestError(str(r))
class LoginError(Exception):
class RequestError(Exception):
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gxfxyz commented Oct 23, 2021

Sorry @nicakp, I can't help you. I'm not familiar with these anymore, and life is too busy.

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